One of the incidents from my recent placement was the most educational for me. I was looking after one of the patients in the facility (Ms. L) who has a history of epilepsy, cerebral palsy, type 2 diabetes, and intellectual impairment and was admitted after a stroke resulting in left-side weakness. As I was giving assistance with her dinner, she looked at me with a terrified expression, grabbed my hand, then said “Help”, and she started shaking. I was shocked for a second, but after she started shaking, I knew I had to press the medical emergency button. Two nurses and one of my student friends came rushing in and asked me what was happening. I took a few steps back and said, “She looks like she is having a seizure”. The nurses put the bed rails down and started comforting Ms. L while she was having the episode. She stopped shaking after approximately 30-35 seconds as the doctor walked in. Ms. L stated she felt something bad had happened and she remembered she was shaking. The doctor asked me what happened as I was the only one in the room with her at the time. I was quite shaken up at the time, but I informed him of the event as briefly as I could, without missing any important information. The doctor classified the event as a seizure-like episode with modifications in her observations.
As unfortunate as this event was, it was a great learning opportunity for me as I had never been involved in an episode like this. It gave me time to reflect and think about my actions and feelings. I was very sympathetic to Ms. L. She was left very shaken up after the event, and I noticed that she was not like herself the next day, and the staff members agreed. The team of nurses and doctor communicated very well with each other about what had happened, what can be done moving forward, and did not forget to involve me and Ms. L, which resulted in a more patient-centered care plan as effective communication within the healthcare team members greatly contributes towards providing quality care towards any patient. Everything was documented correctly and passed forward in handovers, which is very important as one of the main skills for nurses. I saw how complicated situations like this are handled in a practical setting and how simpler things can be overlooked. Reflecting on the events, if I was the nurse in the facility, I would have shown interest in an immediate care plan for Ms. L as everyone left right after the episode, whereas she looked like she still needed some level of comfort. I was glad that there were other students and my facilitator that I could talk to as I was scared, but I decided to learn more about the condition so that I will be more prepared if I come across this type of situation again. As a nurse, I need to be calm and prepared for events in a clinical setting where nurses need to think critically and act immediately. I would like to help in this situation in the future rather than step back as this time I tried not to get in the way as I was unsure of myself and will follow the standards for registered nurses with confidence.
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It was a truly remembered event for me. It was a great experience where the importance of interpersonal communication was shown for quality care for the patient.
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