800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Infectious Diseases And Civil Conflict

To answer the question if infectious diseases influence the risk of civil conflict it is necessary to measure the exposure to infectious disease pathogens and the number of civil conflict incidences. MHV-pathogens are utilized to measure the exposure to infectious diseases. Pathogens can be divided into three different host categories. If only humans can serve as host like with HIV, it is human only. If only animals serve as host, like plague, the pathogen is classified as zoonotic. If both...
2 Pages 779 Words

How does the Conflict Trap Work and how Can it Be Overcome?

In civil war literature, it is commonly understood that a low-income country has a higher chance of civil conflict occurring than a high-income country. However, this relationship can be seen to go both ways, as in the same way that low-income countries have an increased likelihood of conflict, instances of conflict can lead to a countries economy to worsen, and as such, a cycle can emerge where a country can never leave conflict. This cycle is known as the conflict...
2 Pages 777 Words

How does Obesity Affect Public Health and How can we Deal with its Medical Consequences?

Obesity is a medical condition which involves the build up of excess body fat to a degree at which the risk of obtaining chronic illnesses (such as diabetes, cancer or heart failure) is increased. It is commonly defined by using a person's BMI (body mass index) which is simply calculated by dividing weight (kg) by height (m2). After taking muscle mass into account, obesity in adults is characterised by a BMI equal to or above 30 kg/m2. (Tremmel et al,...
2 Pages 784 Words

The Necessity Of Emotional Intelligence In Leadership

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a relatively new concept in business terms – it was coined only thirty years ago by Salovey and Mayer and over time it has become recognised as a fundamental aspect of leadership (Owans, 2015). The importance of emotional intelligence in leadership is arguably more important than ever, with both current and emerging generations having very different working requirements to those of earlier years. This paper discusses the presence of EQ in leaders and how it enables...
2 Pages 806 Words

The Role of Nurses and Health Promotion Used for HIV Prevention

The role of nurses to the global health challenge of HIV and AIDS prevention is to deliver care following the Nursing Midwifery Council (NMC) professional code of conduct. It focuses to prioritise people, ensure that people’s health need is recognised, assessed, and provided based on their preferences, goals, and values. Nurses are own a responsibility to recognise, value and celebrate individual cultural differences. They must avoid making an assumption and stereotypes ideals on their thoughts regarding people’s culture, religion and...
2 Pages 804 Words

Social Class and Mental Health

This literature review will be looking into how Social class inequality has effects on mental health. Mental health plays a major role in society today and studies have shown that it has different factors and falls into many categories, which changes a person’s behaviour drastically. It is said that social class and poverty has a profound impact in who mental health affects, as a household with low income are more prone to mental health issues, substance abuse, anxiety, physical abuse...
2 Pages 800 Words

Taming Of The Shrew: Mistreatment Of The Women In Renaissance

In 1999, the cult classic “10 Thing I Hate About You” came out. This movie rode on the ideas of Third wave feminism, which was highly prevalent in the 1990s and early 2000’s, unlike its original source material: Taming of the Shrew. Written in the late 16th century, Taming of the shrew is reflective of the renascences misogynistic, patriarchal and mistreatment of the women in that time. The original play tells the story of Petruchio (Patrick in the film) ,...
2 Pages 797 Words

A Lesson Before Dying by Grant Wiggins: Critical Analysis

Withdrawal of emotion and empathy are common symptom in people who struggle with depression. In the novel, A Lesson Before Dying, Grant promised his aunt’s friend, Miss Emma, that he would help her godson, Jefferson, keep hold of his pride after receiving the death penalty. Grant’s obligation to teach Jefferson how to die with dignity ultimately benefits Grant by allowing himself to connect with his empathic nature. Grant Wiggins could be described as a lost soul. He constantly debates if...
2 Pages 788 Words

Role of James Baldwin in Emancipation Proclamation

James Baldwin was an American novelist, social critic, and a well-respected African-American who identified as homosexual until his late death on December 1st,1987 in Saint-Paul-De-Vence, France. During his life span, homosexuality was in its first stages where many did not understand what homosexuality was, or why one would identify as homosexual. By whites attempting to oppress blacks by deeming it to be wrong to like someone of the same sex. Although, the Emancipation Proclamation was an act signed by President...
2 Pages 780 Words

Children and Contraception: Opinion Essay On Birth Control

Birth control is so widely, available and accepted, that the thought of it becoming legal and widely, available only starting in the 1960s for the United States is shocking. Much of the birth control movement was lead and pushed by Margaret Sanger. Sanger was originally a nurse in New York City, where she encountered the lives of poor and immigrant women. With limited knowledge and access to reliable contraceptives due to the Comstock Act, these women were forced to resort...
2 Pages 813 Words

The Formula of Humanity: Critical Analysis

The necessity of using reason as the determinant for establishing law as implies that reason carries an inherent value in itself and those who possess it. Human beings inherently possess value as they are rational beings and should always be treated with dignity and respect. The humanity present only in human beings gives us all a great deal of inherent value that is not present in any other being. This leads us to the next point where we review the...
2 Pages 795 Words

Criticism of Da Vinci's Writings on Philosophy and the Arts

Often described as the archetypal Renaissance man, Leonardo was the painter of such masterpieces as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. In addition to possessing great artistic talent, Leonardo excelled as a scientist, experimented with philosophy, and wrote extensively on the myriad subjects he investigated. His writings, sketches, and diagrams, originally written as private journals and notes, were compiled after his death into the Notebooks. These works have been analyzed and discussed on the merits of their form, style...
2 Pages 802 Words

Situation With ISIS In Australia

ISIS is the largest terrorist group in today’s world trying to use fear to spread their radical and backward ideologies and beliefs. ISIS brainwashes a few young vulnerable people into thinking what they are doing is a just fight and over the years has driven a handful number of young people to leave their country to go to Syria to join them. A Canadian, Mohammed Ali from Mississauga, left Canada and became a member of ISIS a few years ago....
2 Pages 781 Words

Opinion Essay: Should People Conform to Social Norms

What is conformity? Conformity involves changing yourself behaviourally or physically in order to “fit in” or to get along with those around you. This social influence may involve agreeing with the majority or acting according to what a certain group of people may perceive as “normal”, which in this case refers to the social norms existing in our society. Some common social norms include pink for girls, blue for boys, getting married by 35 and having the guy pay for...
2 Pages 810 Words

My Childhood Friend: My Best Memories

My Childhood Friend Sometimes we can never know the true value of the moment until it becomes a memory. Childhood is the best practical demonstration of this theory. Making new friend, living every moment, enjoying every second, exploring unique experiences, etc are not just coincidences of childhood. It is a process of making memories; long-lasting and everlasting. Albeit there are lots of participants in this process with ourselves, but one of such participant has lofty participation that is remembered as...
2 Pages 798 Words

Negative Impact of Child Labour on Future Development

Childhood is said to be the most beautiful of the stages of life. But how could this be when children are working in risky conditions just so they can survive? Adulthood cannot recapture the innocence and beauty of childhood. Child labour is an illegal act which has been ruining both the present and future for young children to a great extent. Sir John Betjeman said, “Childhood is measured out by sounds and smiles and sights before the dark hours of...
2 Pages 779 Words

The Influence Of Gossip: Good Gossip Versus Bad Gossip

Introduction to the issue/ problem You are a single parent with three young children. Your spouse has just passed away recently due to a motor-road accident. At work, you heard people are talking about your company being downsized and some of the employees will need to resign very soon. You asked some of your colleagues about this. Rita, Shidi and Janet said that the news is true since the company is in a lot of debts now. However, according to...
2 Pages 806 Words

Rhetorical Analysis Of George Orwell's 1984

Rhetorical Analysis The passing of World War II not only gave rise to geographical and social changes throughout the world but also gave new forms of expression from which Orwell was able to seize the opportunity, emerging from him the great idea of ​​writing his famous book: 1984, in which he describes a totalitarian government, a society repressed and monitored all the time. Orwell, in writing this book, intends to demonstrate what may happen in the future; a government badly...
2 Pages 813 Words

Sexual Abuse Issues in Film Industry

Nowadays, the tremendous rise of the film industry and the film industry is growing in a way that we cannot imagine. However, problems come along with the resplendence. “Metoo” movement was founded in 2006 to help victims of sexual violence. It is an international and large group hold against sexual abuse. Sexual harassment in the film industry has always been existed but came to society’s attention until lately. It happens in well-known actors, actresses especially, and minors as well. To...
2 Pages 803 Words

General Overview Of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, & Other (LGBTQ+) Families

This essay is about families with LGBTQ+ parents. The things being discussed are how children of these families thrive socially and academically, what challenges they might face, how materials in classrooms reflect LGBTQ+, if they are welcomed into early learning programs, and if there are written materials that appropriately give light to diverse families. Do Children Raised in These Families Thrive (Academically and Social Emotionally)? It seems that children of LGBTQ+ parents can thrive social-emotional wise as much as children...
2 Pages 815 Words

While Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper And Kincaid’s Girl: Social Issues Of Gender Equality

While Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” and Kincaid’s “Girl” share many similarities, important aspects of the structure of both stories differ in various ways including literary devices and the use of settings. Gilman’s short story is able to connect gender inequality experienced by women in the 1890’s and how they have not been treated as equal to men in society. Gilman has created the story to bring forth social issues apparent in today’s society as shown when the woman suggests that...
2 Pages 819 Words

Jealousy in Othello

Written by William Shakespeare opens in Venice shortly after newly elected general, Othello, marries the Senator’s daughter, Desdemona. A well-respected Florentine, Micheal Cassio, receives the lieutenant position while a jealous and arrogant flag-bearer, Iago, does not. A wealthy gentleman from Venice named Roderigo unconvincingly woos Desdemona, so Iago uses Roderigo as his pawn to ultimately get the promotion he wants. Although the cause of jealousy alters throughout the novel, the servant of Desdemona, Emilia, and Iago’s perception of jealousy compares...
2 Pages 797 Words

Sociocultural Ethics On The Basis Of Confucianism

‘ When working in the medical field, a sense of sociocultural ethics should be developed from the first day. Regardless of the culture, clients are to be respected and treated equally, with autonomy and social justice. Confucianism is a Chinese culture based on the teachings of Confucius. The most important value to this culture is harmony. Upon exploring their values and principles, I found their biggest ethical principle is this statement: “Do not do to others what you do not...
2 Pages 825 Words

Stanford Prison Experiment: Conformity Theory Annotated Bibliography

My essay will be highlighting the conformity theory and how it negatively affects youth. Conformity theory is where a person changes their behaviour and or their beliefs in order to feel accepted by a social group, this can be displayed in 3 stages: compliance, identification, and internalisation. I will be focusing on how each stage of conformity has carried out negatively using examples such as a negative high school experience, the Stanford Prison Experiment and the Manson Family. These three...
2 Pages 807 Words

Operant Conditioning: Experiment Of Drinking More Water Keeping The Operant Conditioning Behavioral Focused

When I was younger, I was very active and loved to play sports and with that the most important thing was to drink water. As I grew older, I had to stop playing volleyball due to a hand injury and my healthy lifestyle fell into last priority. To stay hydrated and fed I would mostly drink protein shakes or energy drinks to keep my energy levels high but as I mature the more, I realize how I’m not taking care...
2 Pages 786 Words

David and Goliath by Malcom Gladwell: Chapter Four Analysis

David and Goliath are a novel by Malcolm Gladwell, this novel discusses the sociology of underdogs, misfits and the art of battling the giants. David and Goliath indicate two main points, they are lopsided battles that sometimes ended with an underdog of victories as it may seem. In other words, the true capabilities of our opponents are assessing them on attributes they might not value themselves. The other point, Gladwell tries to interpret his readers into understanding the advantages and...
2 Pages 809 Words

David and Goliath by Malcom Gladwell: Chapter One Analysis

In chapter one of Malcolm Gladwell’s book David & Goliath, Gladwell makes an argument of how there are advantages of disadvantages and also disadvantages of advantages. He continues in the chapter with some examples proving his statement by using Vivek Ranadive coaching his daughter’s basketball team, as well as political scientist Ivan Arreguin-Toft’s example of why wars are usually won by the stronger countries. In the book They Say/ I Say it states that a good argument can easily tell...
2 Pages 804 Words

A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings Magical Realism

Gabriel Garcia Marquez is one of the greatest writers from the 20th century. He was born in Aracataca, Columbia on March 6, 1927. For the first eight years of his life, Marquez and his parents lived at his grandparent’s house. When his grandfather passed, they moved to Barranquilla. Marquez went on to receive a wonderful education and would study law. However, he inevitably became a journalist. Early in his career he worked as a correspondent for Paris, but he later...
2 Pages 794 Words

Adolescent Ego in A Separate Peace: Character Development of Gene

“This time he wasn't going to get away with it. I could feel myself becoming unexpectedly excited at that' (Knowles 27). Gene lacks self-confidence and is an introvert and a follower. He does not have his best friend Phineas' witty personality, athleticism, and leadership traits. Researching adolescent ego is important to the character development of Gene, a character in A Separate Peace. In Knowles’ novel A Separate Peace understanding Gene's adolescent ego, his friendships, and environment are important to the...
2 Pages 807 Words

Bartleby, The Scrivener As An Iconic Mystery In The English Literature Industry

Short story, “Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall-Street” is an iconic mystery in the English Literature industry. If one has read and is familiar with mystery than they would know that the solution is very far and few between a happy ending like one would hope for. Because of this, it only makes the mystery story a perfect mystery story. While reading Bartleby one may ask themselves, “why am I reading this very dry un-exciting story?” yet, they find...
2 Pages 805 Words
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