Management Lessons in ‘12 Angry Men’

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1. Enumerate the management lessons learned from 12 Angry men

12 angry men is a courtroom movie. In purpose, it is a crash course in those passages of the constitution that promise defendants a free trial and the presumption of innocence. It has a kind of stark simplicity. In this movie, we could get lessons related to management like without analyzing the problems and facts we should not take a decision. It is a perfect portrayal of how people act in groups and what all phases teams go through before reaching a unanimous decision. Viewers can learn a lot about how people working within communities and organizations can influence others for the better.

Choosing right over easy

The character of Henry Fonda could have easily voted ‘guilty’ when the rest 11 jurors did the same. But he saw what was at stake - the life of a potentially innocent boy. So, he decided to go with the difficult path which meant not only standing against the rest 11 jurors but also changing their behavior without disrespecting their opinions. break free of the comfort zone.

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Tone matters

After watching 12 angry men I realized that the most influential jurors who were able to make a point were the ones who maintained a steady and calm disposition throughout the discussion. Those who kept yelling lost their temper, shouted, and attempted to impose their views but then also he was fixed on his own views. The other juror's decision was made due to their short temper and they were not having patience.

Having different perspective

Most people fail to put forward their views out of fear of ridicule or rejection. Try to avoid herd behavior. Gather the courage to get your message through, even if it means standing against the ridicule of others.

Giving time to important decisions

When the jurors gathered, eleven of them just wanted to get it over with. They didn’t want to waste their time by thinking more about it. if the decision is important we should give more time to that and we should discuss more on that topic and after that only we should come to a decision.

2. Analyse the 12 angry men from a marketing context

In this movie, the final decision will have heavy consequences as the life of a boy is in play. And if you watch the movie from a business perspective, you’ll easily find interesting similarities with B2B complex sales such as for an ERP for example several people are involved in the final choice, the decision process is collaborative, and involves several steps, the final decision will have major implications for the company and its organization.

As Henry Fonda does, the first thing to do in a complex negotiation is to clearly understand the real issues and identify the personal goals of all the people involved in the decision process. This is to work on your strengths linked to the issues and also on the weaknesses of your competitor’s arguments in order to create the first doubt.

The movie also shows interest in formal and informal discussions, sales person talks in parallel with formal discussion sessions are also critical to gain the interest of others. As such in complex sales the famous proof of concept only happens late: at the 50th minute, he demonstrates that the facts supporting testimony in favor of the competing solution don’t stand up. He establishes a break event in the decision because he transforms a competitor's argument in his favor. If he had realized this proof of concept demonstration earlier in the process without internal allies, it would have spoiled its argument.

In this movie, we get the knowledge that justice is only as good as those doing the judging. That if we are in the position of rendering judgment on another, it is a serious duty. We cannot give in to prejudice, convenience, or the quick answer. The reason it was taught was because of the situation 12 people who don’t know each other go into a meeting where a decision is to be made – in this case, a life and death decision over someone's freedom and their life.

From the organizational behavioral perspective, individual personality, mood, and emotions are among the barriers and constraints in making decisions. This movie applies whole related – concepts especially in the organizational environment and how these aspects influence them. This is their responsibility of them how to encounter such differences – either decision or argument.

From the organizational behavior perspective, individual personality, mood, and emotions are among the barriers and constraints in making decisions in them. This movie applies whole related concepts, especially in the organizational environment and how these aspects influence them.

In view of the marketing context juror, 8 tried hard to deliver the right content to other jurors in the right place because they were about to take a wrong decision.

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Management Lessons in ‘12 Angry Men’. (2023, March 01). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from
“Management Lessons in ‘12 Angry Men’.” Edubirdie, 01 Mar. 2023,
Management Lessons in ‘12 Angry Men’. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 9 Sept. 2024].
Management Lessons in ‘12 Angry Men’ [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Mar 01 [cited 2024 Sept 9]. Available from:

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