650 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Alan Turing's Biography And Achievements

English mathematician Alan Turing once said, “Sometimes it is the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no-one can imagine.” Turing was born on June 23, 1912 in Maida Vale, London, England and died on June 7th, 1954 in Wilmslow, United Kingdom. All throughout Turing’s childhood he was considered a genius despite his late exposure to science. At thirteen he attended the independent Sherborne School where he became particularly interested in math and science. After Sherborne,...
1 Page 644 Words

The Greatest Achievements Of The Mayan Civilization

The Mayan civilization was one of the greatest in Mesoamerica by far! They’ve had amazing achievements and hundreds of thousands of people living in their city-states. The Mayans even had advanced structures built of stone that the hands of laborers assembled. They created a number system that almost dictated their whole community and a calendar that we base ours on. But, all great things begin somewhere right? So, where or more so how did all of these accomplishments begin? They...
1 Page 634 Words

Treatment Of Jews In Concentration Camp

World War II is an important part of history. It is considered the bloodiest conflict that happened in Europe and across the Pacific and eastern Asia. Nazi Party led by Adolf Hitler blamed the Jews for Germany’s loss during World War I. This lead to The Holocaust which started when Hitler rises to power. During this time, many tragedies and horrible events happened to the Jews. Jews in the concentration camps went through many dehumanizing treatments. When Jews are captured,...
1 Page 631 Words

Rosa Parks Brave: A Fighter For The Rights Of Black People

At age 2, Rosa moved to her grandparent's house with her mom and brother. She helped to work around their farm and picked cotton for a white farmer to earn some extra money. With the payment of only 50 cents a day, it felt like slavery. When Rosa was old enough she went to the local school for colored children in Georgia. It was a one-room classroom in which over 50 kids were forced to cram in. The school had...
1 Page 627 Words

Genghis Khan And The Making Of The Modern World

Weatherford’s thesis statement, “The startling true history of how one extraordinary man from a remote corner of the world created an empire that led the world into the modern age”. Weatherford’s thesis is correct because he outlawed slavery and redistributed the wealth he gained, established free trade along the silk road and created one of the first international postal systems, as well as left conquered cities alone along he promoted people based on individual merit. To begin, the argument of...
1 Page 641 Words

Mayan Predictions About The Global Collapse

The Mayan civilization left the inhabitants of the earth a message written in stone, with seven prophecies that warn us of several coming events, while giving us a message of hope. Although the Mayan calendar culminated on December 21, 2012, these so-called “prophecies” are still to be fulfilled or are already being developed. The message of hope tells us about the changes we must make in ourselves to push humanity towards the new era. If we don't do them, we...
1 Page 673 Words

American Economy Before Christopher Columbus

In the past, European countries came to the Americas looking to build their empire and gain power. They were competing to be the most powerful country and improve their economic lives. In the drive to be the most powerful European country, they started colonizing the Americas. Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer and colonizer who completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean that opened the New World for conquest and permanent European colonization of the Americas. In 1942, Christopher Columbus...
1 Page 632 Words

Genghis Khan And The Start Of The Mongolian Empire

Born around 1162 near the border of Mongolia, Ghengis Khan was given his name after becoming the first Great Khan of the Mongol Empire. Originally named Temüjin, Genghis had a rough childhood. His mother had been kidnapped by his father and forced into marriage. At the same time, nomadic tribes on the central Asian steppe were in a persistent war that involved killing and stealing from one another. This made life for young Temüjin harsh and unpredictable. Before the age...
1 Page 626 Words

Genghis Khan And The Making Of The World Literary

Genghis Khan, a Mongolian leader, was born into impoverished and unstable upbringings and rose to create the largest empire in history, covering 11 to 12 million square miles at its zenith. However, his journey commenced as he struggled into the world of the steppe, firmly gripping a large, black blood clot around the size of a knuckle bone. Many speculate that the blood clot foreshadowed and symbolized fortune and eminence, while others perceived the clot as the foretelling of curse...
1 Page 637 Words

Anne Hutchinson A Spiritual Leader In Colonial Massachusetts

Anne Hutchinson is a girl of a pastor. She was hitched to a businessperson William Hutchinson at 21 years old in 1612. They had an aggregate of 14 youngsters together. Hutchinson landed in Massachusetts Bay in 1634 with just eleven kids. They were welcome to the Bay on account of her significant other William's flourishing and her mastery in nursing and being a maternity specialist. She was involved in the Antinomian contention with the Puritans called 'Antinomian Heresy'. Anne was...
1 Page 655 Words

The Impact Of Chemistry On Society

Chemistry has impacted society by a broad discipline that applies to all industries such as medicinal chemistry, environmental sciences and material science and it has also aided technological advancements and fortifying natural defence and as a result helps and impacts people and the society in many ways and on a daily basis and in the ‘past two centuries the development of nuclear technology and electronics has been aided by chemistry’. (1) Medicinal chemistry industry has a large impact on society...
1 Page 631 Words

Chemistry And Forensic Investigations

Forensic sciences and criminalistics have existed since ancient times, but until recently it was unknown. Throughout history, crimes have occurred in which there has always been an attempt to find the person responsible for applying justice. Many have been the crimes that have gone unpunished due to the absence of a science that was dedicated to solving them. It is when the need arises to create forensic sciences, which helps to find the culprits and provides them with the corresponding...
1 Page 638 Words

How Is Analytic Chemistry Used In The Medical Industry?

Introduction Analytical chemistry considers and employs a variety of equipment and methods in order to separate, identify and quantify matter. After the first flame tests in 1860, the importance of qualitative and quantitative analysis has been identified and major advancements have been made with many of the spectroscopic and spectrometric methods only being refined in the late 20th century. One of these methods includes the analytical technique ‘mass spectrometry’. Mass spectrometry assesses the mass-to-charge ratio of ions. Since mass spectrometry...
1 Page 641 Words

The Similarities And Differences Between The Dharmic Religions: Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism

Religion in India originated in the Indus Valley Civilization. The people of this area practiced Hinduism as far back as 2600 B.C.E (Jeffrey Brodd, 2019). The Indus were one of the three earliest civilizations of South Asia and the Near East. This early civilization reached across Afghanistan, Pakistan, and northwestern India (Wright, 2009). Jainism began in Northern India in the eighth century B.C.E., the time of Parshva, their twenty-third Tirthankara. Buddhism traces its roots back to 563 B.C.E., the birth...
1 Page 654 Words

The Meaning And Significance Of Theology

From my previous courses at Liberty I know theo means god, and the suffix ology refers to a field of study. Therefore, when I hear the word theology I know that it suggests the study of God. I believe this “study of God” is the structure or support of Christianity. Growing up in a two parent home where only one was Christian (my mom), I have had Jesus as my friend and savior for as long as I can remember...
1 Page 650 Words

Islam And The Problem Of Female Oppression

Before I started to write on this topic, the first thing that comes in my mind is that What is Islamization? and what is the history of Islamization? To begin with, we must be known What is Islamization? The Islamization is the method of getting something or someone under the Islamic rules or laws is known as Islamization. In some of the countries, Islamic sentiments has still been alive like in Pakistan, but different governments have utilized this to their...
1 Page 675 Words

Gender Equality In Christianity

A Judeo-Christian perspective is principally structured upon a set of laws given by God- The Ten Commandments. These rules are then believed to be fulfilled in Jesus Christ, a Jew believed by Christians to be the saviour promised to them by God, as written in the Hebrew Bible. During his lifetime, he is said to have freed all humans from sin, no matter what their status, race, or gender was. His stay marked a time of compassion and empathy for...
1 Page 673 Words

Ethics Of Food In Catholicism, Hinduism, And Judaism

Dietary restrictions are within various religious practices that the follower can follow. While some religions prohibit the consumption of certain foods and drinks, others have periods of fasting. Catholic, Hinduism, and Judaism have multiple food laws that are practiced by the followers of those religions. Catholics must follow many food laws, such as no eating meat on Lenten Fridays. Jews have food laws such as eggs, fruits, vegetables, and grains are considered pareve, or neutral, and can be eaten with...
1 Page 637 Words

Female Sports Deserve The Same Recognition As Male Sports

Hundreds of major league baseball (MLB) games are televised nationally every year with the players being paid an average salary of 1 million dollars. Depending on their skill and how eager an organization wants a player it can go up from there. Did you know that there was a pro softball league? Most likely not, the softball league consists of 6 teams with the average salary below 100 thousand dollars. Female athletes are paid 40% of what male athletes are...
1 Page 631 Words

The Importance Of Sports In Schools

According to ESPN: Hidden demographics of youth sports by Bruce Kelley and Carl Carchia, “Twenty-one point five million kids between two and seventeen played sports in 2011”- and twenty-one point five million kids loved it. People have been arguing about whether or not to exclude sports from schools. People are arguing this for reasons such as injuries and costs. This is an important argument because it can change lives and has both positive and negative effects on young athletes. Sports...
1 Page 650 Words

Sports For All In Singapore

If Singapore decides to water down on mass sports participation and focus on producing world class champions instead, Singaporeans may be unable to keep fit as a result and have a healthy body. With production of elite athletes and watering down mass participation, there would be much better results that would in turn be aligned with Vision2030. Being able to have world class talents to hit the target mark set would tremendously help our country become a powerhouse in the...
1 Page 640 Words

The Factors And Effects Of Communication In Sports

How does communication affect sports? There are many different types of communication that can affect sports, but the three main types are verbal communication, non-verbal communication and listening. These three are very important factors in communication and especially in sports. There are a couple areas I would have an image consultant work with me on. The first one is organizing. Organizing is when we sort and categorize information that we perceive based on innate and learned cognitive patterns. Three ways...
1 Page 640 Words

Australian And Local Sports

Sport has always been a part of Australians day-to-day life, from playing beach cricket on a hot summers day to sitting on the couch for around seven hours on Bathurst 1000 day. Australia’s sport history starts back to when the indigenous Australians, including aboriginals and Torres strait islanders played sport for cultural reasons and leisure. An example of indigenous Australians sport included hunting for food, wrestling stick games, spear throwing and more. In around the 1800’s, the European settlers brought...
1 Page 629 Words

How Cell Biology Is Useful To My Career

”It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen” - John wooden. In my case, cell biology is the little thing which will have a great impact on my future career. It’s difficult choosing the perfect career when you’re someone who dreams with open eyes. I’ve been up and down my road of career choices and it has been a task to finally decide on my future career. Deciding on my career was one of the...
1 Page 635 Words

Self Esteem And Confidence: How Do I See Myself

Self Confidence and Self Esteem is the key to success, or we can say, the first step to success. If one has confidence about something, he can surely achieve it, as my teacher has rightly said, “Our lives are moved by our actions, which take form by our thoughts”. So, if a person is confident about something, if he thinks he can accomplish his aim, he thinks that his dreams will be fulfilled, he can make this world a better...
1 Page 637 Words

From Unhealthy Lifestyle Into Healthy Lifestyle

Teenagers need to stop our addiction to an unhealthy lifestyle due to the fact that an unhealthy lifestyle can cause diseases. In order to live a stronger life we need to quit our addiction to eating unhealthily and give up unhealthy habits. A healthy lifestyle is important to maintain a strong life. As teenagers we prefer to take care of ourselves. Whatever teenegers do, we think our actions are the best for us. Some teenegers maintain stay hungry to lose...
1 Page 660 Words

Marriage Values Influence On Character Traits In Pride And Prejudice

During the Regency Period, almost everyone had the same views on marriage: it was a tool used to make your life better. Most would marry for either social or monetary gain, an idea that is found in Pride in Prejudice, but is challenged by Elizabeth, whose view of marriage is one of love. Mrs. Bennet’s idea of marriage is one of monetary gain. Each of these characters are based around their marriage views, and these marriage views influence the other...
1 Page 626 Words

The Vision Of Science In The Scientific Revolution vs. Today

The modern vision of science is similar to the ways science is practiced today with an overall intention of improving objective scientific research to the benefit of humanity, yet differs with biased research prevailing today. The modern vision of science is used to benefit humanity today with medicine to improve the quality of life for humans, similar to what Sir Francis Bacon and Rene Descartes of the Scientific Revolution had in mind. The modern vision of science differs from the...
1 Page 633 Words

Is There The End Of Science

Science is a ubiquitous topic that no man would not know about. Science has revolutionised the world, improving human lives in so many aspects and contributing to a haven of knowledge that exists today. However, a question comes to mind when we look into the many discoveries Science has offered – is Science coming to an end? An ‘end’ here refers to the lack of revolutionary theories and knowledge. While it does appear that mankind is running out of things...
1 Page 657 Words

Self Assessment Of Cultural Competency

Culture is the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group (Virkus, 2009). In the field of nursing, we deal with various cultures regularly. We as health care professionals, need to be able to provide culturally competent care to the patients we care for. Self-assessment to acknowledge strengths and weaknesses within your cultural competency is key to discover and make changes to prevent cultural destructiveness. In the cultural competency continuum, I believe that I...
1 Page 645 Words
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