1000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Do Undocumented Immigrants Provide Positive Or Negative Benefits?

Undocumented immigrants are a controversial issue within American citizens. An estimate of forty-five million immigrants lives in the United States. Most people, including the president, have spoken in public, indicating how undocumented immigrants cause trouble and negative benefits to the country. Other Americans believe that undocumented immigrants provide positive benefits and do not affect the country in a negative way. There are many perspectives and opinions in which Americans believe undocumented immigrants affect the country. Undocumented immigrants provide positive benefits...
2 Pages 953 Words

The Meaning Of Physical, Emotional And Spiritual Needs In Survival In The Book Life Of Pi

In the novel “Life of Pi” By Yann Martel, in order to survive his ordeal, Pi must meet his physical, emotional, and spiritual needs by focusing on each equally so he can hold onto his faith as well as keep his mind stable and his body nourished, as he is struggling for survival when stranded in the pacific ocean with a tiger. When Pi is forced to get off the ship, he is lucky enough to have a lifeboat, which...
2 Pages 1040 Words

School Uniforms Reduce and Prevent Bullying

School uniforms have brought out many discussions at school board meetings among staff and students. Many people might think that school uniforms are taking away students' and people’s rights. The uniforms are less expensive than any other shirt or clothing brand and that's why parents like uniforms. Students should be required to wear uniforms because it prevents bullying and it creates a safer school environment. First, uniforms prevent bullying in many schools. Uniforms have been proved that helps prevent students...
2 Pages 1004 Words

How Slavery In The US Impacts Racial Relations

All my life, I hated learning about slavery. It made me feel sick and uneasy, knowing how poorly innocent people were treated. Slavery gave power to the corupt and helped influence racism and racial sterotypes that we still see today. People were abducted from their home lands and forced to be slaves, forced to do things they didn’t want to do, and forced to abandon their culture and heritage. Although many believe that slavery is a thing of the past,...
2 Pages 1019 Words

Psychological Impact Of Breastfeeding On A Mother And A Child

Having a child is one of the most transformational events a person can undergo. It comes with a rally of new anxieties, surprises, problems and joys, to name a few. One of the many new skills that a new mother may choose is to breastfeed. It is a well-known fact that breastfeeding is the ‘gold-standard’ feeding method for new-borns, providing an optimally nutritious meal packed with developmental and immunologically advantageous substances. This is exemplified by the WHO and American Academy...
2 Pages 1020 Words

Simple Rules To Keep Your Vision Healthy

Introduction Human bodies are capable of doing amazing things every single day, which we often neglect. One of the most underestimated organs is the eyes. They are our window to the world yet a large number of people are not interested in how they work. This can lead to a misunderstanding and lack of knowledge about how to take proper care for them. In turn, this can have fatal consequences. If you finally have understood their importance and you want...
2 Pages 962 Words

Strategic Management: Managers And Other Staff Should Be Aware Of Their Roles In Company

A company’s activities in planning, monitoring, analysis, and assessment of its resources are its strategic management. Therefore, for such an organization to be profitable in the long run, its strategies need to change with the changing operating environment. As such, strategic management requires a company’s management team to be constantly aware of their internal and external changes to address them effectively. This paper will discuss the strategic management measures taken by Reyes Fitness Centers, Inc. In May 2009, John Reyes...
2 Pages 971 Words

Dyslexia Challenges In Education And Social Life

Is the world ready for you if you have a disability? Dyslexia is one of the learning challenges that are categorized within the disabilities. Learning challenges are not taken seriously the way it should be. In fact, it is a struggle for a dyslexic person to enroll in one of the schools. Furthermore, Diagnosing dyslexia in its early stages is quite challenging. There are enormous difficulties facing the dyslexic person and the people around him/her such as understanding the situation...
2 Pages 1030 Words

The Necessity Of Higher Education In Society Development

BRIEF INTRODUCTION Enthusiasm for Higher Education has enormously expanded all around the globe during the most recent 35 years. Creating nations acknowledge Higher Education as most significant methods for logical, innovative and mechanical advancement which is imperative for removal of neediness and improvement of prosperous social orders. For nations Higher Education is likewise the methods for modernizing their social orders and for creating profoundly instructed pioneers in varying backgrounds. NATURE AND NEED OF HIGHER EDUCATION: Higher education is perceived today...
2 Pages 985 Words

Emotional Intelligence In The Business Environment

The business environment has constantly changed and to enhance project results, and at the same time maximize the use of resources, it is essential and opportune for a project manager to recognize and apply the principles of Emotional Intelligence (EI). The project manager has to create an environment suitable for stakeholders to communicate clearly, handle challenges more effectively and make committed choices in order to act strategically and swiftly. To advance as a Project Manager requires understanding and mastery of...
2 Pages 994 Words

Universal Declaration Of Human Rights Based On The Film Dirty Nice Things

Discrimination is ubiquitous in life it will hurt you unknowingly and make you feel hopeless. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) guarantees the right to dignity and equality of fundamental human rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a valuable tool for explaining the discrimination against illegal immigrants depicted in the movie “Dirty Pretty Things” through the following articles: (article 3), (article 5), (article 11). The director Frears created “Dirty Pretty Things” to reveal the idea of...
2 Pages 967 Words

Satirical Literary Style Of Kurt Vonnegut In Harrison Bergeron

Many people want to know what could happen in the future. Well, Kurt Vonnegut is a American writer, he is known for writing his satirical literary style, as well as the science-fiction elements in his work of writing. The most known work of science -fiction is “Harrison Bergeron”, which is a short story of a dystopian future of society that is a also a satire short story about the future. But the most known in his writing is satire and...
2 Pages 1025 Words

The Ways Of Developing A Growth Mindset

Introduction Developing a growth mindset can help students set high expectations for themselves, focus on learning and understanding, and lead to a positive classroom environment that is encouraging and motivating. Developing a growth versus fixed mindset is one of the five beliefs that Ritchhart (2015) proposed to encourage setting high expectations for students. Ritchhart explained the research from Dweck that has found learners who believe talent, ability and intelligence are fixed are much more likely to give up when face...
2 Pages 1032 Words

Main Ideas In Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglass

Douglass’ experience with his few owners varied in different aspects, but everywhere he went there was always injustice. The way Douglass explains the behavior of his masters is with stories including specific details of the physical actions taken by his masters to him and to others. He goes into depth and paints a picture of what he saw through his own words. In his experience, his masters could be described as greedy, cruel, and evil. Frederick Douglass was born into...
2 Pages 984 Words

Polonium And Lung Cancer

Natural resources are simply the naturally occurring of resources where. People use these natural resources like water, woods, coals, lead, and many more in their daily lives for medical and construction purposes. This has benefited in the lives of many people and also has advanced in the evolution of the industries and modernization of the world. However, with the modernization and overexploitation of natural resources, it has affected the environment and human health in the past years. This evolution in...
2 Pages 1018 Words

Alice Walker’s Depiction Of The Importance Of Friendship In The Color Purple

The Color Purple by Alice Walker follows the hard plight of Celie. The story takes place in Georgia in the 1930s, during a time where intersectionality affected women of color. Celie was sexually assaulted by her step-father, forced to stop her schooling, and marry. After marriage, Celie continues to suffer and live an unfulfilling life in silence until she meets Shug Avery. Upon meeting Shug, Celie discovers the power of friendship through Nettie’s letters, Shug’s love, and Sofia’s courage. In...
2 Pages 1038 Words

Types And Reasons Of Unconscious Bias

It is natural It is unintended It can affect decisions It can be mitigated The surgeons dilemma, multiple mentions of man, boy his, all male orientated, and then a surgeon which historically has been a male dominated profession, all of which lead the mind away from the answer of the surgeon being the boy's mother. All the above point towards our brain making quick on the spot judgements automatically. Being able to mitigate these unconscious biases will enable us to...
2 Pages 1020 Words

A Cultural Gap Between The Generations Of Youth

For many youth cultures have changed over the generations, for parents and teens, the gap has grown even wider to some. Young people have faced similar challenges to each other, but each generation is unique and experiences situations that shape their attitudes and behaviors. However, when entering into any particular culture, although influences exist, it is still usually a conscious choice. A useful way to examine influences, on young people over time, is that of Strauss and Howe in their...
2 Pages 992 Words

Effectiveness Of Advertising To A Target Audience

Advertisements are everywhere. You see them on a magazine, billboard, television, radio stations, etc. They are found almost anywhere you look even though you do not realize it. Advertisements are meant to catch your attention and to appeal to your specific audience. There are many advertisements that are targeted at certain audiences and I have compared and saw how different an ad can be based on the age range a magazine is targeting. In this research I am using Southern...
2 Pages 1015 Words

Walmart’s Specific Failure In The UK

In order to understand the reasons for Walmart's failure in the UK, it is essential to mention the concept of strategic failure. The strategic management phase requires at least three responsibilities for the management: identifying, conducting and reviewing the applicable strategy (Santos, 2015). An organization can witness failure for many reason but the most common cause is related to inappropriate strategy execution, which is why implementation is sometimes described as a weaknesses of strategic management. Unfortunately, most company's strategic attempts...
2 Pages 986 Words

Cyber Bullying: Social Media Surveillance

Cyber bullying is a kind of bullying that is done through many places through which you are connected to the social world. It is done by the means of SMS, Online app, and by social media. Cyber bully is done by sharing, posting false content about someone who they want to bully. It can also include the sharing of personal information about a particular person causing them to be humiliated or to get embarrassed in front of everyone. Most teenagers...
2 Pages 1016 Words

Theme of Cinderella

The themes we will be analyzing are, “make the best out of every situation,” and “those who are truly kind-hearted will receive good fortune.” The two themes apply to actuality and are above board. The second theme is more engaging than the first considering it speaks a truth that most disregard or take for granted. The main character of the book, Cinderella’s Rat, is a small rat who’s accompanied by his sister, Ruth. Page 3 starts off the book with...
2 Pages 970 Words

How Critical Thinking Relates To Criminal Justice

In a variety of different careers, but not limited to Justice/Human services, critical thinking is crucial when trying to come up with an appropriate response to a situation, but not doing so can cause an array of problems. There are many examples across the world in which critical thinking was or was not actively used during a situation that needed more attention to detail. It's safe to say that critical thinking is an important skill to have when dealing with...
2 Pages 1036 Words

Developing The Observation Skill Of Budding Scientists

Science is about exploring, questioning and finding answers to the things happening around us. It enhances problem solving skills, creativity and critical thinking in students. These skills help them to develop ideas, evaluate decisions and arrive at a solution for a problem in their life. It also helps them to become socially responsible citizens. In order to develop these skills via Science, they have to observe what is happening around them. Observation and curiosity are the most important qualities that...
2 Pages 978 Words

The Modern Slavery As The Socioeconomic Reality

Introduction Modern slavery is present in all societies across the world, even if governments do not want to recognize it. Moreover, no citizen wants to think that the contemporary and civilized world in which they live is as bad as the middle ages in terms of people being force to do something just due to the fact that other person is coercing them to do so. Modern slavery does not exist for a lot of people because there is not...
2 Pages 991 Words

Mainstream Science Fiction And Black Marginalization

Throughout its history, science fiction is associated and dominated by white male writers, readers, editors, and protagonists (Salvaggio, 1984, p. 78). Carrington (2016) has used the expression “The Whiteness of Science Fiction” to refer to two things: first, “the overrepresentation of white people among the ranks of SF authors,” and second, to “the overrepresentation of white people’s experiences within SF texts” (p. 16). The white science fiction author, Edgar Rice Bourroughs has assumed that “White men have imagination, Negroes have...
2 Pages 989 Words

Twisted Characters And Symbolism In The Masque Of The Red Death

Edgar Allen Poe worked hard on his poems and stories which showed greatly in his work. Though many people believe his work, at first glance, is just nonsensical though behind the big words are deep meanings and connections they have towards us. Poe’s work has become timeless and a big part of the education system over the years. We still read Poe’s work for its depth and exploration of fear and horror and deep meaning behind several of his stories....
2 Pages 993 Words

4-days Studying Week And Extracurricular Activities

In the struggle to keep up with the increasing competition in the workforce, students are always on the move to attain and expand unique skills and faculties. Pressured to master the technicalities embedded in their chosen courses of study, the students also strive to hone personal and social abilities, which often achieves outside schooling. Since the way to achieve holistic growth is to immerse oneself not only in classroom discussions but also in extracurricular involvements, universities in the Philippines have...
2 Pages 991 Words

The Criteria Of Short Story On The Example Of Hills Like White Elephants

Short stories are known to go straight to the point, in other words there is no room for “sub-plotting,' “slowing developing tensions,' and for any kind of “byplay.” As it is stated in the Portable Literature: Reading, Reacting, and Writing, early on in history, short stories, being brief and having a theme, included anecdotes, parables, fables, folktales, and fairy tales. Within these types of stories, novelists had to use a short amount of word count to fit their whole story,...
2 Pages 1025 Words

The Meaning And Importance Of Plato's Allegory Of The Cave

The Allegory of the Cave is the story written by the Greek philosopher Plato, who was the founder of the Platonist school of academy and thought. He presented this story as the dialogues between two people. An allegory refers to a deeper meaning in this story everything is illustrating something else. In this story Plato, tells that most of us are living in world where all of us are covered with fake environment unknown to reality. In this essay, I...
2 Pages 1008 Words
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