450 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Was Gilgamesh a Good King: Argumentative Essay

Gilgamesh is a king of Uruk, a born demigod between his mother Ninsun god, and his human father Lugalbanda king. Gilgamesh was a king who have strength, ability, property, and rights which enraged him even the male citizens of Uruk. However, Gilgamesh used all his rights to harass the Uruk citizen and molest the women. He was neither afraid nor afraid of anything in this world to him. So, Aruru and Anu god make Enkidu and send him to lower...
1 Page 428 Words

Rock Vs Hip Hop: Comparative Analysis

Although rock music and Hip Hop music are very different from each other, they are also very similar (Ian, 2018). Aside from both genres of music, there are many similarities that can be found within one another. (Ian, 2018). Rock music tends to be performed by a full band, which consists of a singer, a lead guitarist, a rhythm guitarist, a bassist, and a drummer (Grierson, Grierson, 2018). Stylistically, rock music generally has a more distorted sound due to using...
1 Page 463 Words

Portrayal of Southern Street Beggars in 'The Good Earth'

Nobel prize-winning author, Pearl S. Buck, reflects societal systems through the symbolism of characters and their values in the book, The Good Earth. As the story progresses, the context builds up mostly through dialogue and the thoughts of the protagonist, Wang-Lung and The season of spring is the time of the year that flowers bloom and trees grow. The southern beggars in the city begin to scavenge for food and have a conversation in the evening; Wang Lung joins them...
1 Page 427 Words

Opinion Essay on The Phantom of The Opera

As soon as the chandelier went up and the overture orchestrated over the audience I immediately had goosebumps and knew this show was going to be spectacular. This show was something extraordinary and I feel as if the director did a fantastic job in general. The Phantom of the Opera was magnificent the acting was portrayed through the plot very well and the technical theatre aspect was overall amazing. The plot in general was great, I enjoyed it very much,...
1 Page 442 Words

Hurricanes, Tornadoes and Blizzards: Essay on Weather Events

Weather can be devastating in many ways, it can affect humans due to weather in terms of temperature, but can also lead to more extreme cases like hurricanes and tornadoes. On the lower end of the “destructive scale”, weather events like rain, fog, heat, and wind, can affect our everyday lives, but not cause severe damage. However, on the other end of the scale, weather events like hurricanes, tornadoes, and blizzards can cause damage on a much larger magnitude. They...
1 Page 459 Words

Essay on Spring as the Most Beautiful Season

Spring is the year that falls between winter and summer. Its start coincides with the end of the Winter Season. In addition, the conclusion of Spring heralds the beginning of the Summer season. In addition, when Spring arrives in the Northern Hemisphere, Autumn arrives in the Southern Hemisphere, and vice versa. In addition, during the Spring Season, days and nights are likely to be 12 hours long. Spring is unquestionably a happy and joyful season. Most notably, Spring festivities are...
1 Page 428 Words

Essay on Recycle Going Green

Going green is the trend of the century, but other than it been using a keep cup or recycling your plastic, it takes innovative thinking. Our growing urgency of a fight against climate change, not to mention awareness of environmental issues such as water scarcity and deforestation, means the solution is definitely a collective one. In the past couple of years, both sustainability and social media have become a dominant part of the food industry, having improved customer interaction in...
1 Page 434 Words

Essay on Rain: Where Does Water Come from?

Where does water come from? Rain is one of them and one of the largest sources of water on earth. It is a liquid manifestation (other prescriptions that are not liquid such as snow, ice crystals, and slit). Water droplets that fall on land due to the process of condensation of water vapor in the atmosphere are then called rain. The type of rain that falls is divided into several types depending on how the process is formed, including frontal...
1 Page 437 Words

Essay on Positive Effects of Rock Music on American Culture

Introduction Music has been known to influence American culture and the many ethnic and age groups that inhabit the country. It reflects popular ideals and the expression of the country’s innovative individuals and controls the masses because of its accessibility. Rock music, in particular, took America by storm with rebellious ideas and outlandish concepts that were perceived in different ways. Ultimately, it left many positive marks on American culture and history because of the transformation it inspired in society. Background...
1 Page 462 Words

Essay on Monster in 'Epic of Gilgamesh'

Dear Mr. Gilgamesh, You had probably passed away a long time ago or maybe you have gained the immortality that you were seeking. Although I am writing to let you know that you have completed your mission and your goal in this life. You had succeeded in stamping your name in our minds. However, some people think that you were not even existed, that you were a lie, and that you were a fake king. What I really think is...
1 Page 449 Words

Essay on Louis Armstrong and Bruce Springsteen

Louis Armstrong and Bruce Springsteen are both well-known and highly respected musical artists. They are both gifted song composers whose works have been listened to by multiple generations and have remained popular through many decades. Armstrong and Springsteen individually achieved significant worldwide popularity, though they performed and composed music that differed in type, style, and rhythm. Louis Armstrong is a well-known jazz artist who lived in the 1900s. He was born on August 4th, 1901 in New Orleans, Louisiana. His...
1 Page 446 Words

Essay on Jacques Derrida's Approach to Meaning

We're thinking about the particular word that Derrida uses to destabilize the very meaning of words, the very meaning of life, the very meaning of everything. The term 'Deconstruction' was coined by philosopher Jacques Derrida because it is a useful practice in preserving hidden meaning and perception in text. It is an interpretation style that sometimes leads to expecting to mean. Deconstruction is both a literary theory and a philosophical language that stems largely from the 1967 book Gramartology by...
1 Page 454 Words

Essay about Oedipus Rex Riddle

In the play, “Oedipus the King”, the story evolves as a murder mystery where Sophocles underlines the irony of a man determined to find, reveal, and punish the murderer of Laius, which ends up him hunting himself. The idea of sight and blindness in this tragic play is a comparison, with blindness symbolizing wisdom or knowledge, entwined with light and truth. While sight symbolizes ignorance, darkness, and fabricating the truth. The references to sight and blindness, both metaphorical and literal...
1 Page 473 Words

Essay about Homeric Code

The Importance and Influence of the Heroic Code in the Iliad Throughout the story of the Iliad the heroic code and what it embodies strongly affects a lot of the character’s actions and in turn, affects the way the story progresses. In the Iliad, the heroic code is a straightforward and simple idea, for heroes to achieve the honor. The way these heroes achieve honor is described through three Greek words that help embody the heroic code: Aristos, Aristeia, and...
1 Page 431 Words

Difference between Clinical and Forensic Psychology: Comparative Analysis

To understand what the differences are between Clinical Psychology and Forensic Psychology, one must first know exactly what they are. Clinical Psychology is when individuals complete research, and strategies for the treatment, diagnosis, or assessment of human behavior and functioning. Clinical Psychology they are considered to be very beneficial to the clients they serve. Forensic Psychology is defined as a department that relates to the law. Their primary role is to inquire about human behavior that and/or can be related...
1 Page 475 Words

Compare and Contrast Flood Stories: Essay

Hi everyone, today I am going to talk about a disaster that happened in Toronto It's the most costly natural disaster in the GTA area, On July 8th, Toronto experienced the greatest amount of rainfall in one day ever recorded in the city. About 126 millimeters of torrential rain hit the ground. The storm flooded roads and basements, and a thousand went to bed without power that night. Flooding also caused a full shutdown of the city. The Don Rivers...
1 Page 429 Words

Analysis of Tragic Hero in Oedipus Rex

Oedipus is a tragic hero in Oedipus Rex by Sophocles. Sophocles is a Greek dramatist born near Athens, Greece. It was written around 429 BC and Aristotle called it the greatest example of tragedy in his important work, Poetics. Aristotle in Poetics praises Oedipus Rex as a perfect example of tragedy because it has all the components necessary to fulfill Aristotle's definition of tragedy. So now, what is a tragedy? The tragedy is a form of drama based on human...
1 Page 458 Words

Analysis of Tone of Oscar Wilde’s Critique in the 'Importance of Being Earnest'

This play is distinctively known for its comedic elements. One of the main elements that compose this text is the comedy of manners. This is basically deriding the upper-class society which could be interpreted as a mockery of the way heterosexual people have vilified homosexuals and treated them as an abomination. If we take into account the time period this was published, there weren’t many ways in which he could fight back against the oppression and therefore, this was his...
1 Page 462 Words

Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr.: Comparative Essay

Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr are both leaders and have influenced countless people with similar beliefs and wanted to achieve goals that were almost identical to one another. Both men were leaders at different times in history but they both fought for civil rights for African Americans. Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address and Martin Luther King Jr’s open letter from Birmingham Jail have several ideas that connect to each other. The similarities in both of their writings have included...
1 Page 462 Words

Of Mice and Men' Allegory: Critical Analysis

In the story Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck uses three stylistic elements. This story contains Imagery, Symbolism, and Allegory. Imagery affects the text by describing contents that have a feel on our 5 senses. For example, “You can hear the crunch of the fallen leaves as you walk through the scary forest.” Symbolism adds more depth to the story through phrases or actions that have deeper meanings. An example of symbolism is that black stands for darkness and evil. Allegory...
1 Page 433 Words

Morning Song' by Sylvia Plath: Poetry Analysis

The whole poem consists of six stanzas, each stanza is three lines long and there is an alternate long and short sentence to express a rhythmic rocking sound. The rhythm of the poem is related to a lullaby where mothers sing it to their precious baby, which ties into the title of the poem. The poem's first line significantly captures the speaker's hesitant tone by comparing the baby to a 'fat gold watch'. The simile illustrates the child as something...
1 Page 433 Words

Essay about William McMahon: Biography of a Great Prime Minister

On the 23 February, 1908, a great man was born, and he was named William McMahon after his father who had the same name. McMahon lived with his parents for a while and was an only child. One day tragically McMahon’s parents died, so he was taken to live with his relatives. He was an only child, so had a mostly lonely childhood. While McMahon was being raised by his relatives, he attended Sydney Grammar School. After he graduated, McMahon...
1 Page 439 Words

Violence Vocalised in Songs

We all love a good story. The juicier the better. Told through old media, new media, social media, the arts: we just can’t get enough. And when it comes to good old-fashioned gossip, we’re secretly in our element. We’re only human, after all. Spectators and tellers of titillating tales; passing performers in the bittersweet melodies of social exchange. As for music? Well, “Without a song or a dance, what are we?”, ABBA asks. Songs vocalize our human wants and woes...
1 Page 454 Words

Safety of Food Products and Its Importance

This was recently a talk over the news, social media platforms, radio broadcast and even on newspapers (e.g., TV Patrol, reported by News Anchor Karen Davila and Julius Babao, Manila Bulleti, published by Madelaine B. Miraflor on the 25th of October 2019) happened on the day of November 4, 2019. An ASF virus also known as African Swine Fever has spread all over the Philippines particularly Pampanga, Rizal, Bulacan, Pangasinan, Nueva Ecija, Cavite Provinces and in Metro Manila that killed...
1 Page 444 Words

The Movie ‘Coach Carter’: Going for Grades?

The movie known as ‘Coach Carter’, is a film directed by Thomas Carter. Although Thomas Carter has the same last name, he has no relation to the coach, but shows the legend of Coach Carter so well. He is also most commonly known for his work in ‘Swing Kids’ and ‘Save the Last Dance’, along with the actor who plays Coach Carter, Samuel Jackson, who, might I just add, plays his character with great ability and is so passionate about...
1 Page 460 Words

Essay on the Magic of the Piano

My fingers were flowing freely over the smooth keys - 52 white, 36 black - as if they were masterminds and my fingers were puppets floating freely above each key. My eyes were fixated on the black and white pages before me. I was tired but unable to stop. It was like a spell was cast upon me with each key. The piano brings me immense comfort whenever I hear the magical melodic lines as it makes me want to...
1 Page 443 Words

Issue of Underage Drinking in Australia and Reactive Advertising as an Effective Way to Combat It

The World Health Organization defines public health as “the art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts of society”. Health campaigns are generally designed both to increase awareness of health threats and to move target audiences to action in support of public health. Reactive advertising is when the advertisement creates a fear in you, but does not teach them how to prevent it happening. Whereas proactive is more positive and comical, audience may...
1 Page 472 Words

Essay about the Clothes We Wear

It is absolutely correct to say that clothes make the man full. Normally, naked persons have no influence or respect within society. In today's modern world, society is developing around us in the sense that his clothing usually reflects his social status. It is not only for women but also for men, who now wear different types of clothes for social status, as well as a method of self-pressure. Since 1960, when the shirts were used to reflect self-depression earlier,...
1 Page 441 Words

Review of the Movie 'Titanic'

‘Titanic’ is a romantic drama with love story film of Jack Dawson played by Leonardo DiCaprio and Rose DeWitt Bukater played by Kate Winslet. Released in the Feb 4, 1998, directed by James Cameron, this movie is the highest grossing film has earned millions and which is more valuable, great love, happiness, exiting, emotional of the viewers all over the world. The Royal Mail Ship Titanic is the most famous ship in history of 20th century. According to the director...
1 Page 443 Words

Review of the Movie 'Spider-Man'

‘Spider-Man’ was released in 2002 and made $825 million at the global box office making this movie financially successful. Many consider it the first film to start the current trend of superhero films. The main purpose of the movie is to be entertaining. It does this by trying to intrigue the viewer through its big budget ($139 million) and its action fight scenes that would appeal to an older audience. As well as being entertaining the movie also includes a...
1 Page 439 Words
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