Essay on Person I Admire Most

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A leader that I admire is Mr. Jamison Chandler, the Director of the Jazz Band at KIPP AMP Middle School. I admire his vision to educate and inspire students in our community to understand and appreciate jazz music, instruments, and the importance of practice. I also admire Mr. Chandler because whenever I need advice or support he is an adult that is always willing to help. Mr. Chandler teaches us qualities that we do not learn in our traditional classes and how to have confidence and the importance of discipline in our everyday lives. Although Mr. Chandler is an accomplished and decorated musician, he chose to give back to his community by teaching me and others the world of Jazz. I admire Mr. Chandler because he has provided a lens into an unknown world that I and others have become deeply connected to.

He has the vision to educate and inspire students in our community to understand the legacy and impact of jazz music.

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We have practice every day during recess and after school. He has taught us through dedication and practice with our instruments, when we get on stage we can perform with confidence, joy, and style. I also admire Mr. Chandler because whenever I need advice or support he is an adult that is always willing to help. Mr. Chandler is very passionate about Jazz and serious about his work. His passion and dedication inspire my bandmates and me to dream big. Although Mr. Chandler is an accomplished and decorated musician, he chose to give back to his community by teaching me and others the world of Jazz. I admire Mr. Chandler because he has provided a lens into an unknown world that I and others have grown a deep appreciation for. Mr. Chandler inspires me to want to be successful like him so that I can grow up and continue to help my community. Overall, I admire Mr. Chandler for following his passion and sharing it with others. Mr. Chandler has given others the tools to enjoy and make their own impact on the Jazz community.

A leader I admire is Jamison Chandler. I admire Mr.chandler because he teaches us the most qualities most of our teachers don’t. I also admire Mr.Chandler because he is a role model when we need it and a good person when you get to know him but when it is time for business he gets serious. I can also admire Mr.Chandler because he is very successful and this makes me want to be successful like him so that I can grow up and help people and give back to my community just as Mr.Chandler has by giving back to help children understand jazz and the legacy we can leave on it.

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Essay on Person I Admire Most. (2023, February 24). Edubirdie. Retrieved May 1, 2024, from
“Essay on Person I Admire Most.” Edubirdie, 24 Feb. 2023,
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Essay on Person I Admire Most [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Feb 24 [cited 2024 May 1]. Available from:

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