Lung Cancer Essays

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Lung cancer is a serious health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. We’ll delve into the many features of lung cancer in this essay, looking at its causes, types, and ways to prevent it. We must arm ourselves with the knowledge to fight this sickness properly.

Lung cancer causes

Smoking continues...

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3 Pages 1274 Words
Abstract Female non-smokers face a much higher risk of death from lung cancer over the last few years. Many causes explain why lung cancer rates have skyrocketed among the women non-smokers. The increase in mortality risk from lung cancer in female never-smokers can be due to causes including environmental tobacco smoke, radon(a radioactive gas found in nature in soil and...
CancerLung CancerTherapy
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3 Pages 1492 Words
What is lung cancer? Lung cancer has become the most prevalent and threatening cancer worldwide. Parallel to most malignancies, lung cancer is composed of sub-populations of cells with distinct molecular features, resulting in intra-tumoral heterogeneity (Herbst,, 2018). There are two types of lung cancer; small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) (Molina,, 2008). NSCLC...
CancerLung CancerStudy
like 296
2 Pages 885 Words
Introduction Lung cancer remains one of the most prevalent and deadly forms of cancer worldwide, with significant impacts on patients, families, and healthcare systems. According to the World Health Organization, lung cancer accounts for approximately 2.2 million new cases annually, representing a substantial public health challenge. This essay explores the various dimensions of lung cancer, including its symptoms, diagnostic processes,...
CancerLung CancerStudy
like 220
4 Pages 2085 Words
Abstract— Image processing techniques are widely used in several medical problems for image enhancement in the detection phase to support early medical treatment. In this research, we aim to improve quality and accuracy of early detection of lung cancer through a combination of image processing techniques and machine learning. The Cancer Imaging Archive (TCIA) dataset has been used for training...
CancerLung CancerStudy
like 429
4 Pages 1592 Words
Abstract: Lung cancer is one of the most increasing diseases in the rapidly changing world. This disease can be cured in the initial stage. It should be identified at the early stage for diagnosis purposes. The prediction of lung disease stages can be done using image processing techniques. The proposed algorithm consists of a segmentation process using Dual-Tree Complex Wavelet...
CancerLung CancerTherapy
like 192
2 Pages 1083 Words
In recent years, AI has gradually entered the medical field. Artificial intelligence continues to break through the sensitivity and specificity of machine-assisted diagnosis at the 'digital' level, and exerts its value in multiple scenarios. However, many products are still far from large-scale clinical applications, and it is not easy to obtain the approval of clinicians. For the big names in...
2 Pages 1068 Words
Abstract The mortality rate due to lung cancer is increasing rapidly day by day. The major reason behind this increasing mortality rate is not being able to detect the lung cancer at an early stage. Even due to advancement in technology, the number of radiologists is limited and they are being overworked. Various methods which are based on technologies like...
2 Pages 1018 Words
Natural resources are simply the naturally occurring of resources where. People use these natural resources like water, woods, coals, lead, and many more in their daily lives for medical and construction purposes. This has benefited in the lives of many people and also has advanced in the evolution of the industries and modernization of the world. However, with the modernization...
CancerLung CancerStudy
like 382
9 Pages 3964 Words
Abstract: Lung cancer is one of the most serious cancers in the world, with the smallest survival rate after the diagnosis. In CT scans, lung nodules appear as dense masses of various shapes and sizes. They may be isolated from or attached to other structures such as blood vessels or the pleura. In this paper a detection of Candidate Nodules...
CancerLung CancerStudy
like 231
2 Pages 790 Words
Introduction Lung cancer remains a leading cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide, primarily due to late-stage diagnosis. The early detection of lung nodules, which can be precursors to malignant tumors, is crucial for improving patient outcomes. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), a subclass of deep learning models, have emerged as formidable tools in medical imaging for their ability to automate and enhance...
CancerLung CancerStudy
like 100
2 Pages 938 Words
Introduction Cancer remains one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide, prompting extensive research into preventive measures. The relevance of diet and lifestyle in cancer prevention has gained considerable attention, with studies suggesting that up to 30-50% of cancer cases could be prevented through healthier dietary choices and lifestyle modifications (World Health Organization, 2019). This essay aims to...
HabitsLung Cancer
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