What Makes a Person Successful: Personal Narrative Essay

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For some reason (probably thanks to television and especially zealous 'gurus' of self-development), the refined image of a successful person is in the air. Such a person always gets up at 6 a.m., immediately begins to smile to lighten the mood, jumps out of bed, and does exercises. Then he squeezes a juicy orange into his glass and cooks oatmeal. Of course, he always has a glider on hand in order to make a to-do list for today and the next ten years, and the earpiece from which the affirmations are buried in his ear. That's right, yes? No, not really. There is nothing wrong with such an image, charging and planning have not hurt anyone yet. The problem is different. Many people perceive everything higher as unsolved attributes or even components of success. That is, in the opinion of many, a successful person observes the regime or tries to manage his time, not because he reasoned that such a way of life would help him become more efficient, but because a successful man should do it! Or: all successful people do it, so I need to! It is hardly necessary to prove that such a way of thinking is vicious and can lead to great disappointment. Let me remind a mockingly simple truth: a successful person is one who succeeds. Not the one who eats dietary oatmeal. Not the one who plans. Not someone who thinks positively or invests 10% of his income. Just the one who succeeded. So, what really makes a successful person?

First of all, balance and prudence. The ability to control oneself, to keep control over one's own emotions, not to lose one's own mind, without wasting energy on stupid quarrels, conflicts, and worries – all this makes a successful person.

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Secondly, objectivity. Understanding of real possibilities, honest assessment of one's shortcomings, merits. The correct attitude to defeat and victory. Obtaining a certain result. It is necessary to soberly evaluate all the factors that had an influence on them: successful people will not ‘hang their laurels’ on themselves for an achievement that does not depend on their efforts. Just as they would not reproach themselves for failure for reasons beyond their control. However, even a well-deserved victory (defeat) will not cause excessive emotions: this will be regarded as nothing more than the result of certain actions that had certain consequences. Successful people will not demand the impossible from themselves, at the same time knowing their abilities, they will not underestimate them, justifying inaction.

High performance also makes a successful person. Supported by the already obtained results, belief in oneself, and enthusiasm for the idea can multiply the effectiveness of the efforts made by man to achieve the goal.

Persistence in achieving the goal (not to be confused with stubbornness) and the ability to act steadfastly on the intended course, despite all difficult circumstances, doubts, and fears, are also very important.

Moral sustainability does not stand aside either. Even the thought of dishonest ways of earning income (bribes, theft, scams of various kinds) is repugnant to a successful person.

Flexibility in communication, that is, the ability to bypass the 'sharp corners' diplomacy, also makes a successful person.

And, of course, successful people are distinguished by a harmonious inner 'I'. They know what they deserve, and they are able to create warm friendships, love, and trust.

This is what I believe really makes a successful person.

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What Makes a Person Successful: Personal Narrative Essay. (2023, October 26). Edubirdie. Retrieved February 19, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-makes-a-person-successful-personal-narrative-essay/
“What Makes a Person Successful: Personal Narrative Essay.” Edubirdie, 26 Oct. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/what-makes-a-person-successful-personal-narrative-essay/
What Makes a Person Successful: Personal Narrative Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-makes-a-person-successful-personal-narrative-essay/> [Accessed 19 Feb. 2025].
What Makes a Person Successful: Personal Narrative Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Oct 26 [cited 2025 Feb 19]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/what-makes-a-person-successful-personal-narrative-essay/

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