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The Theme Of Perseverance In The Works Of Art

4 Pages 2036 Words
What is perseverance? Perseverance means to never give up and always keep trying your very best. The theme of perseverance is showcased in the following pieces; the short story “To Build A Fire” by Jack London, Miley Cyrus’ song, “The Climb” and the painting, “Washington Crossing the Delaware,” by Emanuel Leutze. “To Build A Fire” by Jack London is about...

Symbolism In The Lottery By Shirley Jackson: Symbols & Imagery

2 Pages 1129 Words
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The Lottery' is a story written by Shirley Jackson, first published within the 1948 issue of the magazine 'The New Yorker.' It's been said to be one of the simplest American literature short stories created. The title of the story 'The Lottery' refers to an unquestioned ritual that takes place during a small farming town annually and requires all members...

Symbolism In The Play Trifles

3 Pages 1220 Words
In the dramatic play “Trifles” written by Susan Glaspell, it goes through without specifically stating the cultural diversity in the 1900’s that women had to face. Although, it presents itself as to how the men back in the day believed that the tasks and job duties their wives and other women did and anything regarding their own thoughts were not...

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