Essay on Perfect School: Differences of Studying in Elementary School, Middle School, and High School

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When it comes to perfect school I have many high expectations and qualities a school needs. If I compare my current school to a perfect school. There would be many differences but also some similarities. The qualities that my perfect school would have are leadership, goals that they need to achieve, organization, working together as a community, and equity and access. To start my perfect school I would have 3 separate buildings that are close to each other. One building for only elementary school, one building for only middle school, and one building for only high school.

My elementary school, middle school, and high school buildings will be very spacious and always up to date when they need to be updated. They will have a variety of different hallways that are wide and roomy. In the hallways, there will be snacks and drinks for the students and teachers in case they need more energy throughout the day to keep them going. The building will have lots of windows for fresh air. I believe the most important part of a school is the teachers. The teachers have to be very educated and knowledgeable. A teacher's attitude should always be positive no matter what. A teacher's attitude reflects on the children and how their attitude is going to be throughout the day.

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A teacher will also have to be very hardworking, they should put a lot of effort into preparing lessons, grading work and giving extra time to children who need that extra help. They have to be passionate about going to school and try their best to make the students passionate as well. They have to be determined that every student will master their subject. I also believe that it is very significant for a teacher to be a remodel to the students and to other teachers. Another very important part of a school is the admin. The administration is principals, and deans, are very knowledgeable. Usually, the jobs of administrators are to ensure that all schools, teachers, and counselors, are working together as a community towards a common goal.

Administrators makes schoolwide decisions that affect everyone in the school they also provide educational leadership. The administration should also value students' voices and opinions. School administration make policies and procedures that the school has to follow. They also create educational goals for the students to achieve. There are many high-ranking policies that need to be followed in every school. For example, I believe Attendance Policy, Bullying Policy, Respect Policy, and student Discipline are the main policies a school could have.

School policies are important because they help a school set up rules and procedures. They also help schools create standards of quality for learning and staying away from danger, in addition to expectations and responsibility. Without these policies, schools would lack organization and rules that need to be followed. I believe it is very important to have a variety of after-school activities for every grade level. Joining after-school clubs will not only get you out of your comfort zone and give you a chance to meet new people who have the same interest as you but will also give you professional experiences depending on what club you join.

For elementary schools, they will have a modern and updated playground outside during summer, fall, and spring, and inside during winter. In all 3 schools, there will be a cafeteria inside and a picnic spot outside. The cafeteria will be clean and have fresh healthy food and the lunch ladies will have to be experienced. There also has to be a gym in the school. The gym to be huge, because we will have a number of activities and sports. We will have an outdoor soccer field, a volleyball court, a tennis court, a basketball court, and a football field. I think it is likely that the more outdoor activities there are the more active kids are. Staying active increases students' physical, mental and social health. I also believe that staying vigorous decreases students' stress levels.

The benefits of having outdoor occupations are having a healthy physical development, acquiring Social Skills, having a positive mentality, and having fun outdoors. Another very important resources are electronics. I would get all the middle school and high school students' MacBooks. Middle schoolers and High schoolers type more so a MacBook should come in handy for that. I would give the elementary students ipads. Elementary students aren't doing as much typing as middle schoolers and high schoolers. Elementary students will also have more apps for their age on their ipads. There are pros and cons of allowing electronics in schools. Some pros are it prepares us for the future, we can use it for educational purposes. A con is that they can distract the students.

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Essay on Perfect School: Differences of Studying in Elementary School, Middle School, and High School. (2022, July 14). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 8, 2024, from
“Essay on Perfect School: Differences of Studying in Elementary School, Middle School, and High School.” Edubirdie, 14 Jul. 2022,
Essay on Perfect School: Differences of Studying in Elementary School, Middle School, and High School. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 8 Sept. 2024].
Essay on Perfect School: Differences of Studying in Elementary School, Middle School, and High School [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Jul 14 [cited 2024 Sept 8]. Available from:

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