Reflection on Work Experience in Del Paso Dental

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Del Paso Dental is located in Sacramento on Del Paso Blvd. It is a Health Clinic for the community primarily for Medi-Cal patients. The agency that Bou Vang works specifically for the Health and Life Organization which is a non-profit corporation that administers quality inclusive initial healthcare to under income and ethnically diverse and impoverished residents residing inside the city of Sacramento. She is a registered dental assistant who performs a wide variety of responsibilities inside the dental office. Such as assisting the dentist, taking care of the patients, and sterilizing the equipment. In addition, a registered dental assistant main responsibilities are to facilitate and create an enabling environment for the dentists to work in. They also must ensure that patients are comfortable in the room by preparing them for treatment and advising them for a checkup and general oral health care. Bou Vang had attended Sacramento City College earning an Associate Degree in Science. Also, at Sacramento City College, that is where she had taken the Dental Program to receive her certificate for dental assistant. She had then taken the state board exam to be identified as a registered dental assistant. As for her work experience, she is the lead assistant for her office and has been working Del Paso Dental for six years now. She manages the back office in which she checks patients health history and orders dental supplies as well as help with scheduling and rescheduling appointments in the front if it becomes busy. She is also able to work harmoniously with her coworkers and how to deal with difficult situations in the office.

Registered dental assistants must possess certain skills, such as multitasking and being capable to operate with others, and have excellent dexterity. Demonstrating how dental assistants are obligated to comprehend specific protocols and orders. To succeed in the dental clinic, Bou Vang says, “You must have organizational, technical, and communicational skills because dental assistants are an essential component of a dental practice and help make the patients feel welcomed and comfortable.” In which she tries her best to display compassion for patients and make the operation go smoothly for the dentist. Another thing that is needed to thrive in this career is to have a healthy attitude towards those in the clinic. Vang also states, “You should have a positive attitude when faced with any circumstances keeping the patient calm and listening to what they have to say.” Explaining how with a positive attitude she can avoid negative thinking and go on with an optimistic day when helping around the agency.

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A registered dental assistant works with a variety of people with different cultures, beliefs, and gender. Bou Vang claims, “I strive to make people feel embraced and present them the highest quality oral care services in a non-discriminatory behavior.” Demonstrating how no matter the ethnicity, sexuality, or special needs, a registered dental assistant aims to satisfy everyone’s unique needs. She has had many patients that spoke different languages, have unique interests and viewpoints which she does not discriminate against them. Instead she is pleased to have patients with unique needs or backgrounds because it allows her to see from new perspectives, gain new knowledge, and allows for everyone to be equal.

Major issues and concerns that may impact the dental clinic are the loss of patients over time due to the increasing cost of dental treatments, and the need for a diverse community. Bou Vang explains, “Having diverse patients in the dental industry plays a crucial role by encouraging different groups of people to also reach out to my dental clinic and help it prosper.” Indicating how without diverse communities reputation of the company decreases, profit drops, and productivity falls. She also addresses how dental insurance is rising, causing patients to not attend dental clinics anymore. Which then cause the patients to have really bad teeth and more harmful problems in the future.

According to Bou Vang, she reveals when she was in high school she was pressured by her family to become a surgeon which made her feel restricted in her choice of career. She further explains how studying to become a surgeon stressed her out and she was not able to spend time with family and friends. Instead, she decided to find what interests her, which she had made a list of what she liked doing such as working in a small team, assisting people, and doing office tasks. Then she looked online for careers and came across dental assistants. In which she wanted to learn more about the health of the teeth and why it was important to floss and get rid of cavities. Vang had then studied and graduated to go into the career of a dental assistant. Later on, taking the state board exam to become a registered dental assistant. Additionally, she had then applied for Del Paso Dental which she was trained in helping the dentist and working together with her peers.

During the interview, Bou Vang explains how she enjoys every aspect of her job. By assisting the dentist in taking care of the patients, and working together with her team members. Vang expresses, “I especially enjoy interacting with the patients by delivering a comfortable and simple experience for them.” Showing how she has a passion for helping people feel better in uncomfortable or difficult situations. As for her least favorite, she does not like it when patients become frustrated when communicating with her. Making it more difficult for her to comprehend what they are asking for. Patients would complain about having toothaches and not getting seen fast enough by the dentist. Which she seeks to calm them down and provide support and guidance to them.

Bou Vang makes a difference in people's lives by providing comfort and relief to patients when getting treated by the dentist. Also, help give patients advice on how to deal with the pain after the treatment. Bou Vang states, “I work alongside with the hygienist in providing oral hygiene instructions, keeping the tools disinfected, and handling the pieces of equipment.” Registered dental assistants can provide recommendations and guidance for the patients demonstrating how important it is to take care of their teeth. Also suggesting checkups and updates on when they would have to come back to see the dentist.

Bou Vang describes her work environment as “Positive, professional, and productive.” She illustrates how her team members are focused and are helping to keep the operation for the dentist running smoothly while still helping out the patients. Showing how throughout the dental facility her peers are hardworking and always on task. The organization welcomes anyone from any age and does not discriminate against anyone. Vang describes, 'My organization helps those living in poor conditions live a better by having healthier teeth and gums.”

Yes, internships are very common in this industry. Bou Vang says 'Interns acquire the opportunity to observe and learn what the dentist does, view what goes on around the office, and learn more about the organization itself.' This allows interns to gain new experiences, leadership and knowing how to speak and dress professionally. According to Vang, she explains how the intern she was prepared to learn and know more about what she does as a registered dental assistant.

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Reflection on Work Experience in Del Paso Dental. (2022, July 14). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 13, 2025, from
“Reflection on Work Experience in Del Paso Dental.” Edubirdie, 14 Jul. 2022,
Reflection on Work Experience in Del Paso Dental. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 13 Jan. 2025].
Reflection on Work Experience in Del Paso Dental [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Jul 14 [cited 2025 Jan 13]. Available from:

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