1920's Gypsy Fashion Essay

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The fashion for men and women in the 1920s was one of the most influential, creative, and unique times. At first, fashion was dedicated to aristocrats and the affluent, but things changed when the middle class became a part of it. Fabrics and materials were becoming affordable and people were creating new garments in the comfort of their own homes. Many different styles were flowing through the streets because some people were craving change, while others didn’t want it at all. Nowadays, fashion presents a person’s figure and curvy silhouettes, but during the 1920s that was very unpopular. In fact, straight and flat was the ideal figure back then while curves were disliked. Menswear in the twenties was very proper. Suits, sweaters, and shiny Oxford shoes were the classics. Many men wore hats as well. Golf was a very popular sport in the 1920s so people dressed for the sport. Men would wear knicker pants, socks covering the calves, and a sweater.

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Although known for its flashiness and glamour, twenties fashion had an underlying simplicity in the way people dressed. Usual day dresses for women were made from a drop-waist dress, fitting loosely from the shoulder to the hip with a more gathered skirt. Evening wear followed a similar style of drop-waist dresses, but rather than being above the knee, evening dresses reached closer to the floor. Men’s clothing also followed the theme of underlying simplicity among most trends. For the most part, during the day men stopped wearing 3 piece suits and started wearing suits that had jackets with only one or two buttons. Pinstripes also became a big trend for men, along with British wools because of the elegant look they gave off. Two types of trousers also became very trendy for men to wear in the twenties; oxford trousers and plus-fours. Oxford trousers were very wide-legged trousers which at one point in time were as wide as 44 inches around the leg. Plus-fours were shorter trousers with 4 extra inches of material around the knee. Under the knee, until the end of the trouser, was an elastic band which the extra material sat on to ensure that the extra material would not fall. Because of the basic underlying style of the twenties, it became very easy for people to make their clothing at home. This saved everyone a lot of money because instead of buying expensive fashionable clothing, people made clothing with much cheaper materials.

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1920’s Gypsy Fashion Essay. (2024, February 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved May 3, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/1920s-gypsy-fashion-essay/
“1920’s Gypsy Fashion Essay.” Edubirdie, 28 Feb. 2024, edubirdie.com/examples/1920s-gypsy-fashion-essay/
1920’s Gypsy Fashion Essay. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/1920s-gypsy-fashion-essay/> [Accessed 3 May 2024].
1920’s Gypsy Fashion Essay [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Feb 28 [cited 2024 May 3]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/1920s-gypsy-fashion-essay/

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