A Nurse I Am: What You Should Know

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The first thing we should do as a nurse is getting to know our patients. We need to know their name and they need to know our names. We need to know their condition and if they are sensitive, quiet, or outgoing. We need to get to know our patients so they can be comfortable around us and tell us the things going on with them. We need to know their mental condition and their physical condition. As a nurse we should know and actually know the patient before we know the disease. When we know the patient, we know how to take proper care of their needs. We also know how they would react to certain things we tell them, for some people we would have to be more careful with our words than with others. When we know what is happening in the life of our patients, we will be able to talk about it with them and even cope them sometimes. We would not just want our patients to view us as their caregiver or nurse we want them to see us as their friend and someone they can talk to. Once we know the patients the next step will be to communicate with them.


The second thing we should do as a nurse is communicate with our patients. Communication is especially important because whenever there is a problem going on with the patient, we need them to be able to tell us so we can solve the problem. If there is no communication its risks the patient’s safety and health which is a priority of a nurse. Even if they cannot physically speak it is important to communicate and talk to them. Some ways we can communicate with people who are not verbal is to write down what you are saying. For example, in the video the patient could hear but he could not actually speak so the way they communicated was through writing. Another example that was in the video is there was a patient who was deaf, so he could not hear. However, even though he could not talk verbally the nurse and patient were still able to communicate. They communicated with sign language. As you can tell there are multiple ways to communicate with your patients and communication is very important to know what is going on with the patient’s health and how you can help them. Other ways we can communicate is by calling, emails, and sometimes visiting the patients house.

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The third thing we should do as a nurse is to be an effective information provider. When we listen to the patient, we need to be able to remember what they are telling us and be able to tell this information correctly to the doctor, other nurses, and the patient’s family. We also need to be able to tell this without giving the incorrect information. An example is in the video the patient was telling the nurse that the other nurse was taking to long to bring her pain medication and that she did not like that. The nurse responded to her by first saying that she was sorry this had happened to her and then secondly telling the patient that she would talk to the other nurse about the situation so she can move more quickly the next time. After hearing this the patient felt comforted and felt better knowing things would change and that the staff is really listening to her and complying to her words. Another example is when a patient told her that she felt her medication is not working well. The nurse explained to her that something like that is profoundly serious and that she would talk to the doctor about changing her medication.


The fourth thing we should do as a nurse is help patients to cope. Helping patients to cope is incredibly significant because it helps them with their emotional and mental health. When we support them through whatever is happening to them it makes patients feel like they are not alone and that some one actually cares about them and their emotional state. When you are coping with your patients you want your patients to feel better than they felt before. You do not want to make them cry especially when they were already sad before. You need to show sympathy for them and try to see what is going on through their point of view and how you can connect with them to make them more happy. In the video the male children’s nurse talks about how he shows empathy to the mothers and fathers of the sick children because what they are going through is exceedingly difficult and not knowing if their child will see the next day is very frightening. He tells them the information they need to know but he also shows love for them and gives their children confidence. He treats his patients as if they are his own children and grandchildren.


The fifth thing nurses should do is to be multidimensional. This step is also important. Nurses need to view things in different perspectives. Something might seem right for the patient in the nurse’s point of view, but it might not be the right choice or decision for the patient. We need to listen to the patient and see from their standpoint because a lot of times a patient will have a great idea and a patient will know what will work better for their body. To be Multidimensional you need to involve integration of knowledge, skills, critical thinking, and ability for supply of quality patient care. Nursing is a multidimensional profession. Nursing reflects the needs and values of society, implements the standards of professional performance and the standards of care, meets the needs of each patient, and integrates the current research and evidence-based findings to supply the highest level of care. Although nursing has a specific body of knowledge and socialization into the profession and practice are essential components of the discipline. Clinical ability takes time and commitment. I know an expert nurse passes through at least five levels of ability when getting and developing generalist or specialized nursing skills.


The sixth thing we should do is mentor. We need to mentor patients and the patient’s family. We also need to mentor other nurses and nursing assistants. To be a good mentor you need to teach and make sure the person is learning and that they understand what you are telling them. As a nurse we educate the patient, (the patient’s family, or other nurses and nursing assistants). When we teach, we need to know that they know what to do if anything happens. Effective mentoring takes effort, and creating successful mentoring relationships needs particular skills, sensibilities, and structure from both the mentor and the mentee. Success happens when both people take responsibility for making it work. Successful mentoring relationships go through four phases: preparation, negotiating, enabling growth, and closure. Mentoring consists of a long-term relationship focused on supporting the growth and development of the mentee. The mentor becomes a source of wisdom, teaching, and support, but not someone who sees and tells on specific actions or behavioral changes in daily work. Nursing mentorship improves the quality of patient care and outcomes. Mentoring can foster the leadership skills that nurses need to secure larger roles in developing, designing, and delivering health care.

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A Nurse I Am: What You Should Know. (2022, February 17). Edubirdie. Retrieved February 1, 2025, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/a-nurse-i-am-what-you-should-know/
“A Nurse I Am: What You Should Know.” Edubirdie, 17 Feb. 2022, edubirdie.com/examples/a-nurse-i-am-what-you-should-know/
A Nurse I Am: What You Should Know. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/a-nurse-i-am-what-you-should-know/> [Accessed 1 Feb. 2025].
A Nurse I Am: What You Should Know [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Feb 17 [cited 2025 Feb 1]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/a-nurse-i-am-what-you-should-know/

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