Essay on Why Is English Class Important in College

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As I learned in to my Sophomore year of college, I expected to learn many things and have many new experiences. I was unaware that taking an English Composition 1302 class would affect my learning so greatly. Throughout the semester, I have written a few papers and have had to do assignments that have been completely new to me and, to be honest, made me uncomfortable at first time, I did not like having to let someone else read and review my paper, but mistake before I had to turn my paper in for a grade.

Our first assignment was writing a personal biography essay. This assignment helped my writing because it showed me how to be aware of my weaknesses and showed me what I needed to work on. Learning to sit down and think my paper out was one of the best things I could have learned to do in this course. I found that the more I thought my papers out, the fewer mistakes I would have on the following papers. It took a while to realize that if I didn't have a plan for my papers, I would freeze up and not be able to produce an essay at the end.

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In this English composition class, I realized I had many more weaknesses than I expected. I have never been a strong writer, but this course helped me to become more comfortable. When using my critical thinking skills in the course, I picked up on something I had never thought about doing much. Writing outlines, and proposals, and taking notes on what is to be expected from the essays have helped me along how.

When English 1302, my writing approach has changed greatly. I learned to take the focus off just incorporating the technical aspect and requirements of writing but to make sure I keep my writing clear and focused while also backing by points by numerous sources. The most important thing I learned when the semester was the difference in the type of source to use. Until this semester, I always looked to Google and Wikipedia for sources, but English 1302 taught me a much better way to find and use sources. This course has helped open me up to different types of writing expanding my ability to write different types of writing.

After taking this class, it appears to me why English 1302 is a pre-requirement and the answer is simple. It's because this class teaches students a ton of helpful information that we are likely to use for the rest of our lives. English 1302 wasn't about the quality of essays I could produce, it was about the quality of those essays, and quality was focused on in many ways, through perfecting my ability to locate and cite useful sources, teaching me vital research methods, discovering alternative ways of analyzing information. Each assignment in the class was a learning process for me that allowed me to practice the skills, including ways to incorporate them to create a more successful paper. I deserve to pass this class because I know that I've learned much, not just on writing a paper, but also on the work and research that goes into a good paper as well.

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Essay on Why Is English Class Important in College. (2024, September 10). Edubirdie. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
“Essay on Why Is English Class Important in College.” Edubirdie, 10 Sept. 2024,
Essay on Why Is English Class Important in College. [online]. Available at: <> [Accessed 27 Sept. 2024].
Essay on Why Is English Class Important in College [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2024 Sept 10 [cited 2024 Sept 27]. Available from:

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