700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

An Essay About a Trip to Paris

My first trip to Paris was a remarkable experience, which I will never forget. My parents drove from Vitoria to Paris at the cold Christmas weather. We stayed until the New Year in a hotel located in a suburb of Paris and visited the city every day. It was a great feeling to arrive in Paris and see the city of light. I will never forget when I first went through, passing the canals and seeing the monuments. It was...
2 Pages 721 Words

Public Transportation Vs Private Transportation: An Essay

Transportation is a way to move a person or thing from one spot to another. People utilize various vehicles to move to better places for work , school and so forth. There are two kinds of transportation: public transportation and private transportation. Public transportation is constrained by the administration and individuals are permitted to go in it for a little expense. Private transportation is owed by people, a few organizations like uber and lyft that are claimed by privately owned...
2 Pages 686 Words

Essay on Green Transportation and Its Key Benefits

Green transportation or eco-friendly vehicle is a road motor vehicle that produces less harmful effects towards the environment than comparable conventional internal combustion engine vehicles running on gasoline or diesel or one that uses certain alternative fuels. Alternative fuel is a non-conventional and advanced fuels that contains any materials or substance that can be used as fuel. According to Bjorklund (2011), green transportation is defined as a service that has a lesser or reduces the negative impact on human health...
2 Pages 686 Words

Should Net Neutrality Be Embraced?

Net is a group of at least two devices that can be used for communication. It consists of several dissimilar computerized systems linked by wireless or physical connections. All nets allow computers and or people to share resources and information. Net neutrality can be described as an idea in which the association between a person and the Internet’s content should not be modified by Internet service providers (ISPs). In this concept, ISPs avail fair access to the content on the...
2 Pages 719 Words

An Essay About a Trip to a Museum

Last week I had an opportunity to visit a famous art museum in Iowa. It was the Figge Art Museum in downtown Davenport. I’m not a fan of art but visiting a museum has always been an enjoyable experience for me. I wasn’t surprised to see all kinds of people speaking different language from different backgrounds and some from foreign countries. The building of the museum is awesome and a source of attraction. The staff is helpful and knowledgeable. The...
2 Pages 706 Words

Should the Government Be Allowed to Tax Unhealthy Foods Such as Sugar in Order to Encourage Healthier Eating? Essay

In this essay I'm going to be discussing the following: why the government has introduced a sugar tax and the results of this initiative, future plans to increase this scheme as well as potential alternate methods to improving the nation’s health without punishing the consumer. The government last year joined the ranks of many other nations around the world in introducing what has been dubbed the 'sugar tax', joining the 'sin taxes' that are already currently in place. This new...
2 Pages 694 Words

The Long Road to Legalizing Gay Marriage in Australia: An Essay

Today’s society is ever-changing, with new demands being asked from the government regularly, due to this it is important that our government is able to meet and deal with these demands. One of these demands was same-sex marriage. Gay marriage was a law introduced into Australia in 2017, which allowed two people of the same gender to be legally bound through marriage. Previous to this law same-sex marriage was not recognized as legally binding because it did not fit within...
2 Pages 706 Words

Similarities Between Australia and the US Regarding Immigration Laws and Policies

This essay aims to explore migration in The United States of America (USA) and Australia, as in some instances they have very similar migration patterns. It will be an investigation into the similarities between the two countries regarding immigration laws and policies. Immigration Laws and Policies in Australia Australia is a country that has a very rich and positive migration history. However, this has not always been the case and Australia’s laws and policies are constantly changing. A major pull...
1 Page 710 Words

Essay on Ill Effects of Dowry System in India

Dowry is when the bride's family give some sort of materialistic items to the groom's family, which is believed to be the payment for taking care of their daughter throughout their marital life. An endowment can be in the form of money, adornments, furniture, property and other tangible items. It is a common practice in India since centuries. This essay illustrates the ill effects of dowry system in India. Dowry-linked violence frequently emerges when the bridegroom or his family fish...
2 Pages 685 Words

Essay About Malaysia Food

Malay food is strong, spicy and aromatic, combining the rich tastes of the various herbs and spices commonly found in Southeast Asia. It is one of the three major cuisines in Malaysia and together with Chinese and Indian food continually to attract tourists to the country with its incredible variety and flavors. The overall tone is spicy with a little tinge of sweetness. Malay food is typically eaten with the hands. It is an art to keep the rice from...
2 Pages 724 Words

An Essay on Why Everyone Should Visit the West Coast of Australia

In this essay, I am going to answer the question why everyone should visit the west coast of Australia and what makes this region one of the best tourist destinations. An incredible continent - Australia - a holiday for beach and nature lovers. Because here you can cuddle and have close encounters with super friendly Australian native animals and large monster-sized aquatic animals. Another uniqueness of this continent is that the three largest oceans in the world together form the...
2 Pages 722 Words

Energy Efficiency in Data Centre

In the 21st century, a crucial part of the information infrastructure is the data centre. It is already part of data communication, accommodation, and processing in practically every industry. However, with rising demands of power and escalating electricity prices, the engineers must improve the efficiency of data centres. Although not all energy waste can be evaded, engineers have been working to find ways to improve data centres’ performance in energy use in recent decades. The energy consumption and techniques to...
2 Pages 701 Words

Factors that Affect Interpersonal Relationships

The connection between two or even more people could be regarded as an interpersonal relationship, which includes different forms, there are colleagues relationships, partners relationships. There are many factors that influence relationships between people. .A child with parents forms family relationships, and men and women can form love or even marriage relationships (Juneja 2015). Additionally, people who do not have any relationship with others can not survive well in society., Many of them have social anxiety disorders, used to named...
2 Pages 701 Words

Community Service Scholarship Essay

I am currently enrolled in a post-graduate diploma in Project Management at The University of Winnipeg, Professional, Applied, and Continuing Education. I am thoroughly enjoying this program and feel very grateful for all the support that I have been receiving from my peers and instructors. In December 2018, I came to Canada as an international student to study in this program, however, in June 2019, I received my permanent residency based on the Express Entry program largely due to my...
2 Pages 701 Words

Climate Change Causes Effects and Solutions Essay

Green marketing the solution to climate change Have you noticed that every summer is warmer than the one before? Have you noticed a change in the environment surrounding us in the past years? This is all because of the global phenomenon, of climate change. Climate change is one of the most sensitive and talked about issues worldwide. It is a global issue that urges many governments and society as a whole to take action before it is too late to...
2 Pages 711 Words

Climate Change Opinion Essay

I think we can all agree that the topic of climate change is very controversial. I think we can all agree as well that the topic of climate change cannot easily come to a conclusion within just one letter. Even so, I hope through this letter I can convey my opinion but also that I am ready to discuss differing ones. I understand we are both certainly passionate about our positions and have logical reasons behind that position. Now, I...
1 Page 680 Words

An Event That Changed My Life Essay

Life is like a roller coaster ride with several ups and downs, bad and good incidents, and happy and sad phases. Though, everything that happens brings some kind of lesson or guidance for you. Learning from bad experiences and showing gratitude in happy times is important. Verily, it depends on you how you take every situation and make it work despite difficulties and hardships. Every individual goes through such incidents that either break them or make them a better and...
2 Pages 714 Words

5 Paragraph Essay on the Crucible

The Crucible and Today's Society We are in the 21st century but the crucible is still relevant to today’s society after 50 years ago with writing but it includes many issues such as justice, reputation, hysteria, intolerance, empowerment, also revenge, pre- juices, jealousy, love, and hate was and still is behind all of that. The main lesson and reputation after the crucible is a reputation which for example in the crucible show John Proctor who fears that his affairs with...
1 Page 712 Words

Hamilton vs Jefferson Essay

During the late 1700s, there was a heated debate between the Federalists and the Republicans. While both political parties had different ideas of what the government should become, it was ultimately Alexander Hamilton’s that eventually bested Thomas Jefferson’s vision. Hamilton was the first treasury secretary and had a great influence on President Washington over Thomas Jefferson. Alexander Hamilton was one of the most important founding father figures in the late 1700s. Thomas Jefferson believed in decentralized government, freedom of religion...
2 Pages 688 Words

Analytical Essay on Diagnosing Anxiety Disorder

According to American Association, anxiety disorder can be explained as a reaction towards tension which could occur and sometimes do bring benefit in certain situations. It helps us to realise its danger and push us to be in a ready mode and focus on the coming danger. This disorder is not the same as the actual feeling which will lead to nervousness or anxiousness and thus will increase the feelings of being scared or fearful. Anxiety disorders are the greatest...
2 Pages 705 Words

Essence of Political Party System in Democracies: Analytical Essay

The Political Party System is commonly found in democratic system of government. Through the political system the running politicians use this to compete for certain positions. Political party system can have positive and negative functions in our society. On the bright side of political party system we could have an organize groups of politician in competition during elections, this can help the voters to easily determine and decide what politicians to vote since political parties have their own titles and...
2 Pages 690 Words

Vladimir Putin: Essay on Ukraine

The Ukraine Crisis. Who is at fault? The Ukrainian crisis refers to the Euromaidan protests from 2013 to 2014 associated with the emergent social movement for the integration of Ukraine into the European Union. The Crisis began on the 21st of November 2013 when the former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych suspended preparations for the implementation of an economic deal with the European Union and decided to accept a $15 billion Russian counteroffer instead. The decision sparked mass protests from supporters...
2 Pages 711 Words

Hillary Clinton for President Essay

Hillary Rodham Clinton was known as a lawyer, political assistant, first lady, senator... the list of Hillary's status did not saturate yet; the most controversial political figure in the USA added a new chapter in her political career, with high hopes, appeared vim, and bravery she nominated herself in 2016 for one of the notorious presidential campaigns in this century. The democratic figure was fighting side by side with powerful figures to gain this position. 'Hillary Clinton became the first...
2 Pages 701 Words

Women in Nigeria's Aviation Industry in Historical Perspective: Analytical Essay

This study analyses the involvement of women in the Nigerian Aviation Industry in historical perspective. It highlights the contributions, problems, roles from inception of the Nigeria airways in 1958 up to 2014. The Aviation industry involves all aspects of aviation, including airlines and training centers, vendors, flight crews ,Administrative and regulatory authorities. The Aviation Industries works to transport people and products (cargo) throughout the world1.significant step in aviation came with the construction of the first powered airplane by the Wright...
2 Pages 708 Words

Passive Building Construction, Active Fire Protection System and Fire Safety Management: Analytical Essay

The construction industry around the world is becoming constructing green and sustainable buildings nature. To satisfy the assessment criteria being suggested and proposed, newly architectural features and innovative ideas, newly mechanical and electrical systems, and suitable energy and environment management scheme have been raise out. Moreover, fire safety issues have not yet been properly assessed and elevated. There have been different conflicts among the green or sustainable building design and fire safety provisions . Provision of fire safety have been...
2 Pages 697 Words

Narrative Essay about Being Judged

Today I will be telling the story of moments in my life where I have been judged on something other than my character. When I was in the sixth grade I was judged on how I was fat as the kids said. In the seventh grade as well as in eighth grade I was judged because I came out as pansexual. I have been judged my whole life because I was different. I have been judged because my mother is...
2 Pages 700 Words

Critical Analysis of Puritans' Culture and Beliefs

John Bunyan, was an english writer that was famous for the book “The Pilgrim's Progress”. One of his famous quote said. “ The whole life of a Christian should be nothing but Praises and thanks to God; we should neither eat nor sleep, but eat to God and sleep to God and work to God and talk to God, do all to His glory and praise” (msu.edu). The people believed that the Bible was God’s true law and provided a...
2 Pages 710 Words

Application of Golden Mean in Nicomachean Ethics: Analytical Essay

Video Summary: Altruism and Empathy Natural Selection can put certain facts or guides in our brains to allow for our survival. This has to do with kindness and being nice to others. Our ancestors were nice to people so they could stay alive in hard times. While at life and death situations they fought and showed no mercy to protect themselves. This is seen today around the world. We are all taught to be nice to everyone and many people...
1 Page 681 Words

Examples of Socratic Method in Euthyphro and Meno: Analytical Essay

To Destroy, Humble, and Lead Socrates of Athens was famous for his never-ending questioning in search for knowledge and wisdom with the belief that he knows nothing and his method of doing so. This questioning method of Socrates would start off with Elenchus, or “belief destroyer.” Socrates would go around Athens and talk to everyone asking questions and puzzling them with their own words. Socrates would strike conversation with somebody who is deemed knowledgeable and try to gain this knowledge...
2 Pages 724 Words

Critical Analysis of Poetry by Sylvia Plath: Lady Lazarus and Fever 103

Fever 103° is a poem first published in 1965 as a component of Sylvia Plath’s anthology entitled Ariel. This poem was written in the autumn of 1962, when Plath was struck by the flu and left alone to care for her young children. “Fever 103°” describes a speaker caught in the hallucinogenic state of a high fever, all the while she transcends into her purest form. One of the predominant themes within this poem is religion. Plath often shares religious...
1 Page 676 Words
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