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Social Issues

Water Rationing Essay

Warren in 1971 concisely defined water pollution as 'any impairment of the suitability of water for any of its beneficial uses, actual or potential, by mancaused changes in the quality of water'. Nairobi River flowing through Kenya's capital city provides an excellent example of a heavily polluted river. River pollution problems are common in developed countries with highly industrialised societies. In Kenya, where industry is beginning to establish itself, river pollution is now a reality. Even though Kenyan rivers and...
1 Page 641 Words

Water Pollution in the Great Lakes Essay

In 1994, the most controversial alliance between nations took its affect. NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) was the agreement to have free trade between Canada, United States and Mexico. It was suppose to drastically increase trade and create jobs but in many ways had a reverse affect. The environment took a backseat to the money. With all the increase of trade, the pollution has increased and the quality of our raw materials has gone down. In addition, even though...
2 Pages 675 Words

The Physical and Psychological Impact of Misogyny in The Handmaid’s Tale

Organizations like MeToo and TimesUp have recently become important movements that shed light on sexism and misogyny. In October 2017, the hashtag #MeToo stood out in the news universally, inspiring women from around the world to openly share their experiences with sexual harassment or assault. The movement gained momentum after sexual assault charges were alleged against movie producer Harvey Weinstein. The novel The Handmaid’s Tale, is widely recognized for its potrayal of discrimination against women and the various forms misogyny...
1 Page 675 Words

The Main Impact of The Vietnam War

The Vietnam war which ran from 1955 to 1975, had a huge and devastating impact on both the north Vietnamese people and the South Vietnamese people. Vietnamese civilians endured the tragedies inflicted on them by a war not of their making. It is estimated that approximately 2 million civilians were killed or wounded during the conflict. Much of the death and destruction resulted from bombings, disease, starvation. The destruction was very widespread with many farms and villages in south Vietnam...
1 Page 646 Words

The Importance of Trust in a Relationship

Trust is difficult to define and we do not realize when it is lost. When this happens, we will regain our level of vitality and commitment. We may not show it clearly, but we are reluctant to tell each other face to face that we are upset and share what is essential to us. As a result, we remove the person. This loss of trust can be erased or hidden to some extent, especially when we claim to be available...
1 Page 638 Words

The Importance of Me Too Movement

There is an extended number of severe and challenging social issues that people try to but cannot eliminate. One such problem is abuse and harassment, and the Me Too movement aims to reduce the rate of assaulting people regardless of their age, gender, and race. The article “Me Too Founder Tarana Burke: Movement Is Not Over” discusses the actual goal of this social movement, as well as its global recognition and similarities with Black Lives Matter (Gurvinder and Rahman-Jones). Precisely...
1 Page 667 Words

Should We Bring Extinct Species Back From the Dead? Essay

With Modern-day technology improving every minute it is safe to assume scientists and archaeologists are working together to try and revive extinct species. But should we bring them back? Does it benefit us? As very intuitive mammals with the ability to grow and evolve each second, it is expected for us to be curious about other species, even deceased ones. De-extinction would allow us to evaluate these life forms. Not only would we learn more about the species we would...
1 Page 644 Words

Renewable Energy Argumentative Essay

Recently, some people believe that nuclear, solar, wind and hydropower provide cheap and clean energy. The advantages of these sources of power far outweigh their disadvantages. I totally agree with that first of all, energy should be a very hot topic today. When it comes to energy, there are many abundant energy sources in our life. What impresses me most is solar energy. Solar energy exists everywhere in our life, just like the water heater in my own home.Solar energy...
1 Page 655 Words

My Biggest Pet Peeve

In January 2017, my family and I were going to India for two weeks. We were excited to go to India as it had been more than a year since our last visit. As soon as we boarded the plane, I rushed to my seat, which was a window seat. In front of me, in the window seat, was a boy of about eleven years, and in the other two seats were his younger sister, in the middle seat and...
1 Page 638 Words

Main Differences Between Movie and Book The Hunger Games

Some adaptations make significant changes to the original text, while some fail to depict the thoughts of the author. This is especially the case with the adaptation of The Hunger Games, which has undergone several changes. Some of these alterations were necessary to create the desired effect for the audience. Hunger Games is about a young girl named Katniss, who is a tough hunter. She brings food to the table after her father's death. Every year, the capitol of Panem...
1 Page 643 Words

How did the Vietnam War impact the US culturally Essay

The U.S. has always been a defining country in the world, however sometimes other countries have a cultural impact on the United States such as Vietnam in the 1960’s and 1970’s. The 60’s was a time defined by change, one of the major contributing events is the Vietnam war.The Vietnam War was a devastating tragedy that cost thousands of lives for no reason.The Vietnam war changed the modern American social landscape and thoughts on our government and culture. The Vietnam...
1 Page 640 Words

History of Japan Anime Culture

The anime industry is hugh, but it wasn't always. Anime didn't start till the early 1900’s, and it didn't become “popular” until the 1980’s. Dragon Ball is the most well known anime but is often called a cartoon. Now anime is a lot more popular than in the 80’s and 90’s. They now even have words for anime enthusiast; weeb, and otaku. The first animated film was released for public viewing in 1917. It was only black and white, there...
2 Pages 670 Words

Essay on French Revolution Laid the Foundation of Democracy

French Revolution can be credited as the main inciter of democratisation in not only France but throughout Europe as it gives the consciousness among the Europe countries regarding the rise to the new national political order and political institution. As that many of the European states are under the absolute monarchy government as well as the church controlled like Russia, Italy, Prussia, Britain, as well as France. From the France revolution it has made Europe conscious about the need to...
1 Page 660 Words

Did America Win the Cold War? Essay

Introduction For nearly half of the 20th century, the United States and the Soviet Union were embroiled in an ideological and diplomatic conflict known as the Cold War. By definition, a Cold War falls short of open warfare however threats and propaganda contribute to a state of political hostility between nations. Despite disagreements between historians, the Cold War is often believed to have begun with the Truman Doctrine in March 1947 and ended with the Dissolution of the Soviet Unio...
1 Page 649 Words

Characters in The Epic of Gilgamesh

In, the poem “The Epic of Gilgamesh” the main character and hero of the story is Gilgamesh. In the beginning, Gilgamesh is not the fair and just king as the gods expected of him. Gilgamesh thought that because he was mostly god he could anything he wanted with no consequences. Gilgamesh caused an abundance amount of distress and pain to his people. He harmed and torched the causing them to cry to the gods for some to come and save...
1 Page 671 Words

Causes of Car Accidents

Car accidents are very common in the city and throughout the rest of the country. While some are relatively minor, thousands of lives are taken every year by horrible car crashes. Drivers have a duty to drive carefully and avoid causing foreseeable injuries to other motorists. Unfortunately, not all drivers successfully carry out that duty (King, 2016). The causes of car accidents can seem endless and also many variables factor into accidents on the road. Therefore, this assignment will discuss...
1 Page 635 Words

Bottled Water vs Tap Water Essay

Writing 5A Flash Draft Plastic Water Bottles - December 2019Zaira Shaker The argument of plastic water bottles is complicated because many say that plastic water bottles are a good source of water and should be able to use all the time. However, this is really not the case, because plastic water bottles ruin the environment, are killing animals, and the bottles and water can be contaminated.One reason that plastic water bottles shouldn’t be used all the time is that they...
1 Page 645 Words

12 Angry Men Assessment

12 Angry Men directed by Sidney Lumet, is a fantastic visual that protrudes the many reoccurring and significant ideas that are even present in society today. This cinematic masterpiece displays a controversial issue, an eighteen-year-old boy facing the justice system for allegedly murdering his own father. Under the justice system, there are twelve prominent judges who through their own sense of justice and morality, vote on the fate of this young man’s life. At first, it seems all hope is...
1 Page 634 Words

Funeral Blues': a Literary Review of The Poem

W.H. Auden wrote Funeral Blues the poem. Wystan Hugh Auden (1907-1973) was born in York, England, and later became and American citizen. Auden was the founder for a generation of English poets, such as C. Day Lewis, and Stephen Spender. Auden s earlier works were composed of a Marxist outlook with a knowledge of Freudian Psychology. Later works consisted of professing Christianity, and what he considered increasing conservatism . In 1946 Auden emigrated and became an American citizen. While in...
1 Page 634 Words

Essay About Traffic Jams in Vietnam: Facts and Solutions

As the World Health Organization (WHO) reported, outdoor air pollution is such as “the main environmental risk for health”, linking it to 3.7 million premature deaths worldwide in 2012. It means that traffic congestion increases vehicle emissions and degrades ambient air quality. Lung cancer, asthma, other respiratory diseases associated with heart disease and stroke are impressions of traffic jams. According to a CNN report, a study by Washington University in St. Louis noted that “being exposed to the daily hassles...
1 Page 637 Words

The Importance of Reading for Developing Countries

Reading is referred to as a number of interactive processes between the reader and the text, in which readers use their knowledge to build, create and to construct meaning. Reading is one of the important aspects that need to be mastered by students because reading is the foundation for learning subjects across all sciences (Rintaningrum, 2009b, 2015b). The ability to read is very important for finding a job or going to college. Reading ability plays an important role in improving...
1 Page 656 Words

Essay on the Purchase of Alaska

Throughout the history of the United States, the government has taken foreign policy measures that have resulted in differences of opinion among the Americans. One of the foreign policy actions that gave rise to disagreements between the Americans was the purchase of Alaska in 1864. This action had repercussions in the United States and other countries and regions, including the world today. The acquisition of Alaska caused controversy in the United States. Those who sided with William Seward, Secretary of...
1 Page 626 Words

Why Visit Paris: An Essay

Paris is one of the breathtaking cities to visit with a lot of fun and interesting things to go sightsee and activities to do. It has amazing restaurants and food. Walking through the streets there are lots of restaurants and casual sidewalk cafes lie that people love to go see and try. Paris is well-known in the fashion agency, and is also known as the fashion capital of the world. But what exactly attracts the tourist? This city has many...
1 Page 630 Words

The Internet in Our Life: Essay

Before the Internet our only source of information or connection to the rest of the world was the newspaper, television, encyclopedias and books which was not instantly available. From calculators to computers, cars to rockets, we are submerged in a sea of discoveries and inventions made possible by science and technology. The United Nations has declared the Internet a basic human right, so much so that it becomes a human rights violation to take this away (Kravets D & Sandle...
1 Page 667 Words

Essay on Communism and Why It Doesn't Always Work

A political ideology is necessary in order for a country to function but some political theories are more widespread, while some are less, which is a result of many factors and some, such as capitalism and communism, change beyond recognition from the original. Some are better and some are worse. The idea of communism existed for centuries even before Karl Marx and Christopher Engels popularized it. Before communism became popular the idea had many different names and was imagined in...
1 Page 632 Words

The Greatest Achievements of Athens

The arguably greatest advancement of Athens was democracy. As you know democracy is what is used today in many western nations such as the US, UK, Spain, etc. Athens however did not invent the democracy, they use, they invented direct democracy. Direct democracy is when all decisions in government are voted upon by the people, unlike what is used today. Today nations use representative democracy which Rome invented. It’s what is used today when people are elected to make decisions...
1 Page 673 Words

The Importance of Reusing Heritage Buildings in Kuala Lumpur

As our global population grows rapidly, most cities in the country face serious problems and lack of space. In order to solve these problems, most of the country will turn to suburban development rather than solving existing urban space problems. But sometimes there are vacant and abandoned sites in large cities, usually heritage buildings or industrial sites. In many cases, they are located on major transportation routes and are located in existing communities that have evolved over time to these...
1 Page 642 Words

Brazilian Culture and the World of Business: An Essay

Every nation has its own cultural background and orientations of thought, existence and action, and these differences strongly influence the business world. The purpose of this essay is to present the main cultural characteristics of Brazil that affect the conduct of business. Culture can be defined as the distinctive patterns of ideas, beliefs and norms which characterize the way of life and relations of a society or a group within a society. These set of beliefs are assumed to be...
1 Page 654 Words

Sea Level Rise Problem in Florida

It has become known that several major parts in Florida are sinking at a high rate due to the rising sea level. The city that is sinking the fastest is Miami. It is hard to imagine that the beautiful beaches and popular scenery with palm trees itself is about to be underwater sooner than we know it. There are many contributing factors as to why this phenomenon is happening and one of the biggest reasons has to do with human...
1 Page 667 Words

The History of the Invention of the Internet: A Short Essay

Here we are in 2019, and we can’t even imagine our lives without the Internet. The Internet has become a huge part of our daily life. The Internet has brought knowledge and information on our tips. The Internet has made our life positive and easy. Gone the days when we had to go to a library to get some piece of information, we can do that easily by sitting at our place with just some clicks, all that is thanks...
1 Page 675 Words
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