Microbiology Essays and Topics

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Essay topics
5 Pages 2187 Words
Introduction Microbiology is the study of all living organisms that are too small to be visible with the human’s naked eye ( including Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoans, Parasites, and Viruses), usually called 'microbes'. (Schmacke et al., 2020) Some companies even use microbiology studies to develop new products that might kill the viruses and bacteria by helping to diagnose diseases such as...
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3 Pages 1159 Words
The occupation of microbiology has a lot of parts a person has to know before they can be one. Before you look at anything else, a person has to look at the educational requirements so they can know what they are headed into. Next, you need to know what the occupation does since there are many specialties in health care...
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5 Pages 2432 Words
Abstract The biodegradation of natural matter to create methane and carbon dioxide requires the intuitive of assorted populaces of microscopic organisms. The parts of each of these living beings within the handle and how they connected with each other is caught on as it were in a simple way. This paper depicts the examination of the microbial biology of the...
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1 Page 439 Words
Microbiology was believed by many microbiologists to experience its second golden age, prior to that is the first golden age which initiated by Pasteur’s Germ theory of disease. The second golden age of microbiology introduced another field of general biology which is molecular genetics. It uses microorganisms as a model in conducting researches. It started in the year 1940's, when...
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2 Pages 956 Words
Introduction Infective endocarditis (IE) is a microbial infection of a heart valve (native or prosthetic) or the mural endocardium, leading to tissue destruction and formation of vegetations. It is primarily a disease of the heart, but by virtue of its haematogenic spread, it is also a multisystem disorder. The aim of this article is to review the epidemiological and microbiological...
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4 Pages 1659 Words
Abstract Giardiasis also known as beaver fever; is a worldwide diarrheal disease caused by the protozoan Giardia duodenalis (also known as G. intestinalis and G. lamblia). (Esch KJ, 2013) It is found in food-producing animals and in pets .Also , this infection can reduce weight gain and may become a apprehension for zoonotic transmission .(Ortega and Adam, 1997) Giardiasis is...
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4 Pages 1787 Words
Introduction Microbiology refers to the study of microorganisms. As the name suggests, microorganisms are organisms that are so small they can only be seen using a microscope. Bacteria, fungi (such as yeasts and molds), protozoa, viruses, algae, and some parasites are all types of microorganisms. Some people also list prions as microorganisms even though they are proteins and not organisms....
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6 Pages 2573 Words
In terms of education, the need for students to develop beyond initial knowledgeconstructions and land at a complex, domain-specific knowledge structure is emphasized both in research and in application. Studying children’s naïve biologies adds to our understanding of how teachers should address biology and science content (Inagaki, 1990). From the literature, we can predict the trajectory of a child’s knowledge...
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2 Pages 713 Words
Introduction Bacteria and bacterial viruses, commonly known as bacteriophages, represent two crucial entities in microbiology that have significantly influenced biological research and biotechnology. While bacteria are unicellular microorganisms classified as prokaryotes, bacteriophages are viruses that specifically infect bacterial cells. Despite their distinct classifications and fundamental differences in structure and lifecycle, bacteria and bacteriophages exhibit several similarities that are intriguing from...
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2 Pages 830 Words
Introduction Photosynthesis is a fundamental biological process that sustains life on Earth. It is the intricate mechanism through which plants and certain microorganisms convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy, enabling the synthesis of organic compounds, especially glucose. This essay delves into the captivating world of photosynthesis, exploring its meaning, the site of occurrence, the photosynthetic electron and...
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2 Pages 996 Words
A cell is the basic structure of any living thing, and thus can be considered the basis of life. All life is made up one type of cell or another. A notable thing about living systems is their ability to maintain a comparatively constant state known as homeostasis. The cell happens to be the earliest level of complexity capable of...
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