Women Must Have Autonomy Over Their Bodies

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Abortion may be a questionable practice but could also be considered reasonable in cases where the mother is threatened or incest is clear. Women obtaining their rights has been an extended and continuous slow burn over the course of the globe, specifically within us. From now not being considered as property in marriages to having the correct to vote to obtain the correct to form decisions for his or her reproductive health, women have had to fight for much in terms of basic and sophisticated civil rights. One monumental fight that has gone on even within the face of legislation legalizing it's the correct to an abortion. Abortion may be a process performed worldwide and occurred even in earlier periods. When it involves things that run the gamut of human life, including abortion, fertility, conception, pregnancy, adoption, etc., citizens anywhere and everywhere are up in arms over what's considered right and wrong. the solution thereto is rooted in several individual factors: upbringing, culture, religion, history, moral code, etc. For some, life begins at birth and for others life begins at conception, thus rendering abortion murder if said life ends before getting the prospect to come back to fruition.

Anti-abortion laws are in situ to shield the rights of the unborn, whom opponents bear in mind to be an individual even as very much like the mother. These laws were met with even as much disdain from women’s rights and feminist movements who preferred for girls to be considered quite just humans who will be pregnant and would rather have the autonomy over a call like that. When women have autonomy over their bodies, it allows for kids to be brought into the globe on their own terms and into circumstances where the kid will be best-taken care of by his or her parent or parents. no matter the circumstances of conception, the correct to live is simply the maximum amount the mother’s because it is that the children. Obtaining an abortion may be a constitutional right—not a choice, but a right. The 14th Amendment to us Constitution declares that denying the correct to such may be a denial and violation of its group action Clause concerning a woman’s right to privacy and making decisions in camera. To balance women’s rights to privacy with state regulation, Roe v. Wade (1973) limited state regulation to the trimester of pregnancy, when abortions rarely happen except in situations that put the mother’s life in danger. the correct abortion is paramount to women who become mothers and kids have successful, positive, and enriching lives. Forcing women to either take the matter of abortions into their own hands puts both mother and child at risk; this was a standard occurrence when abortion was illegal within us where several women performed their own abortions risking serious illness and/or death. These “back alley” abortions that are self-induced, using bath soap, Dettol, and a boiled syringe (Lloyd, 1972, p. 354-5) can and did kill women due to legislation curious about protecting the correct of somebody not considered a legal person—in actuality—as hostile protecting the life and health of the mother, a living and breathing individual with all of the complexities and nuances of life.

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Abortion being ethical or moral may be a matter of opinion, as said before, and depends upon the beliefs and views of the person being asked. To me, abortion is moral, as a standard and legal process that's hardly different from the other. what's unethical, however, is children being born into the globe in improper situations to mothers who either cannot or don't want to require care of a baby. the matter that I perceive with abortion being considered wrong is that the incorrect belief that children are “precious, “miracles,” etc. Children are simply folks that we all once were, who require love and care to become the adults that keep life going. Children aren't miracles or gifts; nor should they be treated like punishments if a girl does fall pregnant. Treating an unwanted pregnancy as something that a girl should just accept for whatever reason doesn't make a productive life for that child. Pregnancy may be a consequence and might happen with or without contraceptive methods (the “with contraception” bearing on when contraception fails) and may not be treated as an unfortunate circumstance that has got to be taken in good spirits. It doesn't need to be.

Abortion may be a constitutional right endowed to women which right should be protected and maintained. In my opinion, the rights and lives of the born will always take precedence over the unborn. Without the previous, there's no latter. When the unborn is prioritized over the bear, it downplays the intense complications of even a low-risk pregnancy to the girl. Pregnancy is as common because it is dangerous and has physical and mental effects on the girl. Neglecting the intense risks, complications, and consequences of pregnancy in favor of who or what a fetus could become is nonsensical to me. Women having autonomy over their bodies is paramount to them becoming pregnant and cultivating life on their own terms—if they so choose. Politicizing the intimate experience of motherhood in favor of eschewing the mother to shield the kid is polarizing, divisive, and most of all dangerous for the cultivation and protection of human life.

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Women Must Have Autonomy Over Their Bodies. (2021, July 21). Edubirdie. Retrieved June 30, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/women-must-have-autonomy-over-their-bodies/
“Women Must Have Autonomy Over Their Bodies.” Edubirdie, 21 Jul. 2021, edubirdie.com/examples/women-must-have-autonomy-over-their-bodies/
Women Must Have Autonomy Over Their Bodies. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/women-must-have-autonomy-over-their-bodies/> [Accessed 30 Jun. 2024].
Women Must Have Autonomy Over Their Bodies [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2021 Jul 21 [cited 2024 Jun 30]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/women-must-have-autonomy-over-their-bodies/

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