Essay on Diversity in the Classroom

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Equality, diversity, and inclusion are very important factors that must be considered during any training or learning sessions, also instructors or Trainers must be aware of these concepts to ensure that the knowledge will be transferred well to all Trainees and it is always something fresh to learn; always a possibility to improve our practice. Equality, diversity, and inclusion in Training and learning should be delivered by taking these issues into account against the curriculum and training materials. Equality and diversity must be considered in the lifecycle of the training; starting from session planning and Training methods to training delivery and assessment procedures; from inclusive resources and materials to Training which explores the nature and impact of discrimination, harassment, and victimization because of disability, race, sex, sexual orientation, transgender, religion or belief, age and so on. Before describing the equality and diversity in details, I will start with the most common definitions related to this field that used in the UK:

    • Equality makes sure that everyone has the same chances and receives treatments that are typical to other peers without facing any shape of discrimination against color, gender, religion, etc.
    • Diversity means accepting the fact that person/personnel are not the same and valuing them positively against their dissimilarity.
    • Inclusion aims to facilitate the workplace with a fair, respectful atmosphere that allows its individuals to receive equal opportunity and facilities to be able to contribute fully to the organization’s goals.

The field of equality, diversity, and inclusion is a very complex one, but also one that has been characterized by considerable oversimplification over the years that has led to several problems

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Equality needs hard work to be guaranteed and implemented to insure that the same opportunity will be given to all trainees, so equality of opportunity is about ensuring everybody has an equal opportunity to take up chances and to fully use of the chances on enable and to fit their prospect despite of age, race, sex, class, religion or belief, disability, or the nationality.

The Equality Act 2010 confirms protecting personnel from discrimination not only in the workplace but also including the social places, and protection from unlawful discrimination which provided by the Equality Act in relation to the following protected characteristics:

    • age
    • disability
    • gender reassignment
    • marriage and civil partnership ̶ pregnancy and maternity
    • race
    • religion and belief
    • sex
    • sexual orientation


Direct discrimination means that when a person is processed unfairly because of his nationality, gender, age, Religion, etc.

Indirect discrimination happens when apply an equal practice, policy, or rule to all personnel within an organization/institution, but affects some of them differently, for example, an institution dress code policy may discriminate some of the religions rules.


Victimization occurs when someone raises a complaint after facing discrimination, or sincerely, helped someone else to do the same and experienced hardship. Avoidance of victimization is placed to ensure that personnel are having the right to complain against discrimination without worrying about getting them wrong.


According to Kandola and Fullerton (1998); shows the range of apparent and ambiguous variances between personnel.

Governing diversity allows these variances to build a productive atmosphere in which everyone senses valued, where talents are fully involved and in which institutional objectives are obtained and the basic aspect of administering diversity enables that the manpower contain a diverse population of personnel consisting of apparent and ambiguous variances including sex, age, background, race, disability, personality and work style.

Benefits of promoting equality and diversity in Institutions

Appling equality and diversity is the main principle to ensure the success of organization, institutions, and even the social communities in general. Also, for educational institutions, the benefits of equality and diversity are reflected in both learners and Trainers and on the educational management.

    • Equality and diversity is one of the important parameters which creates a perfect Training and learning environment and spirit a happiness and confidentiality to the trainees and learners by believing that everyone has the same opportunities regardless of their different cultures, age, colors, etc.
    • Trainers and learners will be more focused about their future since the success rate will be increase due to applying the equality and diversity in the training institute.
    • Conflict between the trainers or learners will be decrease when they know about the diversity, also it will lead to get new skills and improve themself.
    • Encourage the inclusion between the trainers and learners which will improve the cohort base activity and the teamwork which will decrease the achievement gap.

Ways to promote equality and diversity in a classroom

The following points must be considered to promote the equality and diversity in a classroom:

    • Challenging negative attitudes amongst trainees or learners.
    • Avoiding stereotypes in curricular resources and examples.
    • Setting clear rules regarding how personnel treat each other.
    • Treating all trainees, Trainees, and staff equally and fairly.
    • Creating an all-inclusive environment for trainees, Trainees, and staff.
    • Actively using resources that have multicultural themes.
    • Working to promote multiculturalism in lessons.
    • Creating lessons that reflect and promote diversity in the classroom.
    • Making sure that all Trainees have equal access to participation and opportunities.
    • Using a variety of assessment methods.
    • Using a range of Training methods.
    • Ensuring that all procedures and policies are non-discriminatory.
    • Making sure that classroom materials never discriminate against anyone and are accessible to all even if this means adapting to audio, large print, or video.

Engaging the equality and diversity in a teaching and learning environment:

Self-awareness: Instructors and teachers must realize how the variance of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, personnel economic and bodied status impact us individually. understanding our identification in a certain cohort gives us benefits in some area, and active listening to personnel in cohorts who experience life differently because of their social grouping. and acknowledge our personal biases and understand personnel with different experiences.

Classroom norms: Setting classroom rules and norms is boost inclusion which is important factor in the equality and diversity. make sure that the trainees will respect each other; and share ideas, opinions, and positive values.; learn the trainees how to disagree respectfully. Use different Practices to show self-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making. Create classroom rules and norms together with trainees to give them ownership over their community. amend and refine rules and norms as needed.

Culturally relevant Training: Culturally relevant, or responsive, Training emphasizes academic excellence, cultural competence, and social and political analysis and activism. This pedagogy provides a framework for exposing Trainees to diverse cultures in deep, meaningful ways and prioritizes academic excellence for all Trainees. This framework is also unique because of its emphasis on social justice and activism.

Purposeful planning: Conversations about diversity and equity can be uncomfortable for Trainees and Trainers. An important part of promoting equity and diversity in your classroom is purposeful planning. Planning a lesson is just as important as the execution of the lesson; especially if your class will discuss sensitive topics or ideas.

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Essay on Diversity in the Classroom. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
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