700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Career Development

Career has two meanings. Career is mostly used to refer to a chosen profession or employment, or an occupation. Career options encompass a wide variety of occupations from those needing rigorous preparation and schooling to those you can perform with just a high school diploma, ability to learn and work ethic. A profession may mean working as a doctor, lawyer, teacher, electrician, cashier, hairstylist, cashier, teacher. In addition, career still has a dictionary term, too. It takes into consideration the...
2 Pages 723 Words

Are GMOs Really Harmful for Humans, Animals and Environment? Essay

Genetically modified organism (GMO) is organism whose genome has been engineered in the laboratory in order to favor the expression of desired physiological traits or the production of desired biological products. According to WHO, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can be defined as organisms (i.e., plants, animals or microorganisms) in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination. GMOs are used mostly in the field of medicine followed...
1 Page 703 Words

Persuasive Speech about Animal Rights and Need to Defend Them

The animals on our earth seriously need our help. For animal rights activists, recent years have shown an outpour of emotion and pledge for help as millions of animals face the suffering of animal cruelty and testing every day. Many campaigns and organizations have been put together on social media and online to reinforce the importance of putting a stop to the suffering of animals. One animal rights activist named Seb, uses his Instagram platform to spread awareness of the...
2 Pages 721 Words

Night': Decisions That Affected Elie's Life

Elie Wiesel is a Jewish-American author, professor, and activist best known for his book ‘Night’. ‘Night’ is a book that describes what was going on with Elie in the Holocaust. Elie made many decisions that negatively and positively affected his life. The decisions that impacted Elie’s life were that he had to lie about his age, decide if he wanted to stay in Auschwitz, and whether or not to protect his father. One decision that Elie made that made a...
2 Pages 708 Words

Fed Up': Movie Essay

Directed by Stephanie Soechtig, ‘Fed Up’ is a documentary about the obesity epidemic and its effects that America is currently facing. The documentary invites viewers to believe that the consumption of unhealthy foods and accessibility to fast-food menu options is the root cause of America’s battle against obesity. Stephanie Soechtig’s ability to combine evidence in the form of statistics, interviews with relevant stakeholders and archival footage coupled with complementary musical backing produces a text that will leave audiences unsettled and...
2 Pages 724 Words

Why I Honor the American Flag Essay

Introduction The American Flag is a symbol of freedom, unity and sacrifice that has been used to represent the United States of America since the late 1700s. It is a powerful symbol of the nation’s history, values, and principles. As an American citizen, I believe that it is important to honor and respect the American Flag, which is why I am writing this essay to discuss why I believe it is important to honor the American Flag. This essay will...
1 Page 697 Words

Rhetorical Question and Symbolism in Breck's Last Game

With a rise in the popularity of online gaming in the last 10 years, there has also been a subsequent rise in phishing, grooming and the manipulation of minors. Breck’s Last Game, directed by David Whayman and globally released in 2019, tells the story of Breck Bednar, a 14-year-old whom was manipulated online over a number of years and lured to a flat by Lewis Daynes where he was brutally murdered. The text employs the use of symbolism, rhetorical questions...
1 Page 677 Words

Who Won the Cold War? Essay

The Cold War A hot war has physical fighting. In a cold war, there is not. The Cold War refers to the time after WW2 when there were tensions between the USA and its allies and the USSR and their allies. USA Capitalism vs USSR Communism The Soviet Union and the USA had different ideologies (a system of ideas and ideals). The Soviet Union was Communist after the Russian Revolution of 1917 (a forcible overthrow of government in favour of...
2 Pages 714 Words

Vehicles Pollution Essay

We live in a world where everything is transported by the use of vehicles, so it is necessary to have knowledge about vehicle pollution. But before that let us talk about pollution. Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. These harmful materials are called pollutants. Similarly, vehicle pollution is the introduction of harmful pollutants into the environment by motor vehicles. The pollutants introduced have several effects on human health and the symptoms include cough, nausea, headache, irritation...
2 Pages 700 Words

Trustee Model of Representation

Simplest Representation Model First, there are three concepts involved in the simplest representation model. There are principal, agent and third party. There are principal, agent and third party. The principal is hiring other one to do something for them that they cannot do for themselves. So, the agent performs certain actions on behalf of the principal. In reality, voters are the principal, while legislator is the agency. In the electoral regulations, voters clearly know the functions of legislators and can...
2 Pages 705 Words

The Cause and Effect of Deforestation Essay

Did you know that a company called Lovejoy that studies the Amazon predicts that the ecosystem could break down if just 20 to 25 percent of it is destroyed? (newsela) Unfortunately, that is what is happening right now. Trees are being cut down, farmers are burning down trees for land to grow crops and raise livestock, people are cutting down trees for oils, supplies, new roads, new buildings, etc. The effect of all this is deforestation. Not only is deforestation...
2 Pages 723 Words

Simulation of Traffic Flow to Analyze the Vehicle Behaviour on a Multi Lane Motorway

With the increasing number of vehicles on the roads, motorways and highways, it has become necessary to manage the traffic congestion problem. According to some studies, we now manufacture more cars in a month than we used to in a year, a decade ago. The increasing number of vehicles have caused frequent road accidents leading to multiple causalities and losses to properties while also adding an additional pressure on the traffic management systems in the urban areas. According to the...
2 Pages 692 Words

Renewable Energy Intermittency

Energy is the most important element in the modern world. Therefore, it has consumed a vast amount of energy. Fossil fuels are the most sources of energy used worldwide. These sources cause carbon dioxide emissions and this leads to the problem of climate change. Because of this problem, the world needs to move to renewable sources of energy. The fact is that renewable sources of energy also have their problems. The major problem of renewable energy is intermittency. This essay...
2 Pages 710 Words

Pros and Cons of Birth Control

Today I am taking on the pros and cons of Birth Control. I chose to talk about this because as we all know that babies are a gift embraced by God and women; however, no body wants to have a baby by chance. It’s important to have an option avoiding that birth control method can secure pregnancy till the right time. Appreciation to Margaret Sanger and others who invented the birth control pills, everyone has an option of waiting until...
2 Pages 704 Words

How did Military Spending Influence the End of the Cold War? Essay

He focuses on what Reagan endured and sacrificed in order to reach the end of the Cold War therefore conveying it is the life and soul given to the cause that matters. It is evident that Reagan invested his time and life in and out of office to this cause according to Schweizer. ‘Ronald Reagan is impossible to understand outside his forty-year battle against communism
 it consumed more of his attention than any other endeavour and touch the very centre...
2 Pages 715 Words

How did Britain Use Conflict to Gain Power?

Between 1600 and 1800, Britain evolved into a dominating empire that controlled most of the southern hemisphere. An underlying factor for their success was their strong economic state which enabled them to use conflict to extend their power overseas. Britain's economy played a large role in their success to conquer many countries as they were able to afford and provide for the navy and army. The British economy grew between 1600-1900. This was predominantly a result of the success of...
2 Pages 676 Words

Earthquakes: History and Studies

Damages in Earthquake Several types of earthquake damages may occur, and the extent of damage caused will be influenced by the severity of the earthquake, location of site from epicenter, and several other factors. Damage can be minimized by proper design analysis according to the parameters of earthquake engineering. Basics of Earthquake The shaking of the earth, because of the movements of plates beneath the crust of the earth, is called an earthquake. Before we study the damages due to...
2 Pages 718 Words

Carpooling: The Best Solution for Traffic We Have

The average Los Angeles commute takes 53.68 minutes– roughly four minutes higher than the 49.1-minute US national average. Britons are awaiting the longest train of up to 45 minutes in Europe. Increasing numbers of cars on the road result in more than traffic jams, it makes it even more difficult to fight climate change. We need new modes of transportation and we need them quickly. Although urban planners are crying out for new ideas there is already a viable alternative....
1 Page 682 Words

Biodiversity and Deforestation Connections

Plants and trees are the lungs of the earth. They provide oxygen and shelter for the ecosystems that thrive within the forest. The UN sustainability goal #15, life on land, was aimed at increasing biodiversity and decreasing deforestation around the world. This is done by using target indicators. And while many countries agree that protecting nature is a noble initiative, many of them fail to reach the targets. Because political policies and consumer preference lean towards unsustainable habits, the targets...
2 Pages 704 Words

Another Brick in the Wall Song Analysis

I am going to analyse the second composition of Another Brick in the Wall which I believe is the most powerful part. It is a protest song against the educational system in the form of storytelling but in order to understand the meaning behind this song we have the keep in mind the lyrics, the sound and also the music video that gives up a better picture of what is the producer’s message. All these three elements are all combined...
1 Page 681 Words

Popular Song Analysis: “Wide Awake” By Katie Perry Tamara Hutton

Song Analysis Wide Awake sung by Katie Perry The song “Wide Awake” sung by Katie Perry will be the focal point of this analysis. Music can both be calming and therapeutic to the listener. A descrption of the aesthetics will be included, lyrics description and a song production details. I chose to take a deep dive into this song because the lyrics connect me to the singer. The song can be interpreted as a love story gone bad. Even though...
1 Page 685 Words

Essay on Why Communism Is Good

Communism refers to a system of social organization that encourage for classless and equal community in which all wealth and property is communally owned instead of by individuals or private corporation. In summary, communism is the view that every person in a certain community is treated and receives equal portion of the benefits derived. Communism is structured to enable low-income people to prosper and achieve financial and social status equally to that of the middle-class people. Equality is attained by...
2 Pages 719 Words

Tokyo's Urbanization: Factors and Effects

Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is located in Asia. Urbanization has changed the landscape of society. The evolution leading up to the Tokyo metropolitan area was an example of how urban areas could give what the residents need. Tokyo started as quite a small city, it grew and expanded with challenges that were considered successful. In Tokyo, the population is 37,393,000 people. This all happened because of urbanization. Population density, land value, job opportunities, natural disasters and infrastructure were some...
2 Pages 707 Words

Economic Development of Japan: An Essay

Poverty has no root cause. Success is the one that has. Heat is analogically a result of active processes; it has sources. But cold is not a result of such processes; it is just the absence of heat. Simply put, the great cold of economic stagnation is just the absence of economic development. Economic development transforms basic, low-income, national economies into modern industrialized economies by a dynamic interaction within local and foreign systems. The question now is not whether to...
2 Pages 701 Words

Essay on the Future of Computer Technology

It is impossible to imagine the modern world without computers. Today’s computers help the work force perform their jobs more efficiently and offers hundreds of benefits to the business. The most impacting benefits include saving money and time. Some of the most noticeable benefits include automating reports, increasing interaction among employees and managers, and dramatically increasing communications on a global basis. In addition to all the benefits in the workplace, they are about the same in the home. Some benefits...
1 Page 678 Words

The World Wide Web: Creator's Expectations and Disappointing Reality

The World Wide Web turned 30 on Tuesday, March 12, 2019. The birthday celebration was held at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research near Geneva. This is where the Web was born. In March 1989 a young computer expert working at CERN, by the name of Tim Berners – Lee, had new ideas about open access computing system with a desire for broad connectivity and openness. He wrote his first proposal for an Internet – based hypertext system to...
2 Pages 696 Words

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Mobile Phone at Work or School: An Essay

I am writing this discursive essay on the topic on the advantages and disadvantages of having mobile phones at work and school. Mobile phones are becoming more and more popular and are becoming a part of people’s life which there is more and more problems appearing every day which has arisen some questions, such as whether they should be at school or in a workplace. The advantages of having mobile phones in school are quite a substantial amount considering the...
2 Pages 707 Words

Cloud Computing: Clear Benefits and Potential Drawbacks

Cloud computing services provide many benefits to help make our lives easier. Cloud computing is storing, managing and processing information over the Internet, which is known as the ‘cloud’. The benefits of such services are that it reduces costs significantly, organizes data, and is time effective. Big corporations can store large amounts of data without investing in costly hardware. It’s also a very efficient way to organize a large quantity of data all the while reducing the risk of it...
2 Pages 682 Words

Reflections on Whether There Should Be a Mandatory Retirement Age

Do you ever wonder when is the best time to retire from work? Can you envision yourself sitting in a rocking chair, having idle time and reflecting since the day you were born? Mandatory retirement for workers over the age of 65 is ideal in today’s society. A law that enforces a mandatory retirement will help today’s generation and many more to come in the near future because as workers pass the age of 65, they become no longer physically...
2 Pages 690 Words

The Green Revolution as a Significant Agricultural Advancement

In order for the human population to reach what it has today, 7 billion people, agriculture has had to make advancements in order to keep up. Food is essential for the living. Inventions like the tractor, irrigation, and the combine harvester has allowed for everyone to have food on the table. It allows for the mass production of cheaper products to feed the country. But perhaps one of the greatest advancements in the agricultural world is the Green Revolution. The...
2 Pages 701 Words
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