800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Starbucks Ethics and Compliance Essay

Values and Beliefs Values are what drive and motivate us to reach our goals. Everyone has different goals that we use to shape our choices, whether this be in our personal lives or at work. The values we believe in help shape our success and happiness. We are more likely to choose a company whose values match those of our own, others on value as well as the salary and benefits. Person A is a mother, who chose a part-time...
2 Pages 820 Words

Speech about Ocean Plastic Pollution

We live in a world that is full of plastic. Plastic shopping bags, water bottles, toothbrushes, and even parts of your clothes are among the everyday items that are made from plastic. But plastic isn’t always the answer to everything, and the current state of our environment is rapidly going downhill. People have been mass-producing plastic items since the 1950s. We produce hundreds of millions of tonnes of plastic items every year and production numbers are only increasing unfortunately. Disappointingly,...
2 Pages 800 Words

Should the Government Provide Free Health Care: Argumentative Essay

It is said that the United States is the land of freedom and opportunity, but it is rarely ever mentioned that it is also the land that has the most expensive healthcare system in the world. By which, many cannot possibly afford. Many countries have been transitioning to free healthcare systems, but the United States seems to not be following that lead any time soon. I believe that government should provide free health care to everyone in the United States...
2 Pages 795 Words

Why Do You Want to Pursue an MBA Degree: Argumentative Essay

It is inevitably true that education plays a vital role in everyone’s life. Without education, no one can survive in this modern world. I believe that the days when life experience was more important than academic qualification are gone, but nowadays having an academic qualification is as important as blood for the body. Several universities are available to get a better education. Tourism plays an important role in a human being’s life; people travel to several places for many purposes,...
2 Pages 782 Words

Huckleberry Finn and the Lessons He Learned: Character Analysis Essay

Throughout the novel ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’ by Mark Twain, it is evident that Huck does change and adapt to certain situations, places, and people. As we unravel the novel, we are shown a young boy Huck who just wants to go on an adventure, during this he meets Jim, a runaway slave, and on this adventure, he learns many lessons. As the novel progresses, Huck learns many things, such as to appreciate nature, learn to care for those...
2 Pages 785 Words

If I Have Three Wishes: Persuasive Essay

In my life, I have been exposed to a constant factor called change, and have witnessed its inevitability in various situations. Becoming aware of the necessity of change in life has been challenging to me until I realized that change is a driver of progress. A significant milestone that enlightened me to desire to be a driver of change is the sudden illness of the only person I could refer to as a family. My only brother had been diagnosed...
2 Pages 807 Words

Health Care and Its Income Orientation as a Problem: Persuasive Essay

An individual's socioeconomic status, whether evaluated by income, level of education, or occupational status, has been linked to various health issues. It has been proven as one of the significant factors that determine one's perception by society and, most notably, their access to opportunities. It is unfortunate that health care, a basic human need that should be available to all, is one such 'opportunity' that many do not have access to due to their socioeconomic status. Evidence shows that an...
2 Pages 783 Words

Can Art Ever Actually Make a Difference in the World: Analytical Essay

Revolutions begin with a collective shift in public perception. “The 1960s was a decade of rapid change” (Watson, 2019). This period set out to re-establish the founding pillars and perspectives of contemporary society, which became the catalyst for social change. This shift in societal attitude inspired the women's liberation movement, which was a collective protest that embodied notions of equality, and which was most active during the late 1960s and 1970s. A pivotal artist responding to social inequalities at this...
2 Pages 790 Words

My Website Evaluation: Reflective Essay

I have finished my website and all the planning and testing for it. In this paper, I am going to evaluate my website to see if I have met all the client requirements for the website. Firstly, I had to develop a multi-page website that will contain a minimum of five pages and provide digital games for my chosen target audience. I can quite confidently say that I have met all the requirements as I have included 5 pages on...
2 Pages 776 Words

My Memorable Childhood Event: Personal Narrative Essay

I still recall riding a bike without training wheels as if it was last night. When I was about seven or eight years old, I rode my first bicycle. Riding my bike will stick with me as one of my favorite events forever. Learning to ride a bicycle can be very exciting, but also very painful. But personally, I found it very spectacular. I started to realize that all of my friends had bikes with two wheels, and I had...
2 Pages 795 Words

Technology in the 21st Century: Informative Essay

Prima facie, technology has always played a key role in the lives of humankind, and people have been revolutionizing technology since primitive times. Thereby, the aim and motive of my essay are to explore the areas of advancement, to differentiate the technology of the 21st century and that of primitive times, and to make people aware that how their lives revolve around technology. Moreover, I would be covering the significant facts and figures regarding how technology has provided ease in...
2 Pages 808 Words

Why Student Loans Should Not Be Forgiven Essay

The idea of student loan forgiveness has been a hotly debated topic in recent years. While some argue that it is a necessary step towards achieving equality and providing relief to those struggling with debt, others believe that it is not a viable solution to the problem. In this essay, we will explore why student loans should not be forgiven. From the responsibility of individuals to pay off their own debts to the potential negative consequences for the economy and...
2 Pages 780 Words

Why I Want to Be an Anesthesiologist Essay

As a medical professional responsible for the safe administration of anesthesia during surgical procedures, the role of an anesthesiologist is crucial in ensuring patient comfort and safety. In this essay, I will explore my passion for the field of anesthesiology and the reasons why I aspire to become an anesthesiologist. Passion for Medicine and Science A passion for medicine and science has always been a driving force in my life. From a young age, I was fascinated by how the...
2 Pages 818 Words

Why I Want to Be a Special Education Teacher Essay

As an advocate for individualized education, I firmly believe that every child should have access to a learning experience that caters to their specific needs, abilities, and interests. This is why I am driven to pursue a career as a special education teacher. Through customized guidance and unwavering encouragement, I am enthusiastic about empowering students with special needs to surpass any challenges they may encounter and reach their fullest potential. Personal Background My personal experiences with special education have played...
2 Pages 824 Words

Why I Want to Be a Psychologist Essay

From an early age, I have been captivated by the complexities of the human mind and the ways in which our experiences shape our behavior. As I matured, I understood that I wanted to channel this passion into positively impacting people's lives by helping them comprehend and overcome their emotional and psychological challenges. In this essay, I will recount my journey and explain the reasons behind my aspiration to become a psychologist. Discovering My Passion for Psychology My interest in...
2 Pages 794 Words

Why I Want to Be a Manager Essay

As someone who has always been passionate about leadership and helping others reach their full potential, I have long harbored the desire to become a manager. There are several reasons why I believe this career path would be an excellent fit for my skills, interests, and values. A Desire to Make a Positive Impact One of the primary reasons why I want to be a manager is my desire to make a positive impact on the lives of others. As...
2 Pages 778 Words

Why I Want to Be a CNA Essay

From a young age, I have been acutely aware of the profound impact that empathy, kindness, and caring can have on a person's life. There's an intimate connection that forms between individuals when one is in need and the other is there to provide care. It's a connection that transcends the physical act of helping someone and reaches deep into the realms of emotional support and psychological comfort. It is for the deep understanding of this connection that I aspire...
2 Pages 789 Words

Ladders for Leaders Sample Essay

Ladders for Leaders is an innovative program that helps young people in New York City gain valuable work experience and develop important skills for the future. With its focus on providing internships and training for high school and college students, Ladders for Leaders is helping to create a more diverse and inclusive workforce. From the opportunities for networking and mentorship to the practical skills learned on the job, Ladders for Leaders is truly a game-changer for young people looking to...
2 Pages 787 Words

Essay on Tesco Functional Areas

Tesco is a household name and a giant in the world of retail. With over 6,000 stores in 12 countries, it's an impressive feat to keep everything running smoothly. One of the ways Tesco achieves this is through its functional areas, which are specialized departments responsible for specific tasks. From finance to marketing, human resources to operations, each functional area plays a crucial role in the success of the company. In this essay, we will explore the different functional areas...
2 Pages 785 Words

Narrative Essay about Holidays in My Home-town

Happiness is a luxury only the powerful can afford but a natural man buys what he can afford. Over time, taking a moment to lose track of time got so easy with my style of vacation. Nowadays, most people love holidays because it is an opportunity to have a break from routine life, as well as they help to refresh one’s mind. After a holiday, we can go back to business or educational activities with full force to buy into...
2 Pages 814 Words

Informative Essay on the Evolution of Technology in the World of Music

Technology is the booming era of constant evolution. Technology has always been a topic of new ideas and new inventions. Technology has played a major role in how our society today functions the way it does, and in the evolution of music in our generations. Technology has been and will keep evolving with our times, especially music. It has led the pathway since the 1900s to help advance instruments, videos, record labels, etc. in the music world. Technology in the...
2 Pages 810 Words

Leadership Qualities of Lee Kuan Yew: Biography Essay

Why do you think Singapore is where it is today? Indeed, many good leaders have helped shape Singapore into where it is today. Everyone has different perspectives on who they believe is a good leader. To me, it is without a doubt that the person who I think is a good leader would be Lee Kuan Yew. Lee Kuan Yew once said: “I have no regrets. I have spent my life, so much of it, building up this country. There’s...
2 Pages 800 Words

Ellis Island as a Ray of Hope but a Port of Tears and Chaos for Immigrants: Critical Essay

Ellis Island, a ray of hope, but a port of tears and chaos in the early eighteenth century. It was a place where the U.S. health and security departments screened out the immigrants considered undesirable, the incurably ill, the impoverished, the disabled, criminals, and all the others barred by the immigration laws of the United States. For most immigrants, Ellis Island meant three to five hours of waiting for a brief medical and legal examination before admittance, while for others...
2 Pages 803 Words

Racism in the School System: Persuasive Essay

Nelson Mandela once said: “People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite”. This quote shows the world that things can and should change. No one is just born racist, they were taught how to act by society, teachers, and parents. It can also work the opposite way. People can be taught to love. From a young, we are...
2 Pages 784 Words

Problem Solution Essay on Terrorism

Terrorism is a difficult threat to tackle as it comes in different forms and for various reasons. For the most part, it is politically motivated and its purpose is to disturb the peace by installing fear into populations so that they can achieve what they want more easily. Using military power as a deterrent for terrorism can be seen to be effective in some aspects as it has the ability to take out their support and supplies which would slow...
2 Pages 803 Words

Thesis on the Benefits of Being Vegan

People eat meat and think they become strong as ox, forgetting that an ox eats grass. Nothing benefits human health and increases survival on earth as much as the evolution of a vegetarian diet. Veganism is not only a diet it's about what we all need to have. Following a vegan lifestyle is associated with a bevy of health benefits. Cardio-benefits : Vegetarian diets are credited for lowering cardiovascular diseases. A vegan diet decreases blood cholesterol levels and reduces heart...
2 Pages 793 Words

Essay on Feminist Theory Analysis of 'The Glass Castle'

How the Mother is Psychoanalytically important in the story In The Glass Castle including her hierarchy of needs. Her Id and superego are used in many situations throughout the story. She abuses her lifestyle making there will always be a happy ending to her interactions and if there isn't there is always a fight or an argument about what happened. Her arguments are usually with family and always end with a happy conclusion. The first reason I believe the mother...
2 Pages 813 Words

Social Justice Issue: Synthesis Essay

In this essay I am going to address female poverty, focusing on gender inequality of pay and how this leads women into poverty. I am going to look at this issue through a Social Democratic lens. I will analyze: the impacts of poverty on women, local, national, and global policies on the pay gap, and show my understanding of social justice and the importance of collaboration. Poverty researchers commonly define poverty in relative terms as, “having insufficient resources to meet...
2 Pages 805 Words

Essay on Sexual Harassment in College

Nowadays, sexual harassment has become a serious issue in institutions such as schools, colleges, and universities. It affects the mental and physical health of the victim. Therefore, there will be many psychological effects on someone who has been sexually harassed. Victims may experience depression, social problems, anxiety, or panic attacks. In addition, it affects the victim's dignity. Sexual harassment can occur visually, verbally, and physically and can hurt a student's academic development. This is also considered sexual violence which is...
2 Pages 787 Words

Why Is It a Sin to Kill A Mockingbird: Critical Essay

“Remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird” To Kill A Mockingbird has a primary topic of partiality and the oppression of honest and innocent people. The fundamental subjects of this book especially interface with the title, which is clarified by Harper Lee through Atticus and Miss Maudie. Miss Maudie clarifies - Mockingbirds don't accomplish a certain something yet make music for us to appreciate (modified quote). They don't have a certain something yet they sing their hearts out for...
2 Pages 794 Words
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