Essay on What Is the Pro Life Movement

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Abortion has been a topic of attention in the United States for the longest time. With time, abortion has been influenced by political opinions and this has consequently resulted in various social movements. The right-to-life movements throughout the country have seen success in their efforts to stigmatize the issue, as well as other related topics. According to Williams (2016), one setback to these movements is the ruling made in 1973 by the Roe V. Wade & Doe V. Wade court. Their decision made it legal to abort during the early stage of pregnancy, throughout all the states in America. For this reason, the pro-life movement emerged as a political movement and has numerous organizations under its web, like Human Life International. The pro-life movement advanced and saw growth in the number of abortions after the legalization. Abortion supporters argued that the American constitution did not mention the unborn but only a person.

Major pro-life groups focused on its politics while other state organizations majored in smaller tasks like counseling on pregnancies and child adoption. Abortion leads to devastating problems at a personal level and even affects society too. For instance, consider an evaluable example of a recent college graduate getting over a relationship with a professor and then she realizes she is pregnant despite using contraception. She is not ready to be a parent, and she thus makes a choice to get rid of her child, she books an appointment goes through with abortion process, and later gets a new boyfriend. The professor out of jealousy starts sending her harassing and threatening emails calling her a murderer. She then gets so depressed, coupled with the boyfriend realizing her reasons for the depression, ends up breaking up with her. She hangs herself due to depression and the breakup. All these problems arise from the thought of abortion. The issue is fundamental in our daily lives and society, and pro-life movements should be encouraged. Pro-life and pro-choice movements fall under reformative movements since they champion a passed law involving abortion.

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The movement’s goal is not only to make abortion illegal but also to protect the innocent unborn child and the dignity of a woman. A national organization of women and others have fought for women without reservation to change the people’s notion towards abortion. The movement is majorly influenced by religious beliefs to protect human lives, and so terminating a human life even at fertilization is considered to be killing a person. Most participants in this movement were religious, such as the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), which was also formed in 1973 (Rohlinger, 2015). Much of the movement against abortion was acquiring its policies based on the Catholic Church's beliefs and other Christian rights, in most cases. The March for Life is an example of a peaceful protest that has been there where the participants - mostly women of all races and ages - march in various places such as in Washington to demonstrate against this social issue. The demonstrators identify themselves with banners against abortion’s legalization. The 2011 March for Life theme was “unique from day one,” and the demonstrators carried banners saying “defend life” and a red scarf in Washington D.C. Such identification symbolizes their message clearly to the members of the society. I would participate in a similar movement since abortion is a form of dehumanization, even when scientifically evaluated except in cases of mothers’ protection or illnesses.

Other scenarios are rape or an accident where abortion can be chosen for the mothers’ safety. Pro-life movement makes sure that abortion is not abused. This issue harms women, which is the reason why feminists should continue the fight against sexual exploitation especially in women, in cases where exploitation might apply. Making abortion legal made men treat women as sex objects. Therefore, the right-to-life campaign is critical. Equality of both sexes is being realized despite other factors like the use of birth control and prostitution that have made men exploit women. Participating in this movement would be more symbolic in the modern society that is changing rapidly. Protesting will offer women crucial rights and be a symbol of assuring hope for them to have families. Some organizations are more practical by helping women living in poverty in society and the homeless build small businesses like the Catholics for Choice (CFC) in Virginia. Since the 1970s, these movements have acted as a symbol, and abortion rates have considerably declined as compared to the past.

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Essay on What Is the Pro Life Movement. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
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