Discursive Essay on Issues of Justification

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So as to unravel the PT, it is important to describe the attributes of its keywords. Firstly, I am defining an ‘analogy’ as providing a figurative correlation of one circumstance to another similar circumstance. Its job is to help the cognizance of the circumstance at hand, by using a similar, yet alternate, perspective. The word 'understanding' is depicted as, seeing the planned significance and building up a cognizance regarding the matter, while 'justification' is demonstrating that something is sensible. I agree with the Prescribed title(PT) above greatly. The logical use of an analogy, which can be considered an example of some sort, would be to aid in the awareness of a situation by relating it to something more feasible based on the circumstance. Analogies are broadly perceived as assuming a significant heuristic job, as it helps to create a solution without denying the context. Analogies have been utilized, in a wide range of settings and with significant achievement, to create understanding and to define potential answers for issues. An analogical contention is an express portrayal of a type of analogical thinking that refers to acknowledged likenesses between two frameworks to help the end that some further similitude exists. When all is said in done (yet not constantly), such contentions have a place in the classification of ampliative thinking, since their decisions don't follow with sureness but are just upheld with differing degrees of solidarity. Be that as it may, the best possible portrayal of analogical contentions is liable to discuss.

The first Aok I chose to use is that of history. Historical analogies can now and then be valuable when they are utilized to illuminate a discussion and give a group of people more analytical viewpoints on recent developments. They are used to delude individuals so they acknowledge an approach that might possibly have appeared decades prior in a totally different circumstance. Despite the fact that some authentic analogies sound persuasive, they are frequently inaccurate. In that capacity, depending on them to comprehend another circumstance could have lamentable outcomes. Various elements influence the quality of historical analogies: the importance of the possibilities, the sum and assortment of the models in the similarity, and the number of shared attributes among the things being analyzed. For instance, present China and Japan for sure offer a few likenesses to Britain and Germany before 1914, for example, close financial ties and security competitions(Wang). This parrel between two countries and their similarities only makes sense if there is an understanding of both circumstances. One would have to know the extent of conditions in Present China and Japan as well as conditions in Britain and Germany in 1914. On the contrary, a lot of people have the notion that history repeats itself. That being said, this logic can further justify a historical pattern. In that instance, the comparative analogy becomes a justification internally due to the preconceived notion that history repeats itself.

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The next Aok I’m going to talk about is that of art. In art, analogies are utilized to clarify complicated and complex thoughts. Any two things that are similar in at least one different way allow for a multitude of perspectives due to the different elements of art. Since there are no definitive criteria for what art actually is, art can be compared to anything and still be considered an art analogy. The similarity is an essential component of imagery. Contrary to History, instead of comparing significant events in art, you compare visual things to real-life situations. For example, when I am walking through my high school and I see a picture of colorful rocks on top of a butterfly, I think about my heavy workload in the ib program but still being my own person underneath. This comparison in itself does not provide justification for why I have a heavy workload but aids my perspective by using a symbolic image. If you were to use another artistic component like a song, for example, different tones and sounds might remind you of a specific memory. If there are lyrics, those lyrics might justify the reasoning behind something by stating a solution or telling a story. Most songs, however, are written in the experience of the artist themselves so It does not directly correlate to my specific circumstance but provides a possible explanation. On the contrary, you can interpret an artwork by putting your scenario in the meaning. Going back to my example about the rocks on the butterfly, I can create my own justification for why my workload is so hard. I can conclude that the disregard for my individuality makes it harder for me to be successful because the rocks (i.e my workload) are always on top. I created justification by looking at it from a logical perspective.

That being said, the contrast between an understanding of something and a justification for something is that an understanding is normally flexible to a wide range of people, while the justification for something is a general set-in-stone answer. Scientifically, a justification would require extensive research following a guided structure to be approved by multiple people as an answer. Yet an analogy lacks the essential meticulousness that justification needs. It might get the job done as a premise to frame speculation but it is not accurate in terms of a scientific standpoint.

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Discursive Essay on Issues of Justification. (2023, July 20). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 20, 2024, from https://edubirdie.com/examples/discursive-essay-on-issues-of-justification/
“Discursive Essay on Issues of Justification.” Edubirdie, 20 Jul. 2023, edubirdie.com/examples/discursive-essay-on-issues-of-justification/
Discursive Essay on Issues of Justification. [online]. Available at: <https://edubirdie.com/examples/discursive-essay-on-issues-of-justification/> [Accessed 20 Sept. 2024].
Discursive Essay on Issues of Justification [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Jul 20 [cited 2024 Sept 20]. Available from: https://edubirdie.com/examples/discursive-essay-on-issues-of-justification/

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