500 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Personal Narrative Essay on Fear of Heights

Acrophobia is defined as having an extreme fear of heights. This could be anywhere from ladders, to as high as parachuting; they all induce that intense reaction. Throughout my life, I have tested this phobia but managed to fail more than succeed. I decided one day, to make an attempt and overcome this fear, by going rock climbing. I started off strong, looking up and making my way towards the top; until the very moment I looked down. Looking down...
1 Page 525 Words

Personal Narrative Essay about Love for Family

Escape From Aleppo is told through the eyes of a 14-year-old girl named Nadia who is trying to find her way to her family through the war-torn streets of Aleppo, Syria. Nadia was living with her mother, brothers, and aunts when their house was hit by a shrapnel bomb called a “Carmella.” Everyone except Nadia made it out of the ruined house safe before the bomb hit, and Nadia had hidden under a car to escape the explosion. She was...
1 Page 496 Words

Essay on Negative Effects of Mandatory Community Service

Ott’s argument is that young Americans lack patriotism and dedication to the common cause and should be required to serve on years of unpaid work, benefitting the country. Although I agree with Ott’s position on the shortcomings of young Americans. I disagree that one year of unpaid service is necessary. Rather, mandatory community service should be limited to a month, or pay the students for work in the time given. An example of why I disagree with Ott’s argument that...
1 Page 512 Words

Analysis of Kate Chopin's Short Story 'The Storm' and Its Main Theme

The attributes of gender roles formed by society have always held a strong influence over everyone. Based on these standards, it is expected for women to stay at home and handle all of the house chores, as well as be emotionally, physically, and financially dependent on their husbands. This expectation is heavily followed by the world at large and is reflected in many famous literary works, such as ‘Like Water for Chocolate’ by Laura Esquivel or ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ by...
1 Page 518 Words

Background Investigator Career Essay

Introduction Background investigators are pivotal in safeguarding national security, meticulously verifying information and ensuring the trustworthiness of individuals with access to sensitive data. My interest in this career is driven by a commitment to uphold security standards and a fascination with the investigative process, combining research skills with a keen sense of responsibility. Role and Importance in National Security Background investigators shoulder the critical responsibility of verifying the backgrounds of individuals applying for federal employment, military service, or requiring security...
1 Page 488 Words

Reflective Essay on 'The Fault in Our Stars'

What are human experiences? Well, people have different definitions of what a human experience is. In my opinion, a human experience is when someone does something that could be good as it could be bad, and by doing something they can learn if they should do it again or if it was a bad idea and not to repeat it again. A human experience also includes mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical characteristics of human life. The two texts that will...
1 Page 499 Words

Essay on 'Revenge of the Geeks' Summary

I do believe outsiders are simply those who are misunderstood or misjudged. For example, Steve Jobs was an odd man. He even agreed that he was an outsider, and he still was a very successful man. (How Steve Jobs’ differences ended up changing the world for all of us). That's just one example showing that those who may be successful today, or that you can relate to today were not always popular. It seems that outsiders happen to be misjudged...
1 Page 488 Words

The Purpose of Education by Martin Luther King

Throughout my life, I have spent ample time trying to incorporate the beliefs of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. into my daily habits. Though he was a civil rights activist, Dr. King made it his mission to act on faith, leadership, and equality. One belief that I can agree with is the importance of education. According to Dr. King, the purpose of education is to teach a person to think intensively and critically. Education allows leads to intelligence, which leads...
1 Page 509 Words

Essay on Cesar Chavez and Martin Luther King

Disagreement and dissent have been defined as synonyms of one another by numerous amount of Americans; however, Daniel J. Boorstin, the author of The Decline of Radicalism, believes that these two words should not be associated with each other. Boorstin is convinced that disagreement is the “lifeblood of democracy” while dissent is “cancer[ous]” to society, which is completely absurd because many individuals have come together and have made the country become more prosperous. Within the nation's society, people come together...
1 Page 492 Words

Essay on Napoleon Leadership Style

Napoleon Bonaparte is arguably one of the most famous and well-known villains in British history, with his conquests in Europe drawing Britain into one of its bloodiest and most prolonged conflicts in the region. These wars would also see the rise of some of Britain’s most prominent heroes, with the Iron Duke of Wellington and Lord Nelson to name but a few. Despite the many triumphs of these great British men, I will argue that Napoleon, a man often portrayed...
1 Page 512 Words

Essay on Why Is Honesty Important in Leadership

One of leadership theories is ethical leadership, ethical leaders focus mainly on what is right and demonstrate to their followers that they are there to help and not exploit others (Thornton, 2013). Northouse (2016) states that there are five principles of leadership: respect, service, justice, community, and honesty. Zuckerberg ensured that he respected his fellow colleagues and listened to their viewpoints. Furthermore, Zuckerberg placed his follower’s welfare at the top of the list by showing concern for employees’ mental health....
1 Page 524 Words

Essay on Diversity in Animals

Taxonomy is the method by which all animal species can be classified, with a hierarchical system that uses at least seven of the 12 classifications from Kingdom to Species. One example that uses human beings is as follows: Kingdom - Animalia Phylum - Chordata Subphylum - Vertebrata Class - Mammalia Subclass - Eutheria Order - Primates Suborder - Anthropoidea Family - Hominidae Subfamily - Genus - Homo Species - Homosapiens Subspecies - At a very basic level of classification, true...
1 Page 483 Words

Essay on Setting in 'Things Fall Apart'

The book I chose and read throughout the duration of this quarter was Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart, an incredible story of the chronicles of pre-life colonization of Nigeria and the arrival of Europeans, that would change Nigeria for years to come. It can't be expressed enough how much I enjoyed this reading experience and finding joy and sorrow in every chapter. I chose Things Fall Apart, for no distinguishable reason. I did not have a book cover or a...
1 Page 490 Words

Essay on Mollie from 'Animal Farm': Character Analysis

Mollie is a white mare at a farmhouse. She used to draw Mr. Jones’s carriage. She is good-looking and loves being pampered. She holds a very high opinion of herself. She is practical, able to acknowledge facts and make the right decisions. Her habits are practical and unique. She is fond of wearing red ribbons in her hair. She is addicted to eating lumps of sugar. She is more concerned about her ribbons and sugar at the time of rebellion...
1 Page 514 Words

Essay on DACA in Texas

I share the same feelings as my friends as we are ready to break out of this bell jar that has protected us from the outside world up until our senior year of high school. I see them being faced with the decision of where to go to college. While they are being met with some of the hardest decisions they’ve ever had to make, I’m going through my struggles. I ask myself, “Is college even in my future?”. I...
1 Page 512 Words

Disadvantages of Technology Speech Essay

What is technology and why is it so important? The concept of technology can be quite broad since it has been present in humanity since the invention of utensils, tools, and techniques. The simplest definition refers to a series of knowledge applied to solve a specific problem. If it is understood as the search for the satisfaction of needs, it covers all fields of daily life. The definition of technology is usually associated with the Industrial Revolution, machines, Tics, and...
1 Page 523 Words

Dangers of Substance Abuse Essay

Substance abuse is not an aspect that you can take lightly. It takes vicinity when you use alcohol, prescription remedies, and distinct jail and illegal substances to a wonderful deal or in the wrong way. Substance abuse differs from addiction. Many human beings with Substance abuse troubles are successful in giving up or exchanging their unhealthy behavior. Addiction, on the other hand, is a disease, its functionality you can't give up the use of even when your nation of affairs...
1 Page 485 Words

DACA Persuasive Essay

Throughout America’s history, there has never been an African-American president. In the year 2008, America elected its first African-American president Barack Obama. During his two terms as president, Obama passed out many policies hoping to better America’s economy. Of all of those policies, the best policy was the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or simply “DACA”. Deferred Action for Childhood Action was the best policy because it opened up job opportunities for immigrants, increased labor supply, and boosted the economy's...
1 Page 513 Words

Against Same Sex Marriage: Opinion Essay

After doing some research, I noticed that not a lot of people agree with me on same-sex marriage. I believe that people of the same sex deserve the right to love and marry whoever they please. That we live in a society where not everyone has the same point of view; same-sex marriage is not accepted everywhere. Even though same-sex marriage is legal in all fifty states, some problems are still faced today. An article stated children need both a...
1 Page 490 Words

Animal Farm' Reflection Essay

In Animal Farms, George Orwell, a great social reformer, reflects that we should be cautious about the 'future possibility of totalitarianism' and he himself is skeptical of every 'version of ideal society' (White 73). The novella is said to be the masterpiece as it, very beautifully, exhibits the dystopia of society. Moreover, the novella is an allegory as both the setting and the characters have some deeper meaning and purposes, like the setting is at an Animal farm that has...
1 Page 490 Words

Essay about the Effects of Teenage Smoking

Over the past few years, smoking has become popular among teenagers, despite the harmful effects it has on their health. For example, vaping, the use of an electronic cigarette or similar device by inhaling and exhaling the vapor it produces, has become particularly popular. Regardless of its type, I believe that smoking among teenagers is a serious problem, the effects of which can be very negative. Firstly, smoking damages oral health as it increases the risk of cavities and periodontal...
1 Page 523 Words

Nelson Mandela, My Role Model in Struggle for a Prosperous South Africa: Essay

Many South Africans may have found themselves thinking that there is no hope for a fully prosperous and united South Africa. I, however, believe very differently. We all live with the same hopes and dreams for our beloved country and with the right mentality we can overcome the challenges faced in creating a truly united nation. No longer will we have to face discrimination and unfair treatment because of our race, religion, or lifestyle! All we need to do is...
1 Page 503 Words

Personal Narrative Essay on Helping Hands

Lending a helping hand is a gesture of kindness which people show towards needful. We all need help at some point in our life. People generally seek help when they are distressed, depressed, or in some trouble. I received help from my friends plenty of times and helped them too. When we help someone, it makes us feel contented, peaceful, and pleasant, moreover, it also determines our behavior towards others. If I have to talk about an incident, it would...
1 Page 517 Words

My Experience of Adventure Activity: Personal Narrative Essay

Adventure is a way of learning and experiencing life. It helps people get out of their comfort zones and create new and lasting relationships with the world and those around them. Also, it gives us a refreshing break from the monotonous schedule of being a housewife. Amongst a multitude of adventure activities, scuba diving is another sport that gives you the deserved 'break' in life. It all began when my husband came up with the idea of scuba diving while...
1 Page 481 Words

Essay on My Best Travel Experience

Leaving your trails to unexplored locations shall drive you to some of the most astonishing affairs. Amidst the number of trips that made sure to touch my heart and soul with its serenity, dramatic, panoramas, and exhilarating adventure motions, Sikkim continues to transcend in reminiscence. This quaint town nestles in northeast India with major attractions like gorgeous and inviting Kanchenjunga, glacier-fed water bodies, Gurudongmar and Chang lakes, captivating meadows, and Buddhist monasteries. We had planned a 5-day family excursion to...
1 Page 493 Words

Trip to Korea: Personal Narrative Essay

With members of the Asian Students in Action cultural club during my sophomore year at Queens College, I had a trip to South Korea. The list of options to travel to were all in Asia, and ultimately the club members decided on Seoul over two months of planning for the trip. To get the most out of the trip, the club has been in touch with students from Seoul National University who have agreed to be our tour guides. During...
1 Page 518 Words

Never Judge a Book By Its Cover: Essay

I believe in 'Never judge a book by its cover'. This is a common statement made throughout our lives. It literally relates to reading a book before you make an opinion on it. But it also relates to individuals and thoughts. First impressions do have a huge factor in our generation today. We are human; it’s just a part of human nature! Everyone can remember the school’s first days. We all went through the large gates, wondering what school would...
1 Page 516 Words

Health Is More Important than Wealth: Persuasive Essay

The relationship between health and money is complicated and varies from person to person. We often think that a healthy life requires money. Is it actually true? If we agree with this statement, then the question arises, do people who do not have enough money not lead a healthy lifestyle? How much money does a person need to lead a healthy life? The health tips we often read about, are they only limited to rich people? Well, all these questions...
1 Page 524 Words

My Favourite Food: Essay

A recent article from one of the websites called 'Scary Mommy' put out an article about someone named Mrs. Smith who was crazy about McDonald's. Everything she will do to enjoy her favorite McDonald's almost every day. Mrs. Smith could not feel that comfort anywhere other than McDonald's. ​All the anxiety that she feels will immediately subside or even disappear when she enjoys the deliciousness of every bite of crispy chicken McDonald's, and the taste of cola that once enters...
1 Page 486 Words

Martin Luther King Jr.'s 'Letter from Birmingham Jail': Summary Essay

After reading Martin Luther King Jr.'s 'Letter from Birmingham Jail', you will know that it was written during his eight-day sentence in jail on April 16th of 1963. It was written to the clergymen about their criticism of what he was doing, stating that it was “unwise and untimely”. The letter is King's response to an article in the newspaper. In it, he argues that he and his fellow demonstrators have a duty to fight for justice. Mr. King traveled...
1 Page 498 Words
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