Elder Abuse Essays

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10 Pages 4680 Words
Elder abuse is one of the most common types of abuse that gets looked over by society. Many people would normally not suspect or even think an elderly person may be getting abused, but this is a serious topic in nursing homes, hospitals and even at their own home. The reason is as these elders are becoming victims of abuse...
2 Pages 990 Words
We all know elderly people are most vulnerable during Covid-19, the mortality rate of the elderly is higher than others, but do we really taking care of the elderly in our family or just taken for granted? Even if we think that we are taking care of them, are we taking into consideration of their perception of care or imposing...
3 Pages 1450 Words
Abstract Old age is part of the human life cycle. Just as a plant grows from a seed to a full-grown tree, then in its maturity it dies by the hands of a lumberjack, man’s fate is just as equal to the tree, humans grow, age, and die. Aging has been a point of discussion for thousands of years, generating...
3 Pages 1364 Words
VULNERABLE POPULATION AND VULNERABILITY Vulnerable Population and Vulnerability in relation to abuse, vulnerability can be described as the deficiency of a person to shield himself/herself to any risk from an abuser. Vulnerable population are those individuals or social events of people who are in a tough situation like elderly, young people and individuals with insufficiency or incapacity to perform their...
1 Page 421 Words
In 1928, Louis Israel Dublin wrote “An improvement in Negro health, to the point where it would compare favorably with that of the white race, would at one stroke wipe out many disabilities from which the race suffers, improve its economic status and stimulate its native abilities as would no other single improvement. These are the social implications of the...
4 Pages 1778 Words
Abuse is mistreatment of individuals at any age and any gender such as mistreatment among children, women, adult and older population. Abuse can occur at any vulnerable age, where individual is dependent on others. With modernization, the levels of compassion, love and humanity are decreasing which results in negative attitudes towards others, especially older population putting them at risk for...
8 Pages 3628 Words
This paper compares older research supporting the traditional practice of frequent repositioning with newer research which presents an argument against two-hourly turning intervals, and stresses the importance of providing residents with alternating-pressure air mattresses as an alternative option. The paper discusses the connections between such frequent turning with issues such as sleep disruption, problematic behaviors, restraint of patients, and thus,...
3 Pages 1469 Words
In India, persons aged 60 or exceeding the age of 60 are considered elderly or senior citizens. The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007 (Gazette of India, December 2007) statesthat a senior citizen as a person who has reached the age of 60 years or exceeding. Nevertheless, under the law relating to income tax in India,...
3 Pages 1605 Words
Vulnerable populations and abuse include the economically challenge, racial and ethnic minorities, individual who has a lacking insurance, low-income individuals, the elderly, the homeless and those with other health conditions, including severe mental illness. It may also include rural residents or barbaric places, who often encounter barriers to accessing healthcare services because of hindrances like transportation and support from their...
2 Pages 1011 Words
Today often we hear about abuse. when we discussing abuse or mistreatment we think its only limited to children and women but its not, this happens to our seniors also. the elderly people due to ageing process which result in dependency upon others. The dependency ultimate lead to elderly abuse. The elderly abuse does not have and particular definition, Acc...
2 Pages 873 Words
Many elderlies rely on their family or trusted individuals (friends or neighbors) to help them. When an old person grows old, they need care, guidance, aid and support. Unfortunately, their dependence on their close one sometimes led to abuse. Elder abuse is the abuse and neglect of older people. It takes many forms. (WHO, 2016). Elder abuse can happen at...

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