Essay on Valley Forge

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Valley Forge Case Analysis

Today’s soldiers would never know how hard it was for our brothers to survive in times when there was no leadership, no assistance, and no remorse on the way of life for an American soldier. The procedures and policies that we have in place for our safety and well-being we sometimes think are too harsh are meant to make sure we are ok and well taken care of as well as our families; sometimes I find myself overwhelmed with army life, not knowing how good I have it. To provide for your family as a man is one thing, but to survive for your family is another. Many crucial factors stood out to me because it was complicated to know a lot of soldiers looked at the family they know in love in the eyes to fight a good fight and not return for something as hectic as starvation and shelter.

Valley forge was a troubling time for a lot of American soldiers. I could not imagine having to beg citizens for basic needs such as food, water, shelter, or starvation because a lack of support was provided by someone whose duty was to lead me and help me protect not only my family but also the country's whole. While reading this article, I was overwhelmed by how many failed attempts to lead and protect my fellow soldiers were taken. It makes me grateful for the procedures that are in place now today. Leadership is a big issue because soldiers had no guidance or support to complete the sought-out mission. Lashings as punishment to an already Malnourished team who didn’t even have something as simple as a blanket to keep them warm, food to keep them energized, and comfort to keep them sane seems well out of line, especially for a man trusted to lead American soldiers to a victory.

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I understand that many things we have today are because the world is different, the times are other, and technology is undoubtedly one of the biggest reasons. I still stand on if you have a great leader; the rest will flow and follow. How can you know how to be successful if you never had an example? Essential leadership and empathy could have single handily saved many of our soldiers if proper support and guidance were instilled in those responsible for leading our war.

I propose that nobody took the time to see if men were ready for war and if our leader was fit to lead. I understand how different times are now and the resources we have now been even thought about then, But would it have been so hard to take the time and make sure we had an army built to weather any storm? Survive any outcome and lead themselves if not being guided properly. I guess that’s why we have so many evaluations to make sure we are worth the time and training because we have too many resources to repeat the same cycle soldiers did at valley forge.

I propose a better leader, an efficient plan, and more concern for what-ifs if there were safe houses while in the field that could have provided the soldiers with food, shelter, aid, and assistance, a lot of those soldiers who did not make it home would have. Protocols should have been in place and enforced for everyone, and an efficient chain of command to lead and implement not specific protocols. Women should have been allowed to cook and aid soldiers in those safe houses and trained on how to handle the hectic situation. Soldiers deserved financial compensation, with a portion sent home to ensure the families were ok and not stressed out. A lot of these suggestions are primary care and aid. I am happy to serve because I know I am in a place where my family is ok and I will survive any outcome based on the basic training, the knowledge and classes I have completed, and my dedication to serving my country.

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Essay on Valley Forge. (2023, February 24). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 15, 2025, from
“Essay on Valley Forge.” Edubirdie, 24 Feb. 2023,
Essay on Valley Forge. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 15 Jan. 2025].
Essay on Valley Forge [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2023 Feb 24 [cited 2025 Jan 15]. Available from:

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