Mother Teresa Essay

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Mother Teresa, an extraordinary figure in the annals of human history, exemplified love, compassion, and selflessness through her unwavering dedication to serving the most vulnerable and destitute members of society. Born as Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, Macedonia, she devoted her entire life to helping the poor and needy, leaving an enduring impact on the world. Her remarkable work earned her numerous accolades, including the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, and her legacy continues to inspire people across the globe to this day.

Early Life

Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born into a devout Albanian Catholic family, and from a young age, she exhibited a profound sense of compassion and a strong desire to alleviate the suffering of others. Her calling to serve the underprivileged manifested itself at the age of 18 when she joined the Sisters of Loreto as a missionary. In 1929, she arrived in India and began teaching at a school in Calcutta (now Kolkata).

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However, it was in 1946 that Mother Teresa experienced a divine inspiration that transformed her life. She received a "call within a call" to dedicate herself fully to the service of the poor and sick. This led her to found the Missionaries of Charity in 1950, which marked the beginning of her lifelong journey of selfless service to humanity.

Work of Mother Teresa (Missionary)

Mother Teresa's mission was centered on serving "the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, the lepers, all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared for throughout society." The Missionaries of Charity expanded rapidly, reaching out to those in need across various countries, transcending geographical boundaries to provide care and compassion wherever it was required.

The organization established homes for the dying, orphanages, clinics, schools, and hospices, offering solace and support to those abandoned by society. One of her most significant contributions was the establishment of the Kalighat Home for the Dying, where the terminally ill were given a dignified space to spend their last days with love and care.

Mother Teresa's profound impact was not limited to India alone. Her compassion and tireless efforts in helping others garnered international recognition, and her mission expanded to countries facing natural disasters, famine, and war. She was a beacon of hope in times of despair and a symbol of love in times of hatred.

In addition to her charitable work, Mother Teresa was also a staunch advocate for peace. She voiced her concerns about various social issues and called for a more compassionate approach towards those who were suffering. Her dedication to the cause of peace led her to address the United Nations on multiple occasions, urging world leaders to prioritize the needs of the poor and marginalized.

Contribution to the Society

Mother Teresa's impact on society was profound and far-reaching. Her unwavering commitment to the marginalized and forgotten sections of society inspired people worldwide to engage in acts of kindness and service. She epitomized empathy, illustrating the power of love and compassion to transform lives.

Her holistic approach to humanity disregarded distinctions of caste, creed, or nationality, emphasizing that we are all interconnected as members of the human family. Mother Teresa's message of unity and compassion resonated with people from all walks of life, transcending cultural and religious barriers.

In her tireless efforts, she became a global advocate for the poor and needy, urging governments and organizations to do more to alleviate poverty and provide essential healthcare. Mother Teresa's profound message touched the hearts of millions, mobilizing people to support charitable causes and participate in humanitarian initiatives.

Her work and dedication garnered international recognition, and in 1979, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts in alleviating suffering and promoting peace. Yet, despite the fame and recognition, she remained humble and committed to her mission of helping the destitute.

Mother Teresa's compassionate spirit knew no bounds. She would personally tend to the sick and dying, embracing them with love and warmth. Her life's work was a testament to the transformative power of selfless service and inspired countless others to follow in her footsteps.

Death of Mother Teresa

As Mother Teresa advanced in age, her health began to decline, but her spirit remained undeterred. She continued to serve the poor and sick despite her own frailty, setting an example of unwavering dedication to her mission. By the mid-1990s, rumors of her declining health began to circulate, and millions around the world prayed for her well-being.

On September 5, 1997, the world received the heart-wrenching news of Mother Teresa's passing. She breathed her last in the Missionaries of Charity headquarters in Kolkata, the very city where her mission of love and compassion had taken root decades earlier. Her death marked the end of an era of unparalleled humanitarian service, leaving a void that seemed impossible to fill.

The news of Mother Teresa's passing was met with an outpouring of grief and tributes from people of all walks of life. World leaders, religious figures, and ordinary individuals mourned the loss of a saintly figure whose life's work had touched the lives of millions. Flags flew at half-mast in various countries as a sign of respect for the departed soul.

Her funeral, held on September 13, 1997, in Kolkata, was attended by dignitaries and common people alike, paying their respects to the humble servant of humanity. The streets of Kolkata were filled with mourners from all corners of the world, united in their grief and gratitude for the life of a woman who had shown them the path of love and service.

Mother Teresa's death was a moment of reflection for the global community. It was a reminder of the power of individual actions and the potential for immense positive change through simple acts of kindness. The void left by her passing was vast, but her legacy and mission lived on through the thousands of Missionaries of Charity spread across the world.

In the aftermath of her death, Mother Teresa's work did not wane. The Missionaries of Charity continued their compassionate service, following in her footsteps and upholding her values. New volunteers joined the organization, inspired by her selfless dedication and compassion. Many institutions and organizations that had been touched by her work redoubled their efforts to carry forward her mission.

The legacy of Mother Teresa extended beyond the physical realm. Her example of love and selflessness inspired people across the globe to look beyond their differences and embrace the common bond of humanity. She showed that love could triumph over hatred, and compassion could conquer despair. Her teachings transcended borders and religions, uniting people from diverse backgrounds in a common pursuit of peace and goodwill.

In recognition of her immense contributions to society, Mother Teresa was beatified by the Roman Catholic Church in 2003, a significant step towards her eventual canonization as a saint. In 2016, she was formally canonized by the Church, receiving the title of Saint Teresa of Calcutta.


Mother Teresa's life serves as a testament to the transformative power of love, compassion, and selflessness. She lived by the belief that even the smallest acts of kindness could make a difference in someone's life. Her legacy remains an enduring inspiration for generations to come, urging us to look beyond ourselves and extend a helping hand to those in need.

Through her mission and dedication, she demonstrated that every individual, regardless of their background, can make a positive impact on the world. Mother Teresa's unwavering commitment to the betterment of society reminds us that we all have the potential to become beacons of hope and agents of change.

As we reflect on the life of Mother Teresa, let us be inspired to follow in her footsteps, spreading love and compassion in our communities and making the world a better place for everyone. The light she kindled continues to shine brightly, guiding us to a more empathetic and compassionate world. Mother Teresa's life may have ended, but her legacy of love lives on forever. Let us cherish her memory and strive to create a world where compassion and kindness prevail. May her profound message of love and service continue to inspire generations to come, fostering a global community bound together by empathy and understanding.

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