Why Was Leonardo da Vinci Considered a Renaissance Man: Argumentative Essay

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Leonardo da Vinci was a man who was recognized mostly for his art, and his inventions that rivaled the others in Renaissance but he was also a man who divided his attention to so many other things, he couldn't finish and/or master any of those skills, he never supported anyone in his inventions and helped with war, this is why I believe he was not the most important or best person in the renaissance because of these main reasons.

My first argument was that he never used his ideas and/or actually played with them in real life and not in his drawings, an example is that of his Diving Suit drawn on a page in his book Code Atlanticus, he had drawn, but never made it in fear of it falling into the wrong hands, but how? How will they attack underwater? with swords? With guns? They can't cut the base of the ship underwater with weapons like that. Another invention was the helicopter he “made”, it was actually an inclined screw. in ListVerse it stated that he borrowed the design from a long-known Chinese kid's toy not knowing that it can only descend not ascend, he didn't comprehend aerodynamics.

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My second argument is that he never supported his people in any of his inventions, it was only either war, flight, and things that help with building. There isn't any invention about helping food, or medicine in any way, but da Vinci inventions, he created a portable bridge to help the military cross bridges easier which is still used today, a tank, and even a machine gun, all these things further worsen the world and not better it in any type at all, he even got hired as a military inventor for a family.

You could say that he was the perfect Renaissance man because he was a multi-skilled inventor, painter, and sculptor, even though he was all this, he never made a breakthrough in any of these types and make a mark in our life now. Not one in being an inventor, for all of those were ideas never worked when recreated now, sculptor when he tried to make a bronze horse then later gave up because he never figured out a way to cast it - list verse, painter when he tried to make a painting named “The Battle of Anghiari” Leonardo Da Vinci.net stated he used a plaster he read in a book and with the work. At 9’am it rained and with the humidity liquified the paste and tore his artwork and fell to the floor. You can almost say that every time he tried something, he would get bested by people in the next few decades or even in his time like Michelangelo and more people.

Leonardo Da Vinci was not Da best in the Renaissance, he never used his ideas and never tried to imprint them in real life, a man who never supported his people and made war inventions, and apparently a multi-skilled person who couldn't even do his own skills right, he isn't the perfect renaissance man, he was a man who stole, lied about his own things, would you want a man who can better your life, and amaze you with his talents? Or a man who solely wants nothing but money for himself.

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Why Was Leonardo da Vinci Considered a Renaissance Man: Argumentative Essay. (2023, August 29). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 14, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-was-leonardo-da-vinci-considered-a-renaissance-man-argumentative-essay/
“Why Was Leonardo da Vinci Considered a Renaissance Man: Argumentative Essay.” Edubirdie, 29 Aug. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/why-was-leonardo-da-vinci-considered-a-renaissance-man-argumentative-essay/
Why Was Leonardo da Vinci Considered a Renaissance Man: Argumentative Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-was-leonardo-da-vinci-considered-a-renaissance-man-argumentative-essay/> [Accessed 14 Sept. 2024].
Why Was Leonardo da Vinci Considered a Renaissance Man: Argumentative Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Aug 29 [cited 2024 Sept 14]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/why-was-leonardo-da-vinci-considered-a-renaissance-man-argumentative-essay/

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