550 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Ocean: Ocean Trenches and the Depths (Zones) of the Ocean

Let's talk about the continental shelf, slope, and rise! The continental slope is the seaward edge of the continental rise, which we will talk about later. Now, let's talk about the continental shelf! The continental shelf is a broad, comparatively shallow submarine deck of continental crust setting up the edge of a continental landmass. And lastly of the “continentals’, as I like to call it, is the continental rise! The continental rise is a major depositional arrangement made up of...
1 Page 550 Words

Child Psychology Essay

Using at least two examples from the module materials in Block 1, explain what you think is interesting about this way of understanding childhood. The child psychology perspective focuses on the mind and behavior of children from birth to adolescence, on how, when, and why children develop the way they do. Some of the key aspects that contribute to the study of child psychology are: Cognitive development: This aspect of child psychology tries to understand how much children learn, how...
1 Page 571 Words

Essay on Homer as a Famous Greek Poet

Homer was a Greek epic poet and supposedly the author of The Iliad and The Odyssey which are thought to be composed sometime between 750 and 650 BC. In Homer’s Iliad, the characters Sarpedon (mortal son of Zeus) and Patroklos (companion of Achilles) who both die noble and heroic deaths are commemorated with the grandest burials, whilst in Homer’s Odyssey, the character Elpenor (youngest companion of Odysseus) was given a much smaller burial. Sarpedon, who was killed in battle by...
1 Page 572 Words

Essay on Earth Day

Earth day is an annual day when events are held globally to increase recognition and appreciation of the earth`s herbal environment. Earth day reminds us that we all share an identical planet. We are accountable for what and how we use it. Earth day is celebrated in more than one hundred seventy-five nations every year. It is especially dedicated as a day to suppose of the environmental challenges we are going through and the options for them. In 2009, the...
1 Page 545 Words

Essay on Device Used to Track Storms

Predicting tropical storms is a very difficult job, primarily because storms can very easily change course in a matter of hours. Tropical storms are low-pressure wind systems that form over tropical oceans and have hurricane-force winds. They form roughly between 5 and 30 degrees north and south of the equator, where temperatures are about 26.5 degrees Celsius. The air above the ocean moves in a convection current upwards, causing low pressure. As it cools, the air condenses and forms clouds,...
1 Page 536 Words

Essay on 'Angels in America': Book Review

Angels in America was a fascinating tale about homosexual life in Manhattan in the 1980s, and although many of the social allusions were out of date, the work's substance and relevance are still pertinent in today's cultural and political atmosphere. No modern play has succeeded so indisputably in confronting Reaganism or McCarthyism, religion and immigrants, and even AIDS against the context of New York City in the mid-1980s. The drama revolves around three groups of individuals and their interactions. One...
1 Page 545 Words

Essay about Catharsis in Oedipus

According to Aristotle, “ a tragedy should arouse in the spectators the feeling piety and fear – ‘pity’ mainly for the hero’s tragic fate and ‘fear’ at the sight of the dreadful suffering that occurs the characters, particularly the hero. By arousing these feelings of pity and fear, a tragedy aims at the catharsis or purgation of these and similar other emotions.” By Aristotle's definition “ ‘ hamartia’ or ‘tragic flaw’ is an error of judgment that was made by...
1 Page 529 Words

Essay about Blindness in 'Oedipus the King'

Once in our lives, there is a minute that we may consider ourselves superior to somebody or something different. There may likewise be a moment when creating a choice prompts an incredible blunder in judgment. In the play, Oedipus the King, composed by Sophocles, both of these attributes can be found in the primary character. These qualities are called appalling defects. These imperfections are an abundance of pride, anger, and blindness. All these qualities are the fundamental reasons for the...
1 Page 567 Words

Effects of the Namib Desert on Namibia

According to researchers, Namibia ranks highest as the driest country in sub-Saharan Africa. Also, it has surface water for limited periods within a year, thus in terms of rainfall capacity, Namibia receives an average of 270 mm of rain annually. The country is divided into regions, the eastern region, and the western region. The eastern region receives about 700mm of rainfall annually, while the western region receives about 20 mm of rainfall annually. Similarly, the country comprises two deserts, the...
1 Page 566 Words

Dominant Image in Sonnet 18: Critical Analysis

Sonnet 18 was written by the English poet William Shakespeare, that articulates and emphasizes the sentiment of love. The poem expresses the poet’s endearment and perpetual devotion to his subject, and how the subject surpasses all tangible beauty. He explicitly expresses this notion through the manipulation and application of figurative language, poetic devices, and imagery. The poet discusses his subject, possessing characteristics surpassing nature, and how said nature and its seasons of summer/spring are perennial. The Poet elaborates on the...
1 Page 550 Words

Descriptive Essay on a Waterfall

The beginning of 2022 on 01.01.2022 is the first day of the beginning of 2022. Fraser Hill is located above the Titiwangsa range with a cooling temperature of 17 degrees celsius to degrees celsius On 01.01.2022 is a public holiday for all Malaysians. On that day, I and my family, father, mother, sister, and brother were. We had discussed going to the waterfall two days before going to the place we wanted to go. I and my family went to...
1 Page 557 Words

Critical Analysis of 'America' by Claude Mckay

Oppression is found all over the world in today’s day and age. It is the root cause of many of the world’s fundamental, ongoing conflicts. There are many definitions of oppression, but all of them are saying the same thing in essence. Oppression is “the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner” and “the feeling of being heavily burdened, mentally or physically, by troubles, adverse conditions, anxiety, etc.” It can be based on many factors...
1 Page 538 Words

Beach Descriptive Essay

On that fateful day, it happened. I lost a part of me. It was evening. It was near dusk. Stepping onto the golden white sand of the beach that stretched as far as the eye could see, I felt like I had just stepped on a cloud. The soft sand tickled my tall and slender toes, which were time-worn from years of hardship, causing me to curl my toes. A minefield of corals, the sand encompassed a set of various...
1 Page 552 Words

Nuclear Energy Essay

Nuclear energy, good or bad? The argument about nuclear energy is difficult. Some people say it’s good for the environment, while others say it’s the worst. So, let’s dive deeper into this argument and try to understand what nuclear energy is, and if it’s good or bad. How does it work? Most of the reactors were built between 1970 and 1985 when the price of oil and gas became very expensive due to the conflicts in the middle east. This...
1 Page 546 Words

Analysis of Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet and Bernstein’s West Side Story

Prokofiev’s Romeo and Juliet and Bernstein’s West Side Story have a number of elements in common, they are both based on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet however, they were written at different times which gave them each their own unique style which also meant that they had to face a number of different obstacles when composing their pieces. Romeo and Juliet is a neo-classical piece that is reflective of the style that was popular at the time, Prokofiev was clearly influenced...
1 Page 556 Words

Analysis of 'To Kill a Mockingbird' Metaphors

The story of “To Kill a Mockingbird” is narrated by Scout in an uncertain future, in the form of a flashback. That way, it is possible to monitor closely the formation of character in character during childhood. The simple narrative provides a readable to get involved quickly, where the point of view of Scout adds sweetness and a nostalgic tone to the plot. The many secondary characters are built from the discoveries of Scout, like Calpurnia, the family’s maid, and...
1 Page 547 Words

Abraham Lincoln Second Inaugural Address: Rhetorical Analysis

Abraham Lincoln, who served as the sixteenth president of America, was an American statesman and lawyer who led the nation through the American Civil War. His second inaugural speech was delivered on the 4th of March 1865, towards the end of the Civil War and a month before he was assassinated. His speech touched on topics relating to the war, slavery, religion, and recovery, and he made use of facts, the timing, his beliefs, and his relationship with the audience...
1 Page 534 Words

Mulan': Movie Review

Media portrayals and representations are the methods by which the media depicts specific groups, networks, encounters, thoughts, or subjects from a specific ideological perspective. The portrayal is the means by which media texts manage and present sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, national and regional characters, social issues, and occasions to a crowd of people. Media texts have the ability to shape a crowd of people's learning, understanding, and opinions of these critical points. An ideology is mainly an arrangement of beliefs...
1 Page 541 Words

Leadership Essay

Everyone has the potential to be a leader, but it takes hard work and dedication to unlock that potential. In this essay, we'll look at how you can start unlocking your leadership capabilities today. In this essay, I will explore the characteristics of effective leadership and discuss the importance of leadership in today's complex and rapidly changing world. Characteristics of Effective Leadership Effective leadership involves various skills and qualities, including communication, vision, adaptability, and empathy. Good communication is essential for...
1 Page 539 Words

William Still as One of the Underground Railroad's Greatest Conductors

Slavery affected 12.5 million slaves in the United States, due to such a large number of slaves there had to be a very large number of people helping slaves. There were approximately 3,200 ‘conductors’ on the Underground Railroad, one of them being William Still. A conductor was anyone who helped the Underground Railway function in any way. William Still ended up becoming the most successful black businessmen in the city of Philadelphia of his time, all while helping up to...
1 Page 559 Words

When I Showed My Bravery

Some people know how it feels like to be brave and others don't. Bravery speaks out in different ways, whether it is through speaking up or easily just doing something you never wanted to do. For me, I did something that I never thought I would do in my life and probably would never do again. My cousins came to visit from Chicago and they wanted to go to the Queen Mary with my sisters and I. My sisters were...
1 Page 562 Words

What Makes Alfred Hitchcock an Auteur?

The word ‘auteur’ refers to a strong aesthetic found reoccurring in the work of a single director, in particular it can be found in the visual styles and motifs of his/her films. In Hitchcock’s long 54-year career in the film industry, making 57 films and hosting his own TV show, one thing can be established: his need to exercise control over all aspects of the film production, whilst a typical director would delegate and trust his colleagues in their fields...
1 Page 531 Words

What Makes a Great Pizza in Melbourne?

In recent years, pizza has evolved from being just ‘party food’ to being an ‘any-day-of-the-week’ food. In Melbourne, we have seen pizzerias mushrooming left, right and center with pizza becoming a go-to meal choice for people, no matter the occasion. Pizza toppings and flavors are more diverse now than they have ever been. This means that there is something for everyone - from those who enjoy a good old plain Margherita pizza to those who prefer the punch that is...
1 Page 530 Words

What Is the Theme of 'Toy Story'?

The Academy Award-winning movie ‘Toy Story’ is Disney/Pixar’s best animation as it fosters the importance of love and friendship. The theme of the importance of friendship has been clear throughout the series. There are so many reasons as to why ‘Toy Story’ is the best movie as it prevails friendship, true love, and determination. ‘Toy Story’ demonstrates how two characters, both extremely different, work together to reach a common goal. This movie fosters how important it is to love one...
1 Page 571 Words

Essay about Traditional Igbo Wedding Ceremony

Marriage is a big deal in the Igbo culture. In an Igbo traditional wedding, every member of the extended family is involved and there are a lot of things to be done during the wedding ceremony. Igbo traditional wedding takes a step-by-step procedure as there is no rush. Iku Aka or Iju Else Translation in English is coming to knock or inquire. As a man who wants to marry in the Igbo land, you will go with your immediate family...
1 Page 558 Words

Role of Bravery in My Life

Many people don't realize that you need bravery until you're actually faced with a situation that you need to be brave in. I use bravery to confront my fears in many situations like getting through a day in school, having to confront my anxiety. Using bravery will help you succeed in life. It will help you grow and realize that by confronting your fears you can do way more when you put your head into it. I had to be...
1 Page 529 Words

Texas as a Paratext for 'No Country for Old Men' Narratives

Texas serves as the perfect setting for both versions (book and movie) of ‘No Country for Old Men’, in a way that it would be difficult to imagine it set anywhere else. This isolated stretch of land between West Texas and the Mexican border should be a quiet, undisturbed place as it is often times equal parts isolated and remote. It’s immediately clear that this is rough country, mostly accessible only by the likes of equally rough and emotionally unavailable...
1 Page 566 Words

Essay about Roseanne Barr: Very Influential Person

Roseanne Barr had made her first appearance on ‘The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson’, when most females were rarely on his show. When Roseanne made the appearance on the show, she immediately blew up overnight. She had a career that soon led her to be the star on her own show called ‘Roseanne’ and her three ex-husbands had made an appearance on the show, Ben Thomas, Tom Arnold and, Bill Pentland. Roseanne has three TV shows that she is stared...
1 Page 544 Words

Rosa Parks' Bravery in the Struggle for Racial Equality

The twentieth century brought an era that changed the lives of every African American across the United States. The civil rights movement, a movement to see the cruelty that every African American faced on a daily basis, was one of the greatest events that took a step into somewhere we would’ve never expected during the 1950s. Many activists made themselves known during the movement, activist like Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and Rosa Park, just to name a few, were...
1 Page 551 Words

Review of John Grisham's ‘A Painted House’

‘A Painted House’ is a perfect representation of the common American lifestyle. It was inspired by the authors own childhood in the American South. It takes place in the south around the 1950s. This story is told through the eyes Luke Chandler, a seven-year-old boy. His memories and struggles are expressed in so many descriptive ways leading to the overall style of American realism. This story introduces us to American views almost instantly. When we start learning about Luke, we...
1 Page 538 Words
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