650 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Socio-Political Implications of the Kansas-Nebraska Act

The term withdrawal or secession had been utilized earlier in 1776. South Carolina startled partition after the Continental Congress tried to tax each and every colony based on the number of the entire residents that would comprise slaves. Approved by the U.S. Congress, the Kansas-Nebraska Act permitted people in the provinces of Kansas and Nebraska with their consent to permit bondage or slavery inside their frontiers. The Act dropped the Missouri Compromise of 1820 which precluded subjugation or human servitude....
1 Page 653 Words

Martin Luther King's Rhetorical Techniques to Convince His Audience

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, leader in the Civil Rights Movement, in his letter ‘Letter from Birmingham Jail’ (1963) argues that white moderates are the real barrier to equality for black people. King develops through use of various pertinent examples, both extended and hypothetical supplemented by thought-provoking rhetorical questions and effective references to outside literature. King appeals for the unity against the racism in society and right for Human Rights, using ethos. Similarly, King uses pathos to trigger the American...
1 Page 633 Words

The Patriotism of Nathan Hale

The C.I.A. Headquarters in Virginia is a big, concealed campus surrounded by woods. The C.I.A. collects and organizes intelligence. On the C.I.A. website, their primary mission is, “to collect, analyze, evaluate, and disseminate foreign intelligence to assist the President and senior US government policymakers in making decisions relating to national security” (About CIA, 2019). There is only one person that has a statue on the premises. That person is Nathan Hale. C.I.A. employees who pass by this statue understand the...
1 Page 628 Words

Materialism as an Essential Problem of Modern American Society

Materialism has become part of human nature. It has been spread throughout history and evolved into an issue that will never cease to exist. However, this is no new discovery, materialism is not a new thing. It is displayed all over the media, in magazines, and in commercials. From the dawn of time, there has been an innate competition between human beings. Whether we admit to it or not, we all have the urge to be better than those around...
1 Page 626 Words

Jing-Mei's Intrapersonal Struggle in 'A Pair of Tickets' by Amy Tan

Family and culture should be the two most important things in our lives. In the short story, ‘A Pair of Tickets’ by Amy Tan, the main character (Jing-Mei) evolves over the course of the story by struggling with her identity as a Chinese to being able to accept her Chinese heritage. 'My mother said when I was fifteen and had vigorously denied that I had any Chinese whatsoever below my skin' (150). As Jing-Mei was growing up, she was influenced...
1 Page 668 Words

Ryanair's Alternative Strategies to Maintain Competitiveness

The alternative strategies that Ryanair should adopt to maintain competitiveness include the following. Firstly, Ryanair should continue to adopt the ‘red ocean strategy’ where it steals customers from other markets segments or from other major airlines. It can do this by stealing customers from the business class segments of other airlines for its’ own airline’s leisure and business travel. If the company continues with the adoption of this strategy then it can prove that a differentiated marketing strategy is still...
1 Page 664 Words

Physical Appearance Discrimination in the Professional World

The word discrimination is widely used to criticize actions that disadvantage groups of people because of certain traits such as sex, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, but also disability, weight, age or genetic constitution (Heinrichs, 2012). In this basic sense, to discriminate against someone is to treat her disadvantageously relative to others because she has or is believed to have some particular feature that those others do not have. In short, discrimination against someone simply is disadvantageous differential treatment. The term...
1 Page 641 Words

Personal Views on Ethics

I do my very best to avoid situations that force me to choose between doing what is right and that which benefits me. Doing what is right usually requires a person to put others' interests above themselves. Doing what is beneficial to a person is quite self-explanatory. When approaching any ethical issues, I contemplate with these two questions: should I do the right thing or that which benefits me. While it might sound selfish and easy to do the right...
1 Page 637 Words

Animals Have Demand and Inference

In animal zoo, there are all kinds of performances about animals that animals can follow people’s instructing to do a lot of things and those are very interesting. Parents always like to bring their children to see those performances. When kids saw those performances, they may ask their parents a question: “Do these animals can understand what people say?”. In other words, the question is do animals have cognition that can help them to do many things? Animals have the...
1 Page 671 Words

The Theme of Innocence in Dudley Randall's ‘Ballad Of Birmingham’ and William Blake's ‘The Lamb’

For decades poems have been a wonderful piece of format in writing that partakes the nature of both speech and song that is nearly always rhythmical and are usually metaphorical to help express the idea of commons themes. To begin with both poems like ‘Ballad Of Birmingham’ by Dudley Randall, and ‘The Lamb’ William Blake discuss the image of innocence. Randall discusses the child's innocence to make the ultimate tragedy in end the poem to make it shocking and devastating...
1 Page 645 Words

Childhood Trauma and Its Negative Effects

As children, many people go through at least one of the various forms of trauma, affecting not only their development, but also their adult life. Childhood trauma is extremely common in this era as many children have the misfortune of being raised without sufficient love and attention or grow up exposed to things they should not be. According to the National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative (2015), abuse is one of the most common form of childhood trauma. This may include...
1 Page 672 Words

A Personal View of Franz Kafka's 'The Metamorphosis'

This year, last May, my family and I visited the Czech Republic, specifically the city of Prague. It was an amazing experience, during which we learned very much about it’s past and present history. We admired the beautiful Romanesque architecture, we walked along the famous Charles Bridge, and we were able to watch the amazing astronomical clock and many places more, all of them full of beauty and interest. One day, exploring the Jewish Quarter, we came across one of...
1 Page 654 Words

Review of Burton W. Folsom Jr.’s ‘The Myth of the Robber Barons: a New Look at the Rise of Big Business in America’

Author Burton W. Folsom Jr.’s book ‘The Myth of the Robber Barons; A New Look at the Rise of Big Business in America’ is an excellent example of a book which presents an evidence-based argument. He divides the book into seven chapters based on the most prominent business Moghuls during their era. The author uses historical anecdotes to prove that government intervention in businesses in the form of subsidies, taxations, or exclusivity deals are almost always a bad idea and...
1 Page 663 Words

The Relationship Between Japanese Anime and Globalization

Japanese anime in today’s time is known and watched by many people worldwide. However, this wasn’t always the case. Japanese anime was once only popular in Japan. Some people may think that the reason for its popularity is that countries like the United States of America are showing interest in it. Although that may be somewhat true, the real reason for Japanese Anime’s growth is because of its originality and how different it is. The topics that will be discussed...
1 Page 650 Words

Pros and Cons of Partisan Election of Judges

In this essay, I am going to look at the main pros and cons of party elections for public policy, as well as analyze whether it would be better to elect or appoint judges. First let's talk about some of the advantages of holding a partisan election. With the partisan elections, it allows the ones, who are running to campaign and get a better understanding of what is needed to be done for the people of the state and to...
1 Page 630 Words

Cell Phones Are a Distraction in Elementary School: An Essay

Technology is everywhere nowadays and the most common type is in a phone. They are one of the things that people rely on a daily basis. Sometimes, you see young kids, elementary kids holding a phone in their hand, even a kid that doesn’t even know how to walk. Young kids are using a phone not to pay attention to their daily life or school work, but rather using them for distraction. Many believe that this is helping young kids,...
1 Page 672 Words

Cyber Crimes and Its Effects on Youth

Cybercrime is a crime in which criminal activities are carried out by means of computer or Internet. There are many types of cybercrime. Computer is used as the tool of crime and sometimes, computer is the object of the crime. It includes harassing cyber users. Cybercrime is the most powerful crime that is growing fastly. Cybercrimes has been defined as, “Any illegal act fostered or facilitated by a computer, whether the computer is an object is an object of a...
1 Page 669 Words

Abigail Adams and Her 'Fight' for Women's Rights

As the great Birgham Young said, “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation”. These words could not have better painted the picture of how women felt in America in 1776 amidst the great American Revolution. At the time the ideas of human rights, liberty and independence were being pursued by white men, however women's rights were merely brushed off. The source introduces a feminist ideology and approach to rights issue in...
1 Page 651 Words

The Ming Dynasty: Traditions and Innovations

The Ming Dynasty ruled China from 1368 to 1644 A.D., during which China's populace would double. Known for its exchange development to the outside world that built up social ties with the West, the Ming Dynasty is likewise associated with its show, writing and famous porcelain. In early Ming times, China's space broadened extensively in the south because of its fruitful attack of northern Vietnam. The concise control of Vietnam was met with decided nearby guerrilla obstruction, and the Ming...
1 Page 671 Words

The Importance of Mobile Phones

Introduction Mobile phones have become extremely popular in recent years with most people in the world owning one. Everywhere you look there is someone calling, playing or just on their phone in general. Mobile phones have completely changed how people live nowadays; they have become an important asset in our daily life making it easier for us to do most of our work. Whether it's researching, playing, communications with family, or using social media, phones have been very convenient in...
1 Page 632 Words

J. Hector St. John Crevecoeur's and Phillis Wheatley's Views on British American Society

For many people, the American colonies was a chance to start anew, as they sought to escape political oppression, to be able to practice their religion, or for new opportunities that had been denied to them back home. This was the case for J. Hector St. John Crèvecoeur and Phillis Wheatley, as they both were able to explore their own brands of freedom in the new land they called home. Crèvecoeur’s ‘Letters from an American Farmer’ and Phillis Wheatley’s poems...
1 Page 667 Words

Inspired by Maya Angelou and Her Poem ‘Still I Rise’

Alongside accumulating this research, I had also carried out literary research to form my collection of poems. Initially, I wanted to create a historical fiction about the work life of women however I changed the outcome of my artefact to a collection of poems instead. The reason behind this was that, at the time, I was reading a lot of poetry, and I concluded that through poem’s, the aim can clearly be presented. Moreover, I believe through poetry, it is...
1 Page 656 Words

What is Federalism? Essay

Introduction Federalism is explained by Elazar (1987) as a combination of ‘shared’ and ‘self’ rule whereby, the politics and people unite for common purposes while at the same time maintaining separate integrities of all parties. Federalism has varying meaning and applications in different contexts. There is no blueprint federalism, various types exist based on the purpose for their formation, degree of power distribution and region’s relative power and size. Based on purpose of formation, federations could be coming together or...
1 Page 642 Words

Child Nursing Personal Statement

I want to study 'Child Nursing' because I have a very adaptable approach in speaking to children and adults. I am a caring, committed and motivated individual who has also a good understanding of equality and diversity. I am able to solve and respond to stressful and hectic situations confidently and calmly. Although the role of work can be difficult and demanding at times, I am ready to challenge my abilities and meet the requirements of the course. Therefore, I...
1 Page 637 Words

Neil Bohr's Atomic Model

In 1909, Ernest Rutherford discovered that the bulk of the atomic magnitude was tightly condensed into a nucleus, which was establish to be positively charged. It became clear from his assay in 1911 that the coveted pudding example may possibly not account for atomic structure. In 1913 as Rutherford's post-doctoral student, Neil’s Bohr planned a new form of the atom, in which electrons orbited the center with classical periods, but were barely allowed to give discrete principles of raw-boned momentum,...
1 Page 629 Words

Preventing Children to Get Bad Impact from Violence in Media and Video Game

Existence, when children would spend their whole spare time with their friends in the streets have, generally gone. Present-day youngsters choose another way of fun, such as watching Tv or playing a video game. Television these days contains rough, sexual and other topics which will not be suitable for children. It maintains their dreams of an idealized world or leads a few of them to concern for not having the comfort appeared on TV. Although two kinds of entertainment can...
1 Page 656 Words

Minimum Wage Should Be Increased

Would you be able to envision yourself working 12-hours per day and just having enough cash to pay for lease and put nourishment on the table for your family? With working every one of those extended periods, you can scarcely stand to cover your utility tabs and from that point onward, you need more cash or time for extravagances like attire or get-away. You have no investment funds, in actuality, you are in tremendous obligation and you are living check...
1 Page 667 Words

Essay on the Benefits of Technology in Education

Have you ever tried to imagine your life without high-tech technology? How people have found their sources for their need for learning before the invention of the Internet? How long they should have to be commuted to provide their need for education? Technology brought many different things to our life and it affected our current lifestyle so much. Improvement in technology provides many opportunities for the human to do everything even beyond their imagination. It made our life easier and...
1 Page 665 Words

Florence as the Birthplace of the Italian Renaissance

Florence was known to be found during the time of 59 BCE, during that time the original function of it was a place for colonies meant for soldiers coming from Rome. During this time the city was also shaped as a rectangle shaped garrison town with streets formed in patterns of rectangular blocks. Being the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance, this city is famous for its tourism today as it attracts many tourists with its many works of Renaissance art,...
1 Page 629 Words

Essay on the Effects of Unemployment

Unemployment is the state of being unemployed or unemployed, or the proportion of people who are able to work, are actively looking for work, but are unable to find one. Unemployment is a huge problem in today's world. One of the effects of unemployment among graduates is make a difficult life for unemployed. This effect is focusing on individuals. They were unable to earn money to meet financial obligations. People that had made loan from bank have to settle down...
1 Page 638 Words
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