Argumentative essays

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Social Issues

Are We Too Dependent on Technology: Argumentative Essay

The increasing use and reliance on technology have a specific term in the psychological sector: ‘Applied science dependence ’ which is a more apt name than ‘technology applied science addiction’. The use of tech is so common and trusted today that doctors have started recommending going for ‘technology detox’. One of the rising trends which are included in the Oxford Dictionary where this treatment is composed of spending time where the person does not use any electronic device like smartphones,...
2 Pages 773 Words

Adoption Argumentative Essay

Raising an abandoned or orphaned child as their own family was easy back then. It took an informal arrangement, once the family and the child are in common ground, both are in good condition. Numerous people are considering adoption as an alternative to growing their family. There are numerous benefits of adopting a child. However, adoption is expensive and takes a long process. Many have pondered that if there are many orphans, why cannot they be adopted by families at...
2 Pages 814 Words

The Story of an Hour': Argumentative Essay

The difference between verbal irony and the situational irony is that verbal irony is something that is said in the opposite of what the speaker means: “I beg; open the door- you will make yourself ill. Go away. I am not making myself ill. No; she was drinking in a very elixir of life through that open window” (Chopin 570). Situational irony is where an event happens that contradicts something of similar nature. The perfect example of situational irony is...
3 Pages 1465 Words

A Rose For Emily' Argumentative Essay

Kate Chopin’s “Story of an Hour” and William Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily” share many similarities but also differ immensely. Faulkner’s literary work of fiction is Southern Gothic, while Chopin’s work is a short story family drama. Here we can see one comparison between both works; they are both family dramas. Published in different centuries, the time period plays a massive role in the difference between both of these renowned works of literature. Some of these clear changes are the...
2 Pages 989 Words

Teens and Technology Share a Future: Argumentative Essay

It is no secret that there are both good and bad things about the use of technology. For teenagers, technology is a fun way to stay connected to their friends and family, like with social media apps like Instagram and Facebook (ReachOut Australia, 2019). Another way that some teenagers stay connected is through online-gaming, and spending time with their online friends, playing games like Fortnite (ReachOut Australia, 2019). However, some may spend too much time online and, if abused, there...
2 Pages 758 Words

Should Flu Vaccines Be Mandatory: Argumentative Essay

If you had the flu, you should know how bad it can make you feel. A stuffy nose, sore throat, and fever can put you out of work for a couple of days. Fortunately, there is a protection against this dangerous disease: a flu vaccine. Each year, this shot contains particles from the four strains of influenza most likely to be common that coming flu season. It is the strains that determine the flu shot's effectiveness. Once those are put...
1 Page 553 Words

Poverty Is But the Worst Form of Violence: Argumentative Essay

Amartya Sen, a great Philosopher says,  'Poverty is not just a lack of money; it is not having the capability to realize one's full potential as a human being'.  Since long Poverty is seen as a lack of money but in reality we should be concerned with capabilities instead, whether a person has whole that liberty that he or she admires. Poverty is not natural, it's man-made.  Mahatma Gandhi quoted, 'Poverty is the worst form of violence Yes, Mr. Gandhi...
1 Page 577 Words

Mental Illness Argumentative Essay

Mental illness has the right to live with dignity Introduction People with serious mental illnesses are at a substantial disadvantage in defending themselves when they face criminal charges, and those difficulties are compounded when the charges are so serious that the death penalty is sought. Stigma and fear are significant factors in jury verdicts in such cases, and the criminal justice system too often fails to do justice. As a result, people with mental illness are at heightened risk of...
8 Pages 3501 Words

Argumentative Essay about the Minimum Wage

The United States has varied opinions on the question of the minimum wage at both federal and state levels. Legislatures and workers are all keen on the decade-long quest to have wages raised. Significant amounts of workers prefer wages as high as $15 per hour (twice the wage floor of $7.5 per hour). Such a wage floor help regulate the labor market, giving workers and employers a fairground for operation. Without a minimum wage, employers may take advantage of employees,...
1 Page 606 Words

William Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ Should Be Included in the School Curriculum: Argumentative Essay

With long debate, is Shakespeare still relevant in the 21st century? William Shakespeare’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ should be included in the ninth-grade curriculum because it offers an understanding of modern English and wrote various plays or poems that readers can create a connection towards. However, several opposers believe that Shakespeare’s material can be difficult to understand in today’s modern language. To begin with, William Shakespeare's plays and poems create a significant understanding of the idea of modern English. The article...
1 Page 434 Words

Is Hunting of Animals Actually Conservation: Argumentative Essay

In 2015, Cecil the Lion, a lion who was famously being studied by the University of Oxford in Zimbabwe, was killed by a hunter in South Africa. The death of the famous lion sparked global outrage on the issue of hunting and if hunting needs to be banned altogether. However, this outcry was just an outburst of emotion, when the real question for the sake of the animals should have been: does hunting actually help the animals? In other words,...
4 Pages 1730 Words

Why African American Studies Is Important: Argumentative Essay

In this assignment, I will be discussing some of the key issues as to why I believe Black studies does not change the role of the university but does change the way we see and understand the world. For Black studies to be recognized as credible in education and higher education, is not only something of the past but also of the present day. From my own personal account of being accepted onto a Black studies BA Hons degree at...
4 Pages 2023 Words

Should the Government Provide Free Health Care: Argumentative Essay

It is said that the United States is the land of freedom and opportunity, but it is rarely ever mentioned that it is also the land that has the most expensive healthcare system in the world. By which, many cannot possibly afford. Many countries have been transitioning to free healthcare systems, but the United States seems to not be following that lead any time soon. I believe that government should provide free health care to everyone in the United States...
2 Pages 795 Words

Should Teachers Carry Guns: Argumentative Essay

The legalization and portability of guns has been a controversial topic in America, many massacres have been happening throughout our nation, and our citizens want to protect themselves with guns. There’s nothing wrong with protein in your Second Amendment right, “the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”. But now imagine teachers taking their second amendment right and bringing it to school in order to protect themselves and their students in case of any...
4 Pages 1865 Words

Argumentative Essay on Why I Want to Teach

‘What do you want to do when you leave school?’ – a question that filled me with a sense of dread and uncertainty at the age of seventeen. After completing a degree in Fashion and going straight into an office-based environment, I felt a lack of motivation and morale, and I knew something was missing. The enthusiasm I feel towards children's physical and emotional development has driven me to fulfill my passion where I can have a positive impact on...
1 Page 597 Words

T.S. Eliot's 'The Waste Land' as a Personal Poem: Argumentative Essay

Thomas Stearns Eliot stands as a great poet of the 20th century. He is regarded as a rebel poet who discusses city life, its barrenness, immoral attitude and activities of the city people, loss of faith in religious traditions, and so on. It is said that a great poet in writing of him writes his age, we find the same quality in the masterpiece of T. S. Eliot 'The Waste Land'. He uses numerous allusions in his poetry. The literary...
2 Pages 740 Words

Argumentative Essay on Gay Adoption

The common synonym for homosexual, gay, was initially used as a code word between homosexuals. It has moved into common speech to describe homosexual women and men, as well as the socio-political concerns related to homosexual orientation. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a homosexual as a person who is sexually attracted to people of the same sex. Over time, the word ‘gay’ has primarily been used to refer to homosexual men while a lesbian is a female who is attracted to...
3 Pages 1365 Words

Welfare Needs Reform: Argumentative Essay

Welfare is a touchy subject to dwell on that has been the topic of debate, especially in recent times with what has been happening in the United States. As time goes on, the need for welfare reform exponentially rises, and some think there is too much being done, while others believe it is too little. Welfare is in every person’s mind, whether it is Medicare or AFDC, it is continuously being taken advantage of, and it needs to be revised....
5 Pages 2055 Words

Year-Round School Is a Bad Idea and Needs to Be Abolished: Argumentative Essay

After almost 50 years, year-round school is starting to fade away but needs to go away faster. In my opinion, we need to abolish year around school as year-round school is obviously a bad idea. One reason why year-round school is a bad idea that needs to be abolished is the teacher problems. According to an interview I had with Mrs. Groom, my 8th grade ELA teacher, who has been a teacher for 20 years, she thinks that having a...
1 Page 643 Words

Undocumented Immigrants Should Be Issued Driver's Licenses: Argumentative Essay

One's ability to drive a car plays a significant role in carrying out essential day-to-day tasks, be it picking up groceries, taking and picking up kids from school, and, most importantly, reporting for work. However, driver's licenses are unobtainable by undocumented immigrants in most of the states here in the United States. In turn, most undocumented immigrants who have settled in the U.S. often face a difficult choice, one that lies between meeting their daily obligations or living in constant...
5 Pages 2082 Words

College Athletes Should Be Paid: Argumentative Essay

Many have discussed whether college athletes should be paid or not. There is a lot to think about when considering this. These college athletes play for a league called the National Collegiate Athletic Association, or the NCAA for short. The NCAA makes a large sum of money off these athletes. The student-athletes are creating money for their colleges and the NCAA, but they don't get paid an amount in return. This is not fair to the athletes who put in...
2 Pages 906 Words

Argumentative Essay on Why Confederate Monuments Should Be Removed

In the article ‘Confederate Memorials as Instruments of Racial Terror’ (2015), originally published in The New York Times, writer Brent Staples argues that recent events such as the 2015 Charleston church shooting and the dismissal of the Confederate monuments around the country have finally allowed politicians to come to the deduction that these Confederate symbols and anything related to them, represent nothing but racism and hate. He also stated that this dates back to the end of the Reconstruction when...
1 Page 482 Words

Why Do You Want to Pursue an MBA Degree: Argumentative Essay

It is inevitably true that education plays a vital role in everyone’s life. Without education, no one can survive in this modern world. I believe that the days when life experience was more important than academic qualification are gone, but nowadays having an academic qualification is as important as blood for the body. Several universities are available to get a better education. Tourism plays an important role in a human being’s life; people travel to several places for many purposes,...
2 Pages 782 Words

Why Do You Want to Be a CRNA: Argumentative Essay

Patients receive pain relief (anesthesia) from a licensed anesthesiologist before, during, and after surgery. They prescribe medications to keep patients sleepy or painless during surgery, and they continue to monitor the patient's livelihood activities. CRNAs (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists) are amazingly trained nurses who use their advanced knowledge in nerve control to alleviate pain and discomfort in the current clinical practice of patients. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, the demand for certified registered nurse anesthetists in...
1 Page 401 Words

Being a Child of Single Parent Does Not Mean Being Doomed: Argumentative Essay

A child not having their father in his or her life is sad, but it does not doom a person forever. Having a biological father does not equate to success. A single mother can raise a successful child. For example, Barack Obama, his father left him, but he held the most powerful position in the United States and did not have a father in the home as a grown-up. Obama is close to his mother and he does not feel...
2 Pages 1048 Words

Marine Theme Parks Should Not Be Banned: Argumentative Essay

A marine theme park, sometimes called an aquarium, is where marine animals are kept and open for public viewing for both entertainment and educational purposes. Marine theme parks have grown extremely popular over the years, and according to Gusset (2011), there are more than 700 million visits to aquariums per annum. Thus, it is obvious that the potential of marine theme parks to play a significant role in public education and marine animal conservation is noteworthy. Although it is to...
2 Pages 862 Words

Why Study Philosophy: Argumentative Essay

Philosophy is the study of the founder’s mental nature of knowledge and reality. This short essay will be focusing on the meaning of philosophy for us today and it will also outline the different ways how philosophy can help us as humans to face reality as it is like a tool to enhance our knowledge about things we do not know or questions we seek to know answers from. As it is known that philosophy is all rational inquiry except...
2 Pages 692 Words

The Gap between the Rich and the Poor Should Be Reduced: Argumentative Essay

Before I start my essay, I would like to introduce some abbreviations and special proper noun that appears in my essay. The first one is OECD. OECD is the abbreviation of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. It is an intergovernmental economic organization with 36 member countries, promoting economic growth and world trade. The second one is the Gini coefficient, which stands for the inequality level, for example, the level of income. The Gini coefficient of zero is expressed...
5 Pages 2341 Words

Should the Dropout Age Be Raised to 18 Years: Argumentative Essay

Over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States each year. 21 states and the District of Columbia have passed mandatory laws that allow students to stay in school even when they have passed the age of 16. However, the USA has passed a compulsory law that requires that all children attend school at least from the age of 5 until they are at the age of 16. Despite the mandatory law, school dropout rates are...
5 Pages 2397 Words

Should Tablets Replace Textbooks in K-12 Schools: Argumentative Essay

With each passing year, school systems strive to become the best/top school in their district by developing new ways to help further educate young minds and improve overall testing scores. To achieve their goals, some schools have cut down on recess and increased classroom proactivity. Other schools just simply took out basic electives such as home EC and workshops and replaced them with more math classes and science classes. Then we have some schools where the newest technology such as...
2 Pages 1039 Words
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