Arab Spring essays

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2 Pages 925 Words
Introduction The Arab Spring was a monumental series of uprisings that swept across the Middle East and North Africa starting in late 2010. In Syria, the movement was catalyzed by a combination of socio-political, economic, and sectarian factors that had been simmering for decades. The Syrian uprising, which began in 2011, was not an isolated event but rather the result...
Arab Spring
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3 Pages 1307 Words
A post-colonial approach demonstrates value in considering gender and revolution, as women’s privileges are identified with the bigger monetary and political configuration of power. Post-colonial scholars, like Abu-Lughod, emphasize how political moments are significantly portrayed by a distraction with sexual orientation roles. In the post-colonial world, ideas regarding 'authentic women' are imperative and women become incredible symbols for the countries....
3 Pages 1525 Words
The ongoing upheavals in north African and middle eastern countries, which began December 2010 and continue to this day have generated a massive media coverage within the Arab world and beyond. Journalists, academics, and policymakers were and still are stunned at the rapid developments that spread across the region, demanding social and political change. Movements that until recently seemed improbable...
Arab Spring
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