How Cell Biology Is Useful To My Career

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”It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen” - John wooden.

In my case, cell biology is the little thing which will have a great impact on my future career. It’s difficult choosing the perfect career when you’re someone who dreams with open eyes. I’ve been up and down my road of career choices and it has been a task to finally decide on my future career. Deciding on my career was one of the most difficult decisions I had to make and cell biology played a big role in helping me decide. I’ve been fond of cell biology as a subject and therefore it opened many doors for me when I had to decide on a career. Before deciding on my future career, I considered a lot of factors which would give me an upper advantage in my field of study. Cell biology was considered my greatest advantage factor in many ways which would be useful to my desired future career.

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My goal is to achieve a pharmacy degree and further my studies into the medical field to obtain a career in medicine and pharmacy. Cell biology is therefore one of the most important fields when looking into both medicine and pharmacy as my career option. By understanding cells and their different processes in both healthy and diseased states, we can develop new vaccines, effective medicines and also develop a better understanding of how life and the processes of many living organisms work. Cell biology is used in many processes, for example by analysing one’s database of genes and cell information, we can produce a health forecast of which would predict future health situations.

Cells therefore play an important role when in relation to the wellbeing of human kind. A good example would be stem cells (refer to image below), which has the extraordinary potential to develop into many different cell types in the human. Understanding these cells and their abilities, is the basic definition of cell biology. Thus, cell biology will enable me to obtain a greater understanding of these processes on the human body and this will allow me to progress in my career efficiently.

On the practical side of my career, I am required to have a good understanding of the functioning of a microscope. Cell biology therefore prepares and engages me with different cells, by teaching me to operate with a microscope, examining the different cells and studying their functions and processes in depth. This allows me to learn to identify the different cells of the human body which will be useful in my medicine career (refer to image below). By understanding these different types of microscopes and their purposes I’ll have a great experience advantage in my career.

I now understand that cell biology is more than just a subject related to my career, it is the little strings which are tied to my future career and are building blocks which will help me succeed. I conclude by saying that cell biology is the most useful course in my career.

“Biology gives you a brain, life turns it into a mind” – Jeffrey eugenides.


  1. Bailey, R. (2018, October 22). Types of Cells in the Body. Retrieved from ThoughtCo.:
  2. Cell and Molecular Biology. (2016, February 5). Retrieved from Grand valley state university:
  3. Cell and molecular biology. (2017, September). Retrieved from MONASH University:
  4. Cell biology and human health . (2017, July 7). Retrieved from Yale School of Medicine :
  5. Cell Biology people, tools & techniques. (n.d.). Retrieved from BSCB:
  6. why cell biology is so important? (n.d.). Retrieved from BSCB:
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How Cell Biology Is Useful To My Career. (2022, February 24). Edubirdie. Retrieved January 11, 2025, from
“How Cell Biology Is Useful To My Career.” Edubirdie, 24 Feb. 2022,
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