Admired Person essays

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1 Page 314 Words
Of all the famous figures, Michelle Obama is the person I admire the most, and I'm going to tell you why. Firstly, Mitchelle Obama is relatable to others. I really admire her communication skills. She is able to convince her opponents or the public audience to believe in her leadership. She is not afraid to communicate with people who share...
3 Pages 1356 Words
It has been two days since I have been flying in the incessant rain. Though my body is giving up owing to starvation, my old wings have somehow found an inextinguishable fire in them. I decided to lounge for a while on the huge Peepal tree and proceed with my flight as soon as the pouring lessens. I have embarked...
1 Page 465 Words
A leader that I admire is Mr. Jamison Chandler, the Director of the Jazz Band at KIPP AMP Middle School. I admire his vision to educate and inspire students in our community to understand and appreciate jazz music, instruments, and the importance of practice. I also admire Mr. Chandler because whenever I need advice or support he is an adult...
1 Page 495 Words
The special one. To begin with, the special person who I admire and try to emulate the most is my mom. My mom doesn’t just help me when and is there for me when I need her, but she is a doctor, which means that she also helps other people. She is always there for me when I need her...
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