Pineapple and Pizza: Is It a Good Combination?

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Pineapple was made to belong on pizza, no debate required. Its sweetness perfectly mixes with the saltiness of the pizza, thus creating a perfect combination. The tropical fruit plant, pineapples, unified with the snack of a pizza provides a sweet flavor to the taste profile, allowing the consumer to a burst in the sense of flavor. The pineapple all around is a healthy food choice, so the joining of this mix has health benefits, with it having the savoring taste of a pizza. People should evaluate this debatable food choice and see for themselves what they are missing out on.

To begin, the pineapple on pizza provides as a healthy source of fruit on the pizza. It has tons of nutrients such as Vitamin C, where it has 131% of the daily dose. This Vitamin C is important for the growth and the development of the body, serves as an absorption of iron, which is essential to having a healthy immune system. Secondly, our bodies naturally crave sugar because we use those sugars as a source of energy. Pineapple has sugars in it, actually 89 grams, where pizza only has slightly under four grams of sugars in it. The sweetness of the pineapples and the salty pizza serve as a marvelous combination. Lastly, our taste buds have a special gift where multiple flavors can be tasted at the same time. This is very useful when eating food combos with different flavor variations. Our taste buds serve in the case of the pineapple mixed with the pizza because the taste buds recognize the contrasting flavors which join to make a delicious treat for the taste buds. The pineapple on pizza combination is just like any other, like peanut butter and jelly. Our mouths recognize the different flavors, and realize how the pineapple has a perfect harmony with the pizza.

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The combination of pineapple with pizza is without a doubt one of the best types of pizzas. Though the combo may not seem like it, the sweet and salty mix is just right. Other than it being delicious, it is also very beneficial for your health. Pineapple pizza should not be judged based on its looks. Pizza fanatics should try it first because though it may look unsatisfying, the taste makes up for the looks. The warm pineapple that sits on the surface of the pizza provides the extra taste that is necessary for perfection. The blend of sweet pineapple with the salty pizza helps equalize the flavor making this pizza well recognized. Pineapple on pizza sounds ridiculous, but once tasted, any idea about it being not accepted will be declined, and in contrast will be known as being the best type of pizza. This pizza is without a doubt unique, which deserves more respect than it owns.

To sum up, pineapple placed on pizza is evidently made to satisfy our taste buds. Overall, this is the second-best type of pizza. I actually do not like pineapples in general so I could not tell you if it is good from my point of view. If truth be told, cheese pizza is the best type of pizza that exists. Pineapple on pizza is not even that bad, there are worse things than pineapple being used on a pizza: tuna pizza.

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Pineapple and Pizza: Is It a Good Combination? (2023, March 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“Pineapple and Pizza: Is It a Good Combination?” Edubirdie, 01 Mar. 2023,
Pineapple and Pizza: Is It a Good Combination? [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
Pineapple and Pizza: Is It a Good Combination? [Internet] Edubirdie. 2023 Mar 01 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from:

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