Vital Role of Mercy Otis Warren in American Revolution

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Between the 1650s and the 1770s, the American colonies enjoyed an excellent economic period leading to excellent living standards but lacked freedom and liberty. With the imposition of Parliamentary taxes and more control of the British to the American colonies, politically inspired movements began to form within the colonies to oppose the British and fight for freedom. There were several key players to the American Revolutionary war who included Mercy Warren, Abigail Adams, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin, among others. The war officially began in 1775 and lasted till 1783. Mercy Warren significantly contributed to the war through her literary works, which advocated for liberty and freedom from the British and similar rules. She also fought for the rights of women and equality in her later years. Warren also acted as an advisor to the heroes of war and close associates like her husband and Jefferson, and Adams among others. There were limitations on the independence of women before and during the American Revolution. Women were inferior to men, especially in a marriage setting, which was seen in how wives lacked legal rights to participate in political, economic, and civic matters. With a particular focus on Mercy Otis Warren through her political writings and advocacy, she was able to play a vital role in the American Revolution, changing the rights for women, allowing women to have new political, social, and educational opportunities.

Mercy Otis Warren was born in 1728 in Barnstable, Massachusetts, and died in 1814 in Plymouth. . Mercy was born of James Otis and Mary Allyne Otis in a prosperous family in Cape Cod. Her father served as a prominent attorney, colonel, and judge during different times of his life. Warren was the first daughter and third-born in a family of thirteen children. Mercy's family members from her father, brother, and husband were politically active in the war against the British, thereby providing a conducive environment for Warren to practice her political interest. Before the war, Mercy settled down with James Warren at the age of 26, where they had five sons in 1754, a period when the war was beginning to take root. James Warren had many responsibilities, as he was active in the local politics first as a sheriff and later as a Massachusetts Legislature member, which prompted him to be away from home most of the time. Throughout her life, Mercy was a historian, an American poet, and a dramatist. She lived through the American Revolution and helped publicize the events that took place within that period. She had close proximity to critical national events and political leaders who gave value to her literary work. During the revolution, women were considered inferior in the society. They would often write for themselves rather than publicize their thoughts, which makes Warren stand out among other women during her era.

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Before the American Revolution, it is evident how the efforts of women have been less recognized when it came to politics. Compared to men like Adams, Jefferson, and Franklin, among many others, women always got the short end of the stick with their political voice still being shut down. For instance, Abigail Adams reminded her husband John Adams, to 'remember the ladies' in their letters during the period when Adams was away for political reasons. Mercy Warren went through the experience since she could not openly participate in politics, although she had a passion for such activities. The best she could do was to offer her home to hold meetings of movements that rebelled against the British rule in conjunction with her husband. She also advised her husband, James, on political affairs as she spent most of her time reading books to improve her knowledge on political matters as well as improve her education level as women were not allowed to study. It is evident that women had a lot of potential during this period but were limited by the standards set by society. Abigail Adams, along with Mercy Warren, kept fighting to make sure women stayed relevant, so their roles as women were not just limited to just motherhood. They wanted to be something greater throughout the war and found that the war was their pedestal to fight for their rights.

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Vital Role of Mercy Otis Warren in American Revolution. (2022, August 12). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 24, 2025, from
“Vital Role of Mercy Otis Warren in American Revolution.” Edubirdie, 12 Aug. 2022,
Vital Role of Mercy Otis Warren in American Revolution. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 24 Jan. 2025].
Vital Role of Mercy Otis Warren in American Revolution [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Aug 12 [cited 2025 Jan 24]. Available from:

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