Famous Person essays

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1 Page 610 Words
When Brittany Murphy passed away, when Justin Bieber was placed in prison, when Britney Spears shaved off her hair, the question we didn't ask was what have we done to these children? We all love rags to newfound wealth stories, however, it appears that the people are nearly as enamored with wealth as rags or even fame to failure. What...
2 Pages 725 Words
With a net worth of $2.8 billion (according to Forbes), Oprah is one of the richest African Americans in the United States and the country’s first African American multibillionaire. Oprah Gail Winfrey is considered a role model to many because of her unfortunately tough childhood, remarkable charity work, her long-running syndicated television show, and the true relationships she has built...
3 Pages 1376 Words
The definition of a life well-lived is to speak for yourself, take risks, and put others before yourself. These rules are followed throughout the life of Cassius Marcellus Clay: a 19th-century American abolitionist. Cassius Clay always spoke his own opinion despite the constant array of death threats and disagreements. Clay was born and raised in Kentucky which was a predominantly...
1 Page 585 Words
The author that I chose to analyze as far as identity is Naomi Shihab Nye. The author is a woman who is multicultural. Naomi Shihab is Palestinian and white. Her culture is tougher on women in terms of abiding by their culture. Naomi is aware of her culture. In Naomi’s poem Blood, she speaks of the qualities of a 'true...
1 Page 457 Words
Helmuth Hubener is very brave person who you have probably never heard of before. Helmuth Hubener was only 16 when he was sentenced to death by Hitler. He was a very brave person and someone we can look up to. At the age of 16 he dared to defy the nazi’s and did defy them. Helmuth was born in Hamburg...
2 Pages 1145 Words
“Accomplishment begins with two words, I’ll try”. This quote that Abbey Nicole Curran once said is saying that there is no possible way of succeeding if you don’t take the shot at trying. The quote is about trying, because if you don’t there is no way of succeeding. Abbey Nicole Curran tried her best to become a pageant girl even...
3 Pages 1353 Words
The biography I choose to write about is Mary Reibey. Mary Reibey was a businesswoman, shipowner and trader who was expelled to Australia from England. On May 12th, 1777, was the day she was born, and on the 30th of May, 1855, she died. In 1791 (she is around the age of 15 when arriving), after landing, she settled in...
3 Pages 1144 Words
Bonnie and Clyde did many types of crime that changed the world tremendously. For two whole years, many people had different opinions on them. Bonnie and Clyde have left an impact on the world with their rebellious lives and dedication to each other. Even if they violate the law. Bonnie Parker was born on October 1, 1910 in the small...
3 Pages 1541 Words
“Death is a great enemy and robber in my profession, taking away so many of my friends over the years, all of them young”. Chuck had a dangerous job, he was a pilot in World War II and half of his friends were either killed in the war or in testing planes for the USAAF and from that, he was...
2 Pages 1007 Words
Gustave Courbet, born Jean DĂŠsirĂŠ Gustave Courbet, was a famous French artist of the 19th century. He devoted himself to presenting his own artistic style, while turning away from the techniques of traditional art. His unique styles have even become a source of inspiration for cubists and impressionists. It was his paintings in the 1840s that made him very popular....
3 Pages 1320 Words
Mark Cuban is a bright individual who defines all characteristics of an entrepreneur and has found his way into many different businesses. He is well known as the owner of the basketball team of the National Basketball Association team, Dallas Mavericks, and a host on the TV show ‘Shark Tank’. He has started multiple business ventures and retains many entrepreneurial...
4 Pages 1997 Words
Early Life and Education of Princess Diana Our society is built of women and men. This includes women and men from all over the world. Our country's founding fathers to our presidents. Normally, women didn’t get recognition in history as we do now. Women; Myself included are expected to cook, clean the house and have children. But we are more...
2 Pages 1083 Words
Kurt Cobain was known as the lead singer and founder of Nirvana, a band formed in Aberdeen, Washington (Kurt’s home town) in 1987. Nirvana would come to be known as the staple of alternative music, especially in regards to the grunge genre. This band along with many others would propel this kind of music to new heights and bring the...
2 Pages 1102 Words
Introduction The Renaissance was a period that marked the separation of the modern world from the Middle Ages. It was a time of renewal in Western culture, specifically in the fields of art, science, and thinking. The pioneers set the standards for early modern art and science during this period. Among these leaders is the renowned Leonardo da Vinci, an...
3 Pages 1211 Words
For my final paper, I decided to write about Lone Wolf. When doing research on him I found it hard to find information at first. That is until I learned that his real name is Guipago. Throughout my research I never did find a birthdate. However, he died in 1879 due to jungle fever. Lone Wolf was a leader, father,...
1 Page 511 Words
Electromagnetism is used in today’s world with MRI machines, speakers and many different electronics we love. Michael Faraday was an amazing British chemist and physicist, during his early life he was a delivery boy, later in life he founded electromagnetism, and in his older age he was offered a presidential job at the Royal Institution of Great Britain. Michael Faraday...
3 Pages 1538 Words
Throughout the history of animation, there has been a lot of famous figures. Many of which can come people’s mind when talking about the entertainment medium such as Winsor McCay, Walt Disney, Chuck Jones, Max Flesicher, Ray Harryhausen, and Hayao Miyazaki. But there is one animator that is also well-known but has push the envelope with the techniques in traditional...
2 Pages 1107 Words
Mary Stevenson Cassatt was born on May 22nd, 1844, in Allegheny City, United States of America, which is now known as the North Shore, Pittsburgh. She passed away on June 14th, 1926, in Château de Beaufresne, France. Her father was a stockbroker who was very successful, and her mother was from a well-off banking family. Mary Cassatt grew up living...
3 Pages 1342 Words
Sinclair Lewis lived a life pack filled with bizarre experiences from moving all around the country to winning the Nobel Prize in 1930. Sinclair in general had a difficult and unique childhood. Growing up Sinclair had a hard time fitting in and reaching the expectations of his older brothers. Lewis would turn all his time and energy into reading and...
1 Page 531 Words
The word ‘auteur’ refers to a strong aesthetic found reoccurring in the work of a single director, in particular it can be found in the visual styles and motifs of his/her films. In Hitchcock’s long 54-year career in the film industry, making 57 films and hosting his own TV show, one thing can be established: his need to exercise control...
1 Page 442 Words
Tennis is a sport dominated by men, as most sports are however, there is the rise of one specific female who seems to have a strong presence in this sport. Serena Williams is a tennis player who since her beginnings seems to have had something to show in this male-dominated sport. A player who appears to have found a way...
2 Pages 931 Words
Millais paints a drowned Ophelia who is at one with mother nature and the river Unity, central focus, death. Colors: Natural, the contrast of bright colors. Her hands upturned as if she is asking a question The contrast between dark and light Half Submerged she becomes part of nature around her Value: The brightness of the flowers and green-ness creates...
12 Pages 5622 Words
Samuel Ramos dedicates a section in his book Profile of Man and Culture in Mexico to a ‘psychoanalysis of the Mexican character’. In that essay, he writes: Others have spoken about the sense of inferiority of our race, but no one, as far as we know, has systematically used the idea to explain our character. For the first time, in...
4 Pages 1714 Words
Introduction Jewish music has changed throughout history with numerous Jewish musicians who have revolutionized this unique musical landscape which is still today widely celebrated in Jewish culture. Beginning in early biblical times, Jewish music was traditional religious cantors that were sung in synagogues. Then Jewish music evolved into more secular music such as Klezmer, Classical or Israeli Pop Rock of...
3 Pages 1255 Words
Indian mathematics can be dated all the way back to 400 AD with intelligent mathematicians who have developed the way we solve math equations in geometry and number theory today. One of the geniuses who contributed greatly to not only mathematics but astronomy as well is Brahmagupta. A man way beyond his time, academically, whose claims in astronomy and mathematics...
2 Pages 758 Words
Harry Markham is a chartered financial analysist (CFA) that now works for Investment Consulting Associates (ICA), a firm which offers advice to pension funds, after earning his Master of Finance in 2004. Mr. Markham had an increasing concern over the valuation of public sector pension fund liabilities. Markham felt professionally conflicted as he prepared for a meeting with the board...
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