Christmas essays

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2 Pages 911 Words
Holidays in countries differ in so many ways, Christmas being one of them. The meaning behind the holiday may not change much, but cultures have specific customs that only apply to them. This is celebrated in honor of Jesus Christ. Since nobody knows exactly when Jesus was born, we tend to celebrate his birthday on December 25th, however, this can...
1 Page 673 Words
When I was little, each time I heard someone say “giving is better than receiving,” I thought them to be crazy. Wasn’t getting presents the whole point of celebrating Christmas? It was the reason I couldn’t sleep on Christmas Eve and why I was always the first one up on Christmas mornings. “There won’t be much for Christmas this year....
1 Page 664 Words
As for Australia, Christmas was celebrated during the summer causing modifications to their culture at this time of the year. Australians still practice the typical customs of Christmas trees, festive foods, parades, and all such, but what sets them apart from other cultures is their iconic culture and tradition of “Christmas on the Beach.” The culture allows Australians to build...
1 Page 642 Words
A man became a legend centuries ago and now in the 21st century he is still a legend but the story of how or who made him has gone from a real Saint to an animated whimsical figure. He has been loved through the years for his acts of kindness and ability to lift people's spirits. He was a Christian...
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