450 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Symbolism in Story Animal Farm

George Orwell uses a range of language features such as metaphor, characterisation and symbolism to convey his personal view of people involved within the Russian revolution, through his story known as Animal Farm. Animal Farm is a short story about animals who run a farm and the eventual downfall of its perfection. Though being a fairly simple short story, it is an allegory that lines up with events that occurred in the Russian revolution. Orwell uses metaphors to allow his...
1 Page 440 Words

What Does the Glass Castle Symbolize

Neglect (and not just of the parents/family towards the kids) Jeannette's father, Rex, is an addict whose alcoholism makes it impossible for him to hold a job or take care of his family. He has taken part in physical and verbal violence while drinking. Rex drinks while driving. One time, he caused an accident in which Jeannette obviously fell out of a moving car (p. 30) and again when he got into a fight with his pregnant wife and tried...
1 Page 464 Words

Essay on Garbage Reduction

Rubbish management is the process of controlling waste to its final disposition. Controlling garbage is not that easy because of factors like population rise especially in most towns and cities. Garbage, when not well disposed, could be a major blow to human beings and living things' health not forgetting the ecosystem. Rubbish causes environmental degradation thus the emission of harmful gases that are not good for humans and animals. The following strategies can help with garbage disposal. Recycling involves the...
1 Page 462 Words

Is Risk Important? Essay

I think taking risk is more important than planing carefully for success. I know that, many people who want to be successful think to plan carefully is safe, maybe it is can be true but if you don`t want take risk you can not get giant leap. I think successful people shouldn`t live stable life, their life should have a lot of increase and decrease. In my opinion, to take risk has several important advantages. First advantages about the opportunity....
1 Page 439 Words

Why is the Sun Important To the Earth? Essay

First and foremost, the sun, moon, earth, and gravity all play crucial roles in our solar system. Second, the Sun is the primary star of the Solar System. Next, the Moon is the only true celestial satellite of Earth. Then, the Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only known astronomical entity capable of supporting life. Lastly, gravity, also known as gravitation, is a natural force that induces all objects of mass or energy — like planets,...
1 Page 451 Words

What is Trust? Essay

Sustain Trust When you start trusting you are basically exposing yourself to vulnerability of betrayal with expectations of not being betrayed. If you once asked yourself why do you have to sustain trust its primarily because takes huge amount of courage to trust and which you give up control to what is valuable to you be it your heart, sharing your secrets or sharing your work. You can sustain trust through honesty by giving constructive feedback and criticism when your...
1 Page 474 Words

Was German Unification Inevitable? Essay

Introduction German Unification was one of the seminal events in modern history. It has impacted and been instrumental in both world wars, the later half of the twentieth century, acting as a microcosm of the Cold War (ironically through its partition) and into the modern day, as the leading country in the EU. This momentous event was far from certain, however, prior to the French Revolution it was unthinkable that the German Speaking peoples would be unified into a cohesive...
1 Page 474 Words

Tragic Hero in Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

Introduction Aristotle, a well known and generally recognized dramatic tragedies pioneer, highlighted his vision of the true tragic hero which can be analyzed through the work ‘Julius Caesar’ by William Shakespeare. The story is considered to be a masterpiece of the world literature disclosing the era of ambitious political leader and his strategies on the way of becoming dictator. The author raised the theme of tragic hero embodying it in such characters as Marcus Brutus and Cassius; he reflected such...
1 Page 444 Words

The Israeli Palestinian Conflict A Historiographic Essay

Conflict between Israel and Palestine: Historical Prose Melissa Thiel (Melissa Thiel) In 1948, due to the Second World War, Israel declared a difficult path for the nation. Religious beliefs and imperialism. Origins and influencing factors The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been at the center of debate between pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian historians. These historians have competing explanations in the following areas: the history and religious claims of the land, the goals of the Zionist movement, and the influence of British intervention. Pro-Israel...
1 Page 475 Words

Role of Youth in Democracy Essay

The action “Role of Youth in Democracy” supports youth participation in democratic life. Our goal is to encourage the active participation of young people in the life of the European community. Through the program, we will enable young people to learn about democratic processes and to become active citizens at all levels – local, regional, national and European. European Union’s main concept/ values, such as democracy, equality, solidarity, social inclusion, justice, cultural diversity – are under discussion, because of the...
1 Page 452 Words

Pros and Cons of Whaling

Whaling is an activity that has been going on for quite some time right now. In fact, it is an activity that has been recorded as far as 5,000 years ago! This means that, to some populations of our planet, this is already a tradition. But then again, whaling is the practice of hunting whales, and that always involves the endangerment of a species of things aren’t done properly. Whaling has sparked a lot of debate, and in this article...
1 Page 454 Words

Noise Pollution Essay

Noise pollution can be also known as environmental noise or sound pollution. It is when sounds within a surrounding that is too much, not essential, or unnecessary sounds that can disturb us it becomes noise pollution. It is commonly generated inside many industrial facilities and some other workplaces it can also come from railways, highway, airplane traffic, and other outdoor constructions. However, it has become a major problem in the world. Our environment is a place that is difficult to...
1 Page 436 Words

Informative Speech on Online Dating

Online dating is getting more and more popular every single year. I remember ten years ago when hardly any people were using dating sites or applications. With the exploding popularity of online dating websites brings lots of people that are looking to take advantage of others.Let’s see what these specific dangers are and how vulnerable we are to them.What are all the Dangers of Online Dating?This section will be broken down into two primary parts. The first section is about...
1 Page 469 Words

Human Activities as Drivers of Insect Extinction

Emergence of human activities over the past decades resulted in multiple impacts furthermore contributing to driving these organisms to extinction. Such activities mainly refer to dwindling and loss of habitat of insect assemblages followed by triggering drivers such as degradation and fragmentation which associates with deforestation, agricultural expansion and urbanization (Foley et al., 2005; Dirzo et al., 2014; Habel et al., 2019a). Pollution becomes a key driver for insect extinction through the intensive use of pesticides (insecticides and herbicides) as...
1 Page 439 Words

How to Stop Deforestation? Essay

Did, you know that the biggest and most important rainforest worldwide is being cut down? The Amazon Rainforest is being cut down and could put the world in jeopardy. We need to stop this problem before it’s too late. As the Amazon is getting cut down more and more, unique plants and animals are becoming endangered. Also, humans depend on the rainforest for ⅓ of the world’s oxygen. Important unique plants that are only found in the Amazon Rainforest are...
1 Page 443 Words

How To Reduce Cities Impact On The Environment

The main problem is that cities are using too many fossil fuels which is polluting the air and the environment which harms the environment and the animals living amongst it. This happens because the pollution from fossil fuels contributes to climate change, changing the climate to an extent to the animals and plants aren’t used to it and die. They also might die because their food source might die. For example a cows grass might die and the cow would...
1 Page 447 Words

Essay About Water Purification

Purifying seawater has many benefits. Among those include providing potable water for third world countries, adequate amounts of agricultural water supply, and the ability to use the oceanic water supply as a source of drinking water. The current methods for purifying contaminated or salinated water include reverse osmosis and distillation. Both methods are energy-intensive and costly in terms of materials and equipment. Distillation also leaves behind the toxic contaminants which are usually disposed of in wastelands making the environment unsuitable...
1 Page 469 Words

Effects of Nuclear Weapons

On August 6th and August 9th, 1945, the United States detonated 2 Nuclear weapons on Japanese cities - Hiroshima and Nagasaki and killed between 129,000 and 226,000 People, most of whom were innocent civilians. The 2 Bombs were made by a group of scientists that were researching nuclear weapons when undergoing the Manhattan Project In World War II. Nuclear Physicist Robert Oppenheimer was the man that designed the bombs which were called “Fat Man” and “Little Boy” Little Boy which...
1 Page 450 Words

Cask of Ammontolido Literary Criticism

The elements in the story that can be seen as humorous are when the narrator starts describing Fortunato he uses words as quack but fixes it up saying that he was sincere. He also described Fortunato when he was drunk, giving elements of humor to his clothing and the way he treated the narrator. Characteristics of the short story form apply to this short story. The same can be said of 'The Tell-tale Heart'. Sometimes death can be funny. The...
1 Page 451 Words

California Drought Essay

According to my earlier point, Mostly drought is caused by climate change. Due to greenhouse gas emissions trap heat, causing global temperatures to increase. Moisture will be absorbed by hot air, resulting in less rainfalls. Reducing water in lake or river is occurred by evaporation in the hotter air. The consequence is reduced rainfall that makes the plants die. Normally plants retain moisture in the soil, if they die, it will lead to even drier conditions. According to NOAA, National...
1 Page 433 Words

The Call of The Wild': The Way How Nature Has Changed Buck

In Jack London's The Call of the Wild Buck goes through a self-evaluation because of his surroundings and what he has to adapt to. Buck changes for the better and worse because of his adaptability, intellect and might. Because of these traits, he can overcome great obstacles. He is constantly trying to adapt to nature because it is the only way to survive. Buck improves physically and mentally because of his self-reliance and courage. In the story, Buck has to...
1 Page 441 Words

The Problem of the Deplorable Current State of New York's Bridges and the Urgent Need to Solve It

New York City is encountering an unusual juncture of a growing phenomenon which is the widespread decay of bridge infrastructures. Many bridges in New York City have been constructed for 50 years or more, and they are now approaching or exceeding its originally intended design life. There was an overlooked in the designs of the bridges in New York City when the bridges were first built. There was an inability and difficulty in forecasting the future usage such as traffic...
1 Page 445 Words

Did the Building of the Berlin Wall Contribute to the Escalation of Tension in the 60s? An Essay

In the 1960’s there were many factors that contributed to the escalation of tension in the 60’s. One key factor was the building of the Berlin Wall. I agree with the statement that the building of the Berlin Wall was the main reason for an escalation of tension in the 1960s because of the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961. The Berlin Wall was put in place to stop migration from East to West. There was a huge refugee...
1 Page 440 Words

What Is the Difference Between the Internet and the World Wide Web?

Generally, people use the terms the Internet and the World Wide Web (WWW) synonymously, but the fact is these two terms are related not synonymous. The Internet and the World Wide Web are different but interrelated terms. However, there are many subtle differences in two terms. The misconception about these two terms is common and hence these terms are used interchangeably. What Is the Internet? When we talk about the Internet, it is a much broader concept than the World...
1 Page 446 Words

Are We Too Dependent on the Internet? Essay

In the era of globalization, where there are no more limits to accessing anything, it provides an opportunity for the Internet to become a 'primary need' for humans. The Internet has become the most crucial thing in this era of Industrial Revolution 4.0, because technology is used as a reference in various aspects of life. Technological developments occur so rapidly, this technological development occurs because of the human need for technology to meet their life needs in order to live...
1 Page 429 Words

Example Essay Letter to the President

Dear Mr. President, I believe that the civic and political participation is way more than important to the United States government and even the society we live in. Therefore, the country can function or stay function properly. I think if most of the people stop ignoring the civics and participate as human beens and not make poor choice. I think just a few persons are hired to work for the government rather than other political jobs in that position. It’s...
1 Page 431 Words

Essay About My School Trip to Portland

For my third block English class, we voted to go to Portland Oregon merely a two-hour flight away. Arriving at the airport I knew this would be a trip I would remember for a good while and I was thrilled to be there. Although I did not go to these places myself a lot of my other classmates went to extravagant restaurants, coffee shops, sandwich shops, donut shops, and outside food carts despite the bitter cold. I had heard from...
1 Page 448 Words

Coming New Financial Crisis in Italy

Italy’s presidents have been in conflict with Europe because of their problems ever since they achieved power in the year 2018. They say that various European countries’ technocratic rules have caused economic trouble and they blame Europe’s rigidness for the country’s downturn after the 2008 financial crisis. Since then, Italy’s growth has slowly moved along at just barely below 1 percent, behind most other European economies, and the amount of youth in Italy is at a staggering 30 percent, surpassed...
1 Page 441 Words

The Implications of 3D Printing to Our Society

In this essay, I'm going to talk about the implications of 3D printing for our society. It contains basic details of 3D printing you require to improve your knowledge about the world we are entering. 3D printing is an ideal advancement, but at the expense of the business, society and the economy. In the business perspective, 3D printers can produce goods rapidly and less costly. Society will experience innovation and the printers will also make the economy focus on domestic...
1 Page 452 Words

Case of Kelo Vs New London: Essay

In this essay, I am going to review one of the most reviled Supreme Court cases in the United States, the 2005 Kelo v. New London case. In the Kelo v. New London case, New London, a city in Connecticut, used its eminent domain jurisdiction to confiscate remote property to vend to private developers. The city claimed acquiring the land would generate jobs and raise tax revenues. Susette Kelo was among the others whose property was seized and sued New...
1 Page 458 Words
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