Essay on Are Kids Smarter Because of the Internet

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Internet for Kids

What is the Internet? The Internet is a communication network that has the function of connecting one electronic media with another electronic media quickly and precisely. In this era, the Internet is very closely related to everyday life. Starting from young people to adults, the majority use the internet as a medium of assistance in carrying out and connecting various human activities effectively, accurately, and efficiently.

The Internet has many benefits in everyday life. As for the benefits of the internet such as easy to communicate with family, not all families are in nearby locations that easily meet one another. Through social media or online messages such as WhatsApp, children can communicate with their grandmother or cousin outside the city. Make friends, with healthy friendships, children will be more enthusiastic about their hobbies. Creative and full of ideas, children who enjoy writing can express their interests through blogs, while children with musical interests can find inspiration from various music platforms. New ideas will emerge with many references obtained through social media. Learn new things, there are many things they can learn on the internet that are not found in formal education. Children can learn about public speaking, building robots, or entrepreneurship, but not all schools have these facilities.

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However, you must also be aware of the negative impact of the internet, especially for children who are not able to filter information. There are the negative impacts of the internet on children: First, Stretch out social relationships. Children who are addicted to gadgets tend to spend time in the room and interact less with other people. If left unchecked, children will find it difficult to get along with school friends and family. Direct social interaction is still very much needed for children's growth and development. For example, children can make an unfair competition, contravention (an attempt to thwart the achievement of the goals of another person), or conflict (a social process that occurs when a person consciously or unconsciously opposes another person.

The second negative impact of the internet is can harm children's eye health. Constantly exposed to radiation rays on the device will disrupt eye health. Research has shown a decrease in eye function in children who spend a lot of time playing online games. For this reason, parents need to limit the use of devices in children. You can also equip children with various vitamins to maintain the health of the children. For example, there are reports of cases of children who are addicted to playing online games causing them to have to operate on their eyes.

And the third is lack of focus when studying, The more often children play with their devices, the higher their level of dependence. Your concentration level will decrease because you are accustomed to consuming videos or watching videos with a short duration. If your child starts to show these signs, provide them with vitamins and immediately consult a psychologist. For example, they will be busy with their world or dependency so they are no longer interested in doing other activities such as drawing, painting, writing, and other activities.

The Internet is a communication network that has the function of connecting one electronic media with another electronic media quickly and precisely. As for the benefits of the internet such as easy to communicate with family, not all families are in nearby locations that easily meet one another. New ideas will emerge with many references obtained through social media. Children who are addicted to gadgets tend to spend time in the room and interact less with other people. If left unchecked, children will find it difficult to get along with school friends and family. The second negative impact of the internet is can harm children's eye health. You can also equip children with various vitamins to maintain the health of the children. And the third is lack of focus when studying, The more often children play with their devices, the higher their level of dependence. For example, they will be busy with their world or dependency so they are no longer interested in doing other activities such as drawing, painting, writing, and other activities.

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Essay on Are Kids Smarter Because of the Internet. (2024, February 28). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 14, 2025, from
“Essay on Are Kids Smarter Because of the Internet.” Edubirdie, 28 Feb. 2024,
Essay on Are Kids Smarter Because of the Internet. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 14 Jan. 2025].
Essay on Are Kids Smarter Because of the Internet [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Feb 28 [cited 2025 Jan 14]. Available from:

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