Gender Differences essays

42 samples in this category

Essay examples
Essay topics
7 Pages 3051 Words
Discuss the evidence on whether gender differences in the taste for risk and competition can explain part of the observed gender gap in labor market outcomes. Gender differences are presented by the choices of men and women regarding the observed gender gap in labor market outcomes (Bertrand, 2011). Principally discrete are the gender differences in compensation and representation in the...
Gender Differences
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1 Page 633 Words
At each stage from pre-school through to university entrance, girls tend to do better than boys. For example, on entering primary school, girls are more likely to be able to write their own names. On the other hand, boys are more likely than girls to be assessed by their schools as having special educational needs. When it comes to subject...
Academic AchievementsGender Differences
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3 Pages 1317 Words
Article Reviewed: Monin, J. K., Manigault, A., Levy, B. R., Schulz, R., Duker, A., Clark, M. S., . . . Kershaw, T. (2019). Gender differences in short-term cardiovascular effects of giving and receiving support for health concerns in marriage. Health Psychology, 38(10), 936-947. The article “Gender differences in Short Term Cardiovascular effects of giving and receiving support for health...
Gender Differences
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5 Pages 2064 Words
Abstract According to previous studies, gender differences are associated with self-esteem level (e.g., Aidman & Carroll, 2003; Buswell, Hyde, Kling, &Shower, 1999; Trzesniewski, Donnellan, &Robins, 2003). But few studies have examined whether males are associated with higher self-esteem levels or lower self-esteem levels. In addition, studies that examined the relationship between self-esteem level and gender differences have not examined participants...
College StudentsGender DifferencesSelf Esteem
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3 Pages 1468 Words
Is the Mars versus Venus distinction efficient enough to refer to the age-old dialog over the differences between men and women - differences that will be undoubtedly questioned, researched, and challenged for lifetimes to come? Women and men may differ in their propensity to choose a risky outcome because of innate preferences or because those preferences are modified by pressure...
Gender Differences
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4 Pages 1853 Words
Before explaining variances between genders, it is essential to differentiate between the terms gender and sex. The terms sex and gender had been used interchangeably for centuries. In 1949 a French author, Simone de Beauvoir in her book (The second sex) defined the terms sex and gender differences. She mentioned, “One is not born, but becomes a woman” (as cited...
Gender DifferencesPersonalityResearch
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4 Pages 2045 Words
As self-esteem plays an important role in individuals' development studies have always presented interest in how an individual’s self-esteem is influenced by early parental attachment. Many of the studies present that a positive and close relationship with carers leads to higher levels of self-esteem and confidence. However, it is still debatable if gender differences and self-esteem are in one way...
Gender DifferencesParent-child Relationship
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6 Pages 2734 Words
Introduction When I began working in the healthcare sector, gender differences in well-being at work (WAW) were not something I had thought of as an issue. However, as my career progressed, I became attuned to certain gender-specific challenges my female peers faced. Historically, women are more thought to face occupational barriers than men (Swanson, Daniels, & Tokar, 1996), so it...
Gender DifferencesWork
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4 Pages 1990 Words
Women or men, which group is more likely to learn a new language and what effect does gender have on the new language learning process? Are women more inclined to learn a new language or men? Is there a connection between bilingualism and gender? What gender characteristics affect the mastery and learning of a new language? These questions have always...
Gender DifferencesLanguage
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2 Pages 1020 Words
There is a plethora of evidence contributing to the emotional expression in individuals and whether or not, it varies according to gender. Chaplin and Aldao (2013) found that positive emotion expressions and internalizing negative emotion expressions are more evident in girls whereas externalizing negative emotions are expressed more by boys. However, Ferguson and Eyre (2000) reported contradictory findings on gender...
Gender Differences
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4 Pages 1756 Words
Gender differences are apparent in many aspects of life but especially in the products we buy. Some examples of gender differences can be seen in many different products such as hygiene products including shavers and shampoo. There are even differences in prices for male and female products despite the items being the same other than the color of the packaging....
ChildrenGender Differences
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5 Pages 2162 Words
In this essay, I will review an article published by Tina Rampino on the education gender gap, specifically on the attitude and aspirations of school-going males and females. Rampino begins by setting the scene in terms of gender differences in performance and identifying some of the sociological debates surrounding these. Rampino’s research confirms previous studies done on attitudes and aspirations,...
Gender Differences
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2 Pages 735 Words
Literature Review The primary research question of this study is to search and analyze for any direct positive and negative outcomes associated with gender impacts in decision-making, studies in this literature are divided into the following themes; a) gender differences in managerial decision-making create work-related difficulties, b) Gender impacts in managerial decisions can be used strategically and finally, c) Gender...
Gender Differences
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4 Pages 1595 Words
Reviewed double_ok
For my paper, I decided to research how the “Big Five” personality traits are shown in both men and women, as well as how these traits are presented cross-culturally. The “Big Five” personality traits, also known as the Five Factor Model, are used to summarize and capture the vast differences in human personality (Soto and Jackson, 2). This model is...
Big Five Personality TraitsGender Differences
like 432
2 Pages 1091 Words
In the social context, men have been perceived as being the superior gender throughout time. However, with more focus on scientific justification, it has been proven that men do not live as long as women. Research proves that there is a definitive role for gender within health and illness. There are many factors that are instrumental in understanding which health-related...
Gender DifferencesLongevity
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3 Pages 1320 Words
The identity crisis of women from the perspective of ‘The Darling’ and ‘Profession for women’ The concept of “identity crisis” originates in the work of developmental psychologist Erik Erikson, who believed that the formation of identity was one of the most important parts of a person's life. When people are confused about their role or goal in life they face...
Gender DifferencesPersonal Identity
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2 Pages 914 Words
Introduction The exploration of gender differences between boys and girls has long been a subject of academic inquiry. Understanding these differences is crucial not only for developmental psychology and education but also for fostering a society that appreciates diversity and equality. While cultural stereotypes often shape our perceptions, scientific inquiry provides a more nuanced understanding. Gender differentiation is not solely...
Gender Differences
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3 Pages 1356 Words
· Introduction to the issue: There are suggestions that online sexual victimization can be explained as cross-gender cyberbullying while both regarded as abuses of power towards the weaker. While behaviors termed bullying are unacceptable, there is some social tolerance of sexual victimization as “normal” by adolescents and teachers. The victims are often blamed for how they have been maliciously treated...
GenderGender DifferencesHuman Sexuality
like 237
2 Pages 1018 Words
Ambivalent sexism is bias or discrimination based on a person's gender. Sexism can affect anyone, but it primarily affects females. It has been linked to stereotypes and gender roles, and include the belief that one gender is intrinsically superior to another, it may arise from social or cultural customs and norms. Gender discrimination is especially defined in terms of the...
GenderGender DifferencesVocation
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7 Pages 2989 Words
ABSTRACT A perusal of the criminal laws and personal laws reveal that laws adopt a protectionist and paternalistic approach for empowering and providing autonomy to women. This paper initiates a discussion on issues at the core of gender justice. This paper further argues that social conditioning restricts the possibility of autonomous decisions. In conclusion, it is argued that laws need...
GenderGender DifferencesJustice
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3 Pages 1284 Words
Every day we hear about another woman brutally murdered and rape, another woman a victim of the cruel reality of gender-based violence and all we can do is ask ourselves why. Gender-based violence is a term used that refers to any harm committed against someone’s will that negatively impacts their psychological and physical health because of their gender (Mpani &...
GenderGender DifferencesViolence Against Women
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4 Pages 1914 Words
In the Netflix series 13 Reasons Why, the main character Hannah Baker violently completes suicide after experiencing bullying and sexual assault. She leaves seven cassette tapes of the 13 reasons why she completes suicide. The Netflix series received significant backlash from the mental health community for its graphic and sensationalized treatment of suicide. The controversy that followed the airing of...
Gender DifferencesSuicide
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2 Pages 797 Words
We have come a long way with the acceptance and respect for women however sexism and inequality is still alive and well. Hate crimes, sexual harassment, the wage gap and social exclusion are just some of the discriminatory acts that are still in use today. And one of the least known being gendered language. The words and expressions we use...
GenderGender DifferencesLanguage
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2 Pages 758 Words
Over the past two decades hegemonic masculinity has had a tremendous smash upon gender studies especially in the social sciences. Hegemonic masculinity was distinguished by negatives such as toughness, aggressiveness, excessive risk taking and emotional illiteracy. When we talked about structural violence, we found perception, suppression and pain because of structural violence relationships, such as the civil, social and economic...
Gender DifferencesMasculinityStudy
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3 Pages 1556 Words
ABSTRACT Research shows a link between masculine roles, depression and social media (SM). This was explored via semi-structured interviews using male participants between 18-30 years of age who frequently used SM. Interview questions focused on attitudes and opinions about social media activity and masculinity. Thematic Analysis was used to analyse the data, and 2 themes were identified. Theme 1. was...
Gender DifferencesMasculinitySocial Media
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6 Pages 2677 Words
Hostility towards sexuality is a reality that spans in some form or another across all religions. In terms of Christianity, there is a hostility towards women and women’s sexuality and sexual relationships that do not fit into the accepted ideal of the christian church. Because human sexuality is one of the most basic aspects of human biology, it was something...
GenderGender DifferencesHuman Sexuality
like 166
2 Pages 717 Words
Sexuality is something which cannot be confined; it covers a wider number of issues. It is basically a umbrella term which can have many perspectives. Sexuality is political as well as very personal and sensitive issues. Human Sexuality is something that seems to dominate a lot of the world we live in. It’s in our schools, at work, and especially...
GenderGender DifferencesHuman Sexuality
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1 Page 591 Words
Many people today believe that all masculinity is toxic. Toxic masculinity is almost always represented in males and extremely rarely in females within books, films and plays. Not all masculinity is toxic, and it can be shown in both the play, ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’, and the film, ‘Gran Torino’. How does behaviour become toxic? Both toxic and non-toxic masculinity...
Gender DifferencesMasculinityPerspective
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3 Pages 1232 Words
13 Reasons Why is an American teen drama television show that is based off a novel wrote in 2007 by Jay Asher. The show was made to spread awareness about suicide, rape and bullying. To summarize the first season, it revolves around seventeen year-old high school student Clay Jenson and his deceased friend Hannah Baker, who commited suicide after being...
Film AnalysisGender DifferencesMasculinity
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1 Page 531 Words
For most of fashion history, fashion has been seen as feminine and an interest for women and was for some point dismissed as unserious and inferior. Yet both femininity and masculinity are still defined and valued through appearance. Clear gender characteristics and strong opposing definitions of the sexes should belong in the past. The lines of segregation is blurrier than...
FashionGender DifferencesMasculinity
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