Dental Assistant essays

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2 Pages 1004 Words
Research paper “If it’s important you’ll find a way. If it’s not, you’ll find a excuse”-Ryan Blair. Becoming a pediatric dental assistant is something that has always been important and serious to me. I love the fact that you get the chance to change a kids life one visit as a time. Becoming a pediatric dental assistant isn’t for everyone...
3 Pages 1464 Words
Alice Jones is 52-year-old female who has high blood pressure, which depicts hypertension. She is currently on medications and taking Vasotec (2.5 mg) to control her blood pressure. According to her dental history she has one missing tooth which is covered with bridge, have large embrasure spaces on some teeth, bleed on gums sometime when floss due to tight contact...
3 Pages 1213 Words
Del Paso Dental is located in Sacramento on Del Paso Blvd. It is a Health Clinic for the community primarily for Medi-Cal patients. The agency that Bou Vang works specifically for the Health and Life Organization which is a non-profit corporation that administers quality inclusive initial healthcare to under income and ethnically diverse and impoverished residents residing inside the city...
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