800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Why Did Michael Rutledge Write Samuel's Memory?

In establishing a tone both writers do an incredible job, they both understand how to convey their points to their audience and have clear and distinctive styles. Furthermore, I will be contradicting their styles by breaking down their tone, diction, and their purpose as my main topic of this essay. As a brief summary of the better compression of readers ‘Samuel's Memory’ by Michael Rutledge is a short story on the perspective of Samuel as he and his family are...
2 Pages 825 Words

Ghost Story Genre in Works of Arthur Miller

Arthur Miller was a renowned playwright who lived from October 17th, 1915, to February 10th, 2005. His literary career began when he was a student at the University of Michigan. He was the recipient of multiple Tony Awards, a Pulitzer Prize, and the Praemium Imperiale Prize (“Arthur Miller”). Miller was also briefly married to Marilyn Monroe and was furthermore notorious for not “naming names” during the Red Scare, despite the repercussions (“Arthur Miller”). Arthur Miller worked hard to “[combine] social...
2 Pages 824 Words

Soundwaves Represented by Various Speed and Energy of Air Molecules

Air we breathe in consists of molecules. Even the tiniest of regions of air will contain millions and millions of molecules. These molecules are in constant motion, traveling randomly and at great speed. There is a constant bombardment with each other and every other object that is in contact with the air. One interesting thing about air is that it is a medium through which heat or sound travels. But our current main attention will be on sound. Sound is...
2 Pages 817 Words

Content Marketing as a Primary Tool in Building Effective Customer Relationship

Content marking is a type of marketing which fixates on producing, publicizing and disbursing content for a specific target market online (Pulizzi, Joe; Barrett, Newt (February 2010), intended to accomplish: appealing to the general public extending the target market setting up and increasing sales broadening people’s knowledge of the brand building customer loyalty and customer relationships online. Content marketing is a somewhat contemporary type of marketing scheme. It’s used to allure probable consumers through significant content from the business, instead...
2 Pages 814 Words

Self Concept through Prism of Socialization

The question that arose from our discussion concerns whether the concept of self is formed through the interaction with others or if it is solely based on the individual. As we go through life, nothing stays consistent, we come across new situations, we develop and we progress. We learn about other people's perspective regarding us through the action of meeting and bonding with others that are uniquely different. This in return has an impact regarding how we perceive ourselves and...
2 Pages 793 Words

Depth of Processing: Surprises or Emotional Events Help Our Flashbulb Memory Remember Better

How does our working memory do encoding and remember depend on 2 factors: depth of processing and emotion factor (Craik and Lockhart, 1972 as cited in Saul McLeod, 2007). Craik & Tulving (1975) mentioned depth of processing refers to: the deeper we process the information, the information will likely to stay in our memory longer. Depth of processing is further described into 2 levels of depth: Deep processing and shallow processing. Emotion factor refers to an arousal of emotional state...
2 Pages 791 Words

Tess of The D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy: Gender Expectations in The Victorian Era

Literature is a reflection of society and writers test and investigate the beliefs of their time, highlighting their flaws in society. In Tess of the D’Urbervilles, published in 1891, Thomas Hardy challenges the superiority of men, present in the Victorian Era. Hardy presents the protagonist as weak and shows how her low social status and lack of voice allows dominant men such as Alec and Angel to manipulate and control her. The expectations from women in society is highlighted through...
2 Pages 808 Words

Resemblance of Polish and German Cultures Based on 'Masculinity' Dimension of Hofstedes

For centuries, Polish and German culture have been considered “at odds” by both outside nations, and the nations themselves, perhaps due to the long history these two countries have. I have chosen these countries because it is commonly misconstrued that Polish and German culture are on opposite ends of the behavioral spectrum, however, I am here to argue otherwise. Both cultures seem to focus strongly on work and education and have a very methodical approach to work and learning, furthermore,...
2 Pages 813 Words

Real Situation with Suicides and Breakdowns: Romanticization of Mental Health in Mass Media

1 in every 5 Australians (about 4 million people) suffer from a mental illness. 4 million people with pain, stress, and discomfort every single day. Mental health is a very taboo topic in the media, but when it is discussed it’s portrayed in all the wrong ways. The most common mental illnesses a person experiences are depression and anxiety. The romanticisation of mental health isn’t and shouldn’t be acceptable like the way it’s treated in TV, the news, and social...
2 Pages 814 Words

Food Insecurity and Inflation: Shortage of Food Supply and Policy Gaps in Pakistan

Increase in Food items Prices as per Pakistan Bureau of Statistics: Pulse moong (19.74%), Pulse gram(18.2%), Chicken (17.53%), Eggs (14.28%), Wheat(12.63%), Besan(12.09%), Fresh vegetables(11.7%), Pulse mash(10.29%), Gur(9.49%), Beans(8.09%), Wheat flour (7.42%), Pulse masoor(7.33%), Condiments and Spices(7.15%), Gram whole (6.68%), Sugar(5.07%), Fresh fruits(3.93%), Mustard oil(2.87%), Wheat products(2.64%), Vegetable ghee(2.18%), Rice(1.2%), Fish(1.19%) and Dry fruits(1.09%). Decreased: Onions (18.37%), Tomatoes (8.36%) and Potatoes (3.69%). Tomatoes(157.72%), Onions(125.32%), Fresh vegetables(93.6%), Potatoes(87.3%), Pulse moong (79.12%), Pulse mash(48.61%), Gur(43.31%), Wheat(36.13%), Pulse gram(27.31%), Sugar(26.29%), Condiments and Spices(24.43%), Wheat...
2 Pages 815 Words

Reading Summary: Elise et Al. “Autoethnography: An Overview”

Autoethnography approaches research and writing to describe and analyze personal experiences to understand cultural experiences. This treats research as a political, socially just and conscious act. Autoethnography is made up of autobiographies and ethnographers, making it both a process and a product. Crisis of confidence introduced new opportunities to reform social science and reimagine objectives and forms of social science inquiry. How would social science be different if they were closer to literature than to physics? If there were more...
2 Pages 806 Words

George W Bush 9/11 Speech Rhetorical Analysis

President George W. Bush's Public Address to the Nation on the Terrorist Attacks on 9/11 Overview and Description of the Speech After the September 11th, 2001 terrorist attacks in the U.S, President George W. Bush publicly addressed the nation regarding the facts surrounding the attacks. The speech was a short public televised address delivered the same day from the Oval Office, in the White House in Washington, D.C. The president was addressing the U.S citizens because more than two thousand...
2 Pages 806 Words

Critical Art History and Modern Art Literature: General Overview

The global modern art introduces to the readers about the artists, art movements, debates, and theoretic positions that have shaped contemporary art and the modern era worldwide. It does bring together critical art history and modern art literature. The history of modern art has been repositioned and connected with global art history. Elaine O'Brien is the writer of the Modern Art in Africa, Asia, and Latin America: An Introduction to Global Modernism. The author's current research project is to put...
2 Pages 777 Words

Pros and Cons of College Attendance Policy

Should the college implement a mandatory attendance policy? The claim of fact: Will improve GPA Claim of value: Forcing college students to attend violates the choice of excellence Claim of policy: The college should mandate an attendance policy to hold students accountable for their actions. Introduction ' Can the policy be harmful to enrollment? ' College is the beginning of adult decisions and responsibilities. ' Claim of policy: The college should mandate an attendance policy to hold students accountable for...
2 Pages 798 Words

Artistic Industrialization: Reflection on Andy Warhol’s Heinz Ketchup Tomato Box

Andy Warhol’s art piece, Heinz Tomato Ketchup box, is a sculpture and exact representation of a Heinz tomato ketchup box. The sculpture itself was constructed using wood panels and the graphics printed on the sides were done by the use of a silkscreen printing method. The sculpture is free as there is nothing holding it down on the base of it. The graphics printed on the sides are in red paint and consist of the same information a regular Heinz...
2 Pages 777 Words

Analytical Essay on Street Art in Ecuador

Ecuador is a country that is very accepting of street art in general. But there is one city that is in the lower part of Ecuador, that is especially welcoming of street art, and that is Cuenca. In fact, Cuenca is the one and only city in Ecuador that has a municipal ordinance that regulates street art. In Cuenca, the street art techniques vary all over the city, from person to person, from wall to wall. From pictures with deep...
2 Pages 810 Words

Analysis of the Style Used by Vincent van Gogh in Impressionism and Post-Impressionism

Visual art have different kind of art forms one of them are painting which are usually common to people but sometimes people doesn’t understand the meaning behind the painting. Painting can be really interesting especially if you know what is the meaning behind the painting. There are types of painting that have different kind of style and this essay will be focusing on one of the style use by Vincent van Gogh which is Impressionism and Post-Impressionism. With that topic...
2 Pages 822 Words

Achievements of Margaret Thatcher: Analytical Essay

Margret Thatcher had led the Conservative government in office from the years 1979 to 1990 with many achievements and limitations. These can be seen through the way in how she led the country economically, politically and socially. Margaret Thatcher had many economic policies. However one of her economical policies exceeded failure that which was Deregulation. Deregulation enabled hardly any interference from the Conservative government as it was removing the ‘red tape’ to make it easier for businesses to trade and...
2 Pages 787 Words

Absolute Monarchy Essay

Definition of absolute monarchy “Absolute Monarchy” and “Constitutional Monarchy” were two systems of government that had arisen by the end of the seventeenth century in Europe and flourished into the eighteenth century. Define the nature of these two governmental systems and compare and contrast their respective development in these centuries. Use specific, historical evidence to support your views. Constitutional Monarchy is basically where a King or Queen rules the land but is bounded by a constitution or principles. Something similar...
2 Pages 817 Words

Representation of Women in the Color Purple and Native Son

The scope of the study is concerned about the Representation of Women in the Color Purle and Native Son in the African American Literature. The study is limited to the representation of African American women in Native son and the colour purple. The time that the researcher has to conduct this research is so limited. Therefore, the study will be limited to 2 novels “Native son and The Colour purple. This would have been more enhanced and wider if more...
2 Pages 817 Words

Reflective Essay on Chinese New Year in My Family

My Uncle’s Unconditional Love It was ninety-five degrees at the end of January in Malaysia. Chinese New Year festival is upon us and it always excited me because it is the time of the year when all my relatives would gather at my grandparents’ house to celebrate the festivity. My grandparents’ house was like a magnet that attract all of us in one place no matter how busy everyone was. I paid a visit to my grandparents’ house a week...
2 Pages 824 Words

Physical Exercise and Prevention of Depression: Analytical Essay

Depression is considered a mental health problem characterized by a lack of physical interactions, continuous low mood, and many other emotional and behavioral symptoms. Anxiety and depression are on a rise as major mental health problems across the world. Even though many available and effective treatments exist, they are very expensive, while only less than half of the patients would show positive results. Additionally, there has been some evidence provided that lifestyle factors, such as lack of physical activity or...
2 Pages 791 Words

Motifs of Darkness and Light in The Scarlet Letter

The novel The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne describes the life of a Puritan woman named Hester Prynne who commits adultery. Hawthorne uses the repetition of various motifs throughout the novel because he wants to convey to the reader that sin should not prevent a person from living. From the very beginning of the novel, Hawthorne employs the motifs of flowers and weeds in order to juxtapose Hester with Puritan society. While describing the prison as a gloomy and lifeless...
2 Pages 780 Words

Feminist Formal Criticism of Guy de Maupassant’s The Necklace

Feminist formal criticism of Guy de Maupassant’s The Necklace is the advocacy of equality between males and females arising in conjunction with sociopolitical feminism, criticism patriarchal language and literature by exposing how these consider masculine ideology. When he depicts Matilda’s a middle-class housewife, fantasizes about leading a life of wealth. She is proud of her beauty charm. Loisel was as materialism and worried about her status . She considered herself born to enjoy a luxurious life and all delicious food...
2 Pages 806 Words

Evils of Capitalism in the “The Jungle” by Upton Sinclair

Immigrants flock to America in search of the American dream; a dream that promises success to everybody who works hard and makes an effort to succeed. In the novel 'The Jungle' Upton Sinclair illustrates that capitalism is flawed as it leads to corruption, exploitation, and power in the hands of the rich. Corruption, 'dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power, typically involving bribery.' Examples of this in Upton Sinclair 'The Jungle' is exemplified multiple times. For example in chapter...
2 Pages 814 Words

Essay on Impacts and Outcomes of Affirmative Actions

Affirmative Action has various positive impacts on an individual basis. For instance, Evan Apfelbaum of MIT and other professionals in the field would state there is a direct link between an employee’s representation of their minority group in the workplace. They say groups that are characterized more in a workplace or school environment tend to have fewer concerns about their personal reflection on their group (Apfelbaum, Reagans, & Stephens, 2016). This relationship shows that an employee's individual performance can be...
2 Pages 823 Words

Essay on Ethical and Philosophical Issues: Analysis of Roe v Wade

Philosophy is composed of the 3 branches: Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Value Theory. Metaphysics is the branch that studies the nature of reality. Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that studies the scope of human knowledge. Value theory is comprised of two distinct subsets: ethics and aesthetics. Ethics is the branch that evaluates human interaction. Aesthetics is the study of beauty and art. Philosophy is considered a second-order discipline because it examines problems other disciplines deal with. Metaethics is the branch...
2 Pages 814 Words

Don Quixote as Blending of Fiction, Reality and History

Part II of this story is changing like how Don Quixote’s fantasy is changing, and it is turning a part as the story goes on. Reality is rising up in his imaginative world, and he starts to doubt his views. He is beginning to see the reality around him, and in one point he sees inns as inns not castles; also, he realizes that the peasant girl to whom he is falling is a normal peasant girl not the princess...
2 Pages 806 Words

Discursive Essay on Marijuana Legalization

According to federal law, marijuana belongs to a category of substances that have a high potential for abuse and no accepted medical use. Other drugs in this category include LSD and heroin. By contrast, doctors can legally prescribe THC, in the form of the medicine Marinol, under highly regulated conditions, Jacob J.W. (2009:6). The analysis of the studies of different researchers showed that there are two main points of view on the issue of “Green Drugs” (marijuana legalization). Some people...
2 Pages 813 Words

Dark Side of the American Meal or Fast Food Nation: Critical Analysis

A person can tell much about a society by what and how it eats. In Eric Schlosser, “Fast Food Nation,” it covers the impacts that fast food joints have had in America and other nations as well. After reading one might realize how much harm fast food has been to society. Schlosser highlights the changes American families have made in the past years while restaurants have been emerging on every street corner in the United States. Fast food has changed...
2 Pages 802 Words
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