750 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Robbery Crimes of Juveniles as a Social Problem

The definition of juvenile crime under the Queensland Government state law is “In Queensland, a juvenile is defined as a person aged between 10 and 16 years, inclusive. In all jurisdictions, the minimum age of criminal responsibility is 10 years. That is, children under 10 years of age cannot be held legally responsible for their actions”. This means that the government deems any child under the age of 10 years would not properly have the cognitive abilities to understand the...
2 Pages 731 Words

The Importance of Developmental Theories in Nursing

Promoting effective nursing care is based on the thorough understanding of human development across the lifespan. It aids in forming appropriate expectations regarding human behaviour and responding appropriately. Many theorists over the course of history have philosophised concepts regarding this, from Freud’s psychosexual theory to Vygotsky’s social development concept. Each theoretical approach differs but play a part in building new theories with the purpose of understanding development. This paper will discuss two theorists: Erik Erikson and Jean Piaget. By examining...
2 Pages 757 Words

Cystic Fibrosis: Cause, Rate of Incidence, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Prognosis and Treatment

Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a genetic recessive disorder. Cause The cause of Cystic Fibrosis is when a mutation in the CF gene encodes cystic fibrosis transmembrane regulator (CFTR), which is a protein. The movement of salt and water inside and outside of our cells are controlled by CFTR. People with CF and the mutated CFTR protein means that their chloride channels on the cells can lead to disruption. It can also lead to very salty sweat and thick, sticky mucus....
2 Pages 750 Words

Review of the Poem 'Still I Rise' by Maya Angelou

I chose the poem ‘Still I Rise’ by the legendary Maya Angelou because I admire how confident and resilient; she is despite the hardships she faced. Before we analyse the poem, let’s talk about Maya Angelou. Born at Marguerite Johnson in St. Louis, Missouri, on April 4, 1928 and died on the 28 of May 2014, at United States. She was an author, poet, civil right activist, songwriter, playwright, dancer, screen producer, director and singer. She was best known for...
2 Pages 759 Words

Comparative Analysis of Google and Bing

Google, in 1996, started of as a thesis project at Stanford University by three PhD students Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Scott Hassan (who did most of the programming but left the project before it was founded as a company). Their aim was to improve the horrible Internet search conditions back then. Back in the day, a relevant result to a search would be found under several pages. It was difficult to decide which links were more relevelent than others....
2 Pages 749 Words

Effects of Video Games on Society

There is no simple black and white answer to this question, however we can make an educated guess based on a thorough analysis on every shred of evidence we have gathered on the topic over the years. First of all, what kind of benefits have video games given to the people who spend a substantial amount of play hours during any given week? Well, the most popular games that the majority of people play, require the application of many skills...
2 Pages 736 Words

Guns Don’t Kill People, People Do

What is violence? The definition of violence is behavior involving mental or physical force intended to hurt, damage, or destroy someone or something. There are many beliefs as to why man is violent. One belief is that man is born violent and knows no other way. Another being that man is born with no violence known to them and it is learned in many different ways and aspects. The last belief being that man is born pure but violence is...
2 Pages 726 Words

Joan of Arc's Life Mission

St. Joan of Arc was born on the 6th of January 1412 was an influential French military commander, martyr and one of the most significant women in history. During the Hundred Years' War she lead a French army to the besieged city of Orléans, where it achieved a strong victory over the English and their rebellious French allies. In 1430 she was captured and burned at the stake by the English. In 1909 she was beatified by Pope Pius X...
2 Pages 771 Words

War Veterans Battle in Silence

With no help, homelessness is escapable. It’s happening around us as I speak, so get up out of your seats and see the bigger picture. I can make a change, you can make a change, everyone can make a change. Now it’s our turn! It’s time for our community to know just how forgotten our heroes are. I speak passionately about this issue as I hope to have changed your perspective towards homeless veterans. My glimpse of hope lies in...
2 Pages 752 Words

Considering Gender Diversity in Science

Gender diversity is used to describe gender identities that demonstrate a diversity of expression beyond the binary framework. It calls for the equal acknowledgement of and respect for individuals across a spectrum of gender identities. People who respect gender diversity, respect the choices others make about their life with regards to their gender. Over the years, the importance of having gender diversity in the work environment has been underlined through positive results obtained from various gender-diverse endeavors. Research has suggested...
2 Pages 738 Words

Physical Education and Its Vital Importance for Students

Young generations are often recommended to sit in front of a PC or TV without doing single bodywork. Many students believe that they need less time or opportunity to engage in physical activity. Physical education is essential in all high schools and with good reason. Many children say that education level is unimportant. These false class arguments mimic the example of modern laziness. Some limited reasons need education, but the importance of good health education is that it teaches students...
2 Pages 741 Words

Nature as an Element of Inspiration and Ideological Freedom in W.Wordsworth's and S.T.Coleridge's Works

The nineteenth century romantic movement promoted nature as an element of inspiration and ideological freedom. From William Wordsworth to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, to Lord Byron, to John Keats, the romantics envisioned a new form of poetic expression that deviated from older standards. Wordsworth and Coleridge, in particular, shared a desire to explore poetic expression that elevated both nature and the magical human insight. They were distinguished by their agreement in which Wordsworth accepted to write about nature that gave “the...
2 Pages 727 Words

Nel's Personal Development in the Novel 'Sula' by Toni Morrison

Imagine swinging through 192 pages and realizing your assumptions led you stray? Oddly enough, Toni Morrison’s plot has a plethora of twists and happens to deceive us from the instant we set our eyes on the cover. With the novel being titled ‘Sula’, when we first hear her name in the readings, we automatically click to thinking she's the main character. However, due to the changes and pains that Nel endures throughout the novel, the way that Sula's actions affect...
2 Pages 753 Words

Islamic and European Societies During the Middle Ages

The medieval period is the period that stretched from the 5th to the 15th century. The Islamic and European societies, such as the Byzantine empire in Eastern Europe, had differences and similarities during this period. Both of them had a blend of lay and strict rulers applying differing degrees of fleeting power over a wide cluster of people groups, customs and convictions where the European societies used feudalism and caliphates. Both societies transformed greatly during this period as they moved...
2 Pages 739 Words

The Age of Exploration: Doctors, Diseases and Cures

Disease was often imported and exported through trade and traveling. European exploration also infected nations in the New World with disease, smallpox, influenza, and measles which infected many natives. Many Europeans gave diseases to the Americas. In the time frame of the Age of Exploration, people understood little about disease before the invention of the microscope. Spanish did not know that they carried a contagious disease like smallpox and their bodies. The Aztec called the smallpox plague ‘totomonjztli’ and wrote...
2 Pages 735 Words

Prejudice as the Main Theme of Harper Lee's Novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird'

The novel ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee demonstrates a large extent of prejudice that prevents us from seeing the good in people. A person will never really understand another until they look at things from their point of view, by stepping in their shoes, by climbing into their skin and walking around in it. Prejudging a person will prevent them from seeing who they truly are. There is a large extent of prejudice occurring in the society of...
2 Pages 749 Words

The Paralysis of Little Chandler and Farrington in James Joyce's 'The Dubliners'

‘Dubliners’ by James Joyce is a collection of fifteen short stories published in 1914 that all show a sense of paralysis of a character in varying ways. To be specific, Little Chandler from ‘A Little Cloud’ and Farington from ‘Counterparts’ both portray a sense of paralysis that are similar to one another as well as quite distinctive. They are similar because they both don't find fulfillment in life and decide to channel their feelings using various methods. On the other...
2 Pages 733 Words

Comparative Analysis of Aspirin and Paracetamol

Currently, paracetamol is a first-line choice for pain management; those with osteoarthritis, simple headaches, and those with musculoskeletal conditions. With proper use, it is rare for paracetamol to have adverse affects. Aspirin and paracetamol may have very different histories and development but share similar mechanisms within the body and their corresponding side effects. Although aspirin has many added benefits that paracetamol does not, paracetamol continues to be the most used pain relief within Australian households. Hippocrates of Kos, the famous...
2 Pages 775 Words

Exploring the Discourse Community of Physiotherapists

Currently, being student of Occupational Therapists Assistant and Physiotherapists Assistant at Fleming college, I am writing this description for the students willing to join the physiotherapy discourse community. What is the history of physiotherapy community? What are its principal mechanisms of intercommunication? What kind of terminology does it have? This report will explore these and associated queries, drawing on my thoughtful observation and study of this community. I will accomplish with four recommendations on the significant steps a novice can...
2 Pages 768 Words

Harlem Renaissance Representation in the Movie ‘A Raisin in the Sun’

‘A Raisin in the Sun’ was brought to the public on March 11,1959 where it resembled the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance had many characteristics that tied into black history. It was a racial pride that developed the idea of black identity through the production of literature, art, and music that could challenge the racism presented to promote progressive politics. The whole plot of ‘A Raisin in the Sun’ was to elaborate on how colored people used to get treated...
2 Pages 727 Words

Analysis of US Foreign Policy in Tim Marshall's ‘Prisoners of Geography’ and Stephen Chan's ‘Meditations on Diplomacy’

In chapter 3 of Tim Marshall's ‘Prisoners of Geography’ it looks at the USA with its glorious isolated location between two oceans, exceptional river systems and development agriculture all of which led as a country with a shared language through culture to their relatively stable progress. When comparing the analyses of US foreign policy contained in Chapter 3 of ‘Prisoners of Geography’ and Chapter 2 of Stephen Chan's ‘Meditations on Diplomacy’, I have drawn down notes on how they both...
2 Pages 762 Words

The Tempest as Comedy or How Tragedy is Related to Comedy

Comedy is an integral part of human life. Literary it is a kind of dramatic work and a genre that uses satire as a tone and it is amusing, with which it mostly has a cheerful ending. Comedy creates triumph over all the sad moments by use of comic effects which results to a hilarious conclusion (John, 2014). Comedy, according to Aristotle, refers to imitation of low type of characters. He further says that it however not in the sense...
2 Pages 737 Words

Percy Jackson's Hero's Journey Based on a Concept by Joseph Campbell

Based in ‘Hero With A Thousand Faces’, it explains the typical heroic tale in which a heroic protagonist sets out, goes on exciting adventures, and returns home. It is a valuable method for analyzing conventional literature through time and culture. The four stages that I have decided to write on are: ‘Ordinary World’, ‘Call to Adventure’, ‘Refusal to Call’, and ‘Ordeal’. The ‘Hero's Journey’ is a traditional narrative framework portrayed by worldwide tales. Coined in 1949 by professor Joseph Campbell,...
2 Pages 734 Words

The History of Cleopatra's Romantic Relationships

Cleopatra’s life was very interesting. Being born into the Ptolemy family, life was not easy. She had to be very smart and intelligent to even stay alive. She was her father’s favorite so she learned from the best person to rule. She got married to her father so he could have someone by his side. A year later, he died and Cleopatra and her brother were co-rulers. But as time went on, her brother wanted to rule by himself and...
2 Pages 772 Words

The Impact of Macroeconomic Factors on Apple and the iPhone

Apple is one of the most successful consumer electronics corporations in the world. The production of their flagship iPhone has been the pillar of their past and current success. As a result, it has been an economic focus because of its success and its popularity. As such, it comes under the influence of many economic factors, not only microeconomic factors but also macroeconomic factors. This paper will discuss some of these factors and the impact they have on Apple and...
2 Pages 731 Words

FBI Profiling as the Most Influential Method of Offender Profiling

Offender profiling is a tool that is used primarily by law enforcement in terms of investigating. This method helps to identify the personality, behavioural and demographic characteristics of offenders based on the findings from analysing a crime scene. This investigative tool is used to generate possible findings as well as narrowing down the list of possible suspects; this is successful due to the established links between the crime committed as well as characteristics of the offenders who commit the said...
2 Pages 741 Words

Comparative Analysis of the Views of George Orwell and Abraham Bartlett on Elephants

When reading the two sources it is clear that the writers have contrasting perspectives and views on elephants and how they behave due to their diverse circumstances. George Orwell (in his ‘Shooting An Elephant’) is given the responsibility to go and find a peaceful tame elephant but has been followed by a sea of people who pressure him into shooting the innocent elephant. Abraham Bartlett (in ‘Jumbo: This Being the True Story of the Greatest Elephant in the World’) on...
2 Pages 732 Words

What Is Capitalism and What Are Its Main Features? Essay

Capitalism quickly became the adopted ideology of many societies as this idea enabled free trade and exchange commodity between nations. There are many features of the capitalist ideology which drives the economy and has given opportunity of equality in rights (to those with all class backgrounds not just the bourgeoisie) to obtain success from capitalizing off of a product or service. Some of which are: co-ordination, motivation and property rights. Firstly, co-ordination under capitalist economies has a market mechanism which...
2 Pages 751 Words

Argumentative Essay about Lying

Introduction Lying is something that everyone has done at one point or another in their lives. Whether it was a white lie to avoid hurting someone's feelings or a more serious lie to cover up something, lying is a part of human nature. However, there are also many arguments against lying. Some people believe that lying is always wrong, no matter the circumstances. Others believe that lying is only wrong if it hurts someone else.  There are many different reasons...
2 Pages 730 Words

Adolf Hitler and Abigail Williams: Comparative Analysis

History Repeats Itself Over the past 6500 years, there have been numerous world leaders, some intelligent and sympathetic, some incompetent and callous. Many writers have tried to draw similarities and analogies of historic leaders in their novels. One such novel is The Crucible by Arthur Miller. In The Crucible, Arthur Miller depicts Abigail Williams as a cruel, narcissistic, and impassive person. Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany during WWII. He and Abigail Williams share many of the same...
2 Pages 730 Words
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