700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Analysis of the D.L.W Case from the Theoretical Perspective of Natural Law Theory

DLW was acquitted of the bestiality charge on the basis that no penetration occurred. In this report, I will examine the D.L.W case from the theoretical perspective of Natural Law Theory. During my analysis, I will focus on the original D.L.W decision and how it missed factors of Natural Law Theory, such as human rights, animal cruelty, and penetration. By focusing on these aspects, I argue that if Natural Law Theory had been applied in the Supreme Court then the...
1 Page 708 Words

Faciality and Sensation Theory in Hardy's 'The Return of the Native': Critical Analysis

Thomas Hardy as a psychological realist, few critics have gone so far in the other direction as Gilles Deleuze, who states that Hardy’s characters ‘are not people or subjects, they are collections of intensive sensations’ (Deleuze and Parnet 39-40). This is to suggest not that Hardy is uninterested in people but that he is interested in them as material objects, as agents of sensory interaction with the world, rather than as beings that transcend it. To read Hardy’s portrayal of...
1 Page 679 Words

Mao Zedong As a Brilliant Thinker, Strategist, and Poet: Opinion Essay

Mao Zedong is one of China's most famous figures. He led the Chinese people in expelling the Japanese Aggression. He founded China in 1949 and became its first leader. He made a whole country. Today, his portrait hangs in Tiananmen Square. He was not only a hero but also an important statesman, thinker, military strategist, diplomat, and poet. He was born on December 26, 1893, and died on September 9, 1976, in Beijing at the age of 83. His body...
2 Pages 719 Words

Concept of Moon Landing in Articles and Poems: Critical Analysis

The speech “In Event of Moon Disaster” by William Safire was written for the occasion that the moon landing did not go to plan, with the purpose of the speech being to inform the people that the Apollo 11 crew had passed, but they sacrificed themselves for science. Ethos was established with the speaker, Richard Nixon, who was the President of the United States at the time of the moon landing, not Safire. The direct audience were citizens of the...
2 Pages 690 Words

The Louisiana Purchase As One of the Most Controversial Issues: Analytical Essay

The Louisiana Purchase was one of the most controversial things Thomas Jefferson has done during his presidential term. To put it simply, it was a land deal between France and America. It started when Napoleon Bonaparte, a successful French military leader, and statesman, gave an offer to Jefferson. ?How is this relevant? Born on a small French island, Napoleon will soon have a great impact, not only in his home country-France- but also in America. When Napoleon was leading the...
2 Pages 705 Words

Essay on Stonehenge: Analysis of Religious Beliefs and Traditions

What were the common religious/spiritual beliefs of the people living in this time period? What role did these beliefs play in the shaping/creating of their society? The main religion was based around Egyptian Gods and Priests. In these times there were many small communities that had developed their own god/s to worship. One of the biggest spiritual beliefs was that the stones were placed in that particular formation to form a calendar. This calendar was designed to keep track of...
2 Pages 692 Words

War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy As a Masterpiece: Reflective Essay

‘War and Peace’ through Leo Tolstoy has attained a standing as one of the maximum famous, but maximum daunting, books withinside the present-day library. The number one motive for its fearsome recognition is due to the fact the book is properly over one thousand pages in maximum published editions. Yet, regardless of the reality that it's so challenging, it has maintained a legacy of being a masterpiece and is liked through many that study it. ‘War and Peace’ is book...
2 Pages 713 Words

Discursive Essay: Influence of Neolithic Revolution on World History

Discuss. Although the invention of tools, the control of fire, and the discovery of uses of language and art by Paleolithic people were remarkable achievements, it was the Neolithic people's use of systematic agriculture and settled life that was one of the most important events in the world history. Paleolithic is the first period of prehistory. It began with human beings appearing about 300,000years ago in Africa. During this time, humans lived in tribes, and dwell in natural caves. They...
2 Pages 702 Words

Historical Essay: Role of Charlemagne in Fighting with Muslims

When the Franks attacked the Muslim kingdoms in Spain it was clearly done for power and to take control of Christian lands which they desired. As when the Frankish arrived under Pepin the younger his son Charlemagne would follow his fathers wishes and desires to take control over the Spanish kingdoms and to convert them to Christianity, the Franks saw their god as the only one true god. As when Charlemagne attacked the Spanish kingdoms his plans were to make...
1 Page 682 Words

Analysis of Africa’s Plate Tectonics and Continental Drifts

Africa has some of the greatest history, and physical geography. From jungles to desserts, and colonialism to urbanization. Not all events are good ones, especially with the rough terrain that African had to endure, but also the good that came out of it from raw materials, but also involved exploitation. There are positive and negatives in the geographies of Africa. Ultimately, Africa has a beautiful context of life and history behind its luscious trees. The main concepts that help round...
1 Page 681 Words

Reflective Essay: Influence of Robert Frost’s Fire and Ice on My Poem

Piano keys I sit on the stool, stare at the piano keys, so many yet so little, but all they remind me of is the guns and those screams unwelcomed but ringing as I press on the piano keys and they pull me beneath the depths of water, am I supposed to see different colours underwater? Because all I remember is light and darkness merged into one, they were never meant to be. My poem conveys the physical assertive power...
1 Page 690 Words

Association of Depression, Anxiety, and Stress with Initiation of Tobacco Use among Undergraduate Dental Students

Discussion The main aim of the study was to identify the association of depression, anxiety, and stress with initiation of tobacco use among undergraduate dental students of Moradabad, India. The study shows the prevalence of moderate to severe depression, anxiety and stress is 14.4%, 33.70%, and 16.04%. This is lower than the study done among Melaka Manipal Medical College, Malaysia students wherein the percentages are 30.7%, 55.5%, and 16.6% respectively17. The prevalence of depression is found to be highest in...
2 Pages 684 Words

Analysis of Vindication of The Rights of Women: Portrayal of the Difficulties in a Day in the Life of a Woman

A Woman’s Place Women have experienced hardships since the beginning of time. Society has always placed certain standards upon women which, despite many attempts to remove them, will never go away. Many artists have found inspiration in such hardships and utilized them as their muse within their works. Writers, such as Mary Wollstonecraft and Jane Austen, often touched on the topic of women’s rights in an attempt to help bring light to the inequalities amongst men and women. However, despite...
2 Pages 714 Words

Daycare Research in Age Group 1-3: Reflective Essay on Toddlers

The age group of 1-3 years or “toddlers” as they are referred to is an age group of children that go through an overall vast change. The toddler will steadily grow in height and weight as they continue to grow. “The average toddler weight gain 1.36 to 2.27 (3 to 5 lb) per year. Length/ height increases by an average of 7.62 cm (3 inches ) per year. ” ( Carman S.R. K, 2019). Adequate nutrition is important as the...
2 Pages 701 Words

Criticism about Women's Position in Society in Vindication of The Rights of Women

During the Romantic Era nature was used as a model for writers to base their writings as well as their beliefs of off. Nature is described through their poetry as representing the best and properly ordered aspect of things. Also, nature is the representation of sincerity, equality and perfection. In nature everything that is alive has the same and equal opportunities to strive and prosper, it is one equal balance. Nature is full of emotion, this is important because many...
2 Pages 715 Words

Book Analysis of Robinson’s Book Why Nations Fail

Have you ever asked yourself why some nations are poor and others are not? Have you ever asked yourself why do some nations enjoy prosperity and others rot in poverty and inequality for ages? Have you ever asked yourself why, in the first place, there is such thing as “poor nations” and “rich nations” when clearly we live on the same planet? Was it because other nations are geographically located in areas where natural resources are abundant? Was it because...
2 Pages 719 Words

Discursive Essay on the Notion of “Negative Capability” in J. Keats’s Odes

John Keats’s writing style is consistent of vivid, life-like imagery embodying many literal devices. But, what stands out is his theory of negative capability which plays a vital role in his odes. The crucial part of negative capability is not about being doubtful, hesitant, or about making confusing arguments. It is about encouraging compassion, understanding, and most importantly thinking outside of the box, outside their comfort zone. To begin with, in his ode, “Ode to a Nightingale”, Keats uses the...
2 Pages 724 Words

Why I Want to Go to College Essay

I realized that there was no limit to what I could do in 2016 during the election when Hillary Clinton was running for office; up until the election whenever I thought of the president my mind always thought about men, so I was very surprised and excited when I saw her running for office. I was a little upset when she didn’t win but still hopeful about my future. I thought she was so brave and strong to run for...
1 Page 689 Words

The Cherokee Removal Through The Eyes of a Private Soldier by John G. Burnett: Reflective Essay

As part of this written homework, I must explore and talk about the major themes and issues in at least two of the iCollege documents. The documents I chose are; African Americans Petition for Freedom, The Cherokee Removal Through The Eyes of a Private Soldier, written by John G. Burnett, and finally Frederick Douglass’s speech on The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro. All three of these documents show the reality about how white Americans treated people that were...
2 Pages 696 Words

Critical Analysis of The Government of Germany’s Formal Position and Recommendations on Combating Global Food Shortages

For the People: The Government of Germany’s Formal Position and Recommendations on Combating Current and Future Global Food Shortages In recent years many factors have contributed to a global food shortage, and more specifically a shortage in lesser developed countries. As the United Nations reports, “the number of undernourished people in the world has been on the rise since 2015, reaching an estimated 821 million in 2018” (SOFI 2019). Environmental change, war, and corrupt government, are a few of the...
2 Pages 677 Words

Intercultural Communications Contemporary Tensions: Analysis of Asian American Discrimination

Intercultural Communications Contemporary Tensions Intercultural communication is communication between two individuals or groups of different cultural origins or social groups and how culture affects communication between the two individuals or groups. It can be defined as a concept and competence that individuals or groups should acquire to facilitate better communication. Acquiring intercultural competence equips one with qualities that can enhance intercultural communication. It means having skills, knowledge, and attitudes towards understanding intercultural communication. Intercultural communication not only studies the interaction...
1 Page 694 Words

Lord of the Flies by William Golding: Humanity Versus Savagery

“Maybe there is a beast….maybe it’s only us” (Golding 89). William Golding, the author of Lord of the Flies, lived through the two World Wars. During these wars, he witnessed the horrors and evils of our society: the numerous casualties, the Holocaust, and other tragic events. He even participated in one, World War II. It is clear that these events inspired him to write this novel; the characters and events in the story symbolize different aspects of our society (Alnajm)....
2 Pages 698 Words

William Golding's Views on Human Society: Analytical Essay

“What are we? Humans? Or animals? Or savages?' (Golding). William Golding believes that a person cannot be entirely good. When it comes down to it, without consequences humankind's desires is attainable. Indeed, humankind is civil, but civility and savagery are just a state of mind. Society demands peace but there is always a temptation for savage behavior. Plus, humankind constantly desires something, whether it is power, wealth, or resources. William Golding uses the allegory in Lord of the Flies, to...
2 Pages 716 Words

How to Prevent Acid Rain? Essay

Acid rain – words which we often read in books and hear in news, is a phenomena towards which we contribute directly or indirectly. As the name suggests, is precipitation made extremely acidic by atmospheric pollutants which causes harm to the flora, fauna and infrastructure. Acid rain contains elevated levels of hydrogen ions produces as a result of interaction between sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides with water. In order to find remedies to this problem, we must delve deep and...
1 Page 676 Words

Recycling in The Automotive Industry

Among the largest market for automotive in North America is Canada. Every year the total value of automotive imports to Canada from America increases, for example in 2016 there was a 6% rise which included 9.6% of imports of automotive parts and 5.8% for overall vehicle imports. Recycled old vehicles constitute over 25 million tons of items, annually. Canada and USA recycle automobiles which provide enough steel to make over 10 million new vehicles. There are various Federal policy and...
2 Pages 678 Words

What is Climate Change? Essay

Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, such as through variations in the solar cycle. But since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. Burning fossil fuels generates greenhouse gas emissions that act like a blanket wrapped around the Earth, trapping the sun’s heat and raising temperatures. Examples of greenhouse gas emissions that are causing...
1 Page 677 Words

Difference Between Communism vs. Capitalism

There are different operations, strategies, beliefs, and principles that guide every economic structure. The principles and ideas that are dominating in such territories determine the type of system in operation. Capitalism vs. communism concepts are two contrasting economic systems that are applicable in different places. Indeed, the difference between communism and capitalism is that the former supports equality in society by making economic services owned and controlled by the community. In contrast, the latter seeks to privatize production activities. However,...
1 Page 685 Words

Marine Pollution Must Be Reduced

Did you know that our oceans sustain human and animal life? Oceans will feed a billion, individuals a healthy meal, every day, forever . However, now the oceans are being filled and killed by throwaway plastics. Did you know that the equivalent of one garbage truck of plastic is dumped in the sea every minute. This works out to be 17 point six billion tons of rubbish every single year. Sad to say plastic is all over the oceans, floating...
1 Page 690 Words

Features and Functionality of Endpoint Security Products

Endpoint security is the process of securing the various endpoints on a network, often defined as end-user devices such as mobile devices, laptops, and desktop PCs, although hardware such as servers in a data center are also considered endpoints. Precise definitions vary among thought leaders in the security space, but essentially, endpoint security addresses the risks presented by devices connecting to an enterprise network. Any device, such as a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, provides an entry point for threats. Endpoint...
2 Pages 705 Words

Water Pollution of New York City Rivers

Water pollution has become a significant concern because it adversely affects plants, humans, and animals. River pollution is caused by a wide variety of factors, but combined sewerage overflows (CSOs) are the main source of contamination in New York City Rivers (Wang 1373). Combined sewer systems are used to transport stormwater, domestic sewage, and industrial wastewater to treatment plants (Wang 1373). During heavy rainfalls, wastewater treatment companies might discharge excess untreated effluents into rivers, leading to pollution (Wang 1373). Therefore,...
2 Pages 717 Words
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