Neil Armstrong Essays

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1 Page 537 Words
These are the famous words spoken by Neil Alden Armstrong. Who was the first person in history to walk on the moon. He left earth on July 16, 1969 to embark on this extraordinary lunar mission. Neil had shown immense courage and bravery to venture into space, anything could have happened. He is an inspiration to all because of this...
2 Pages 1040 Words
The Apollo 11 mission trip to the moon was very significant in american history. Everybody stopped what they were doing to watch or listen to history being made in the United States. For once in the United States history everybody honestly came together as one to root on the astronauts. The Apollo 11 mission trip brought the United States together...
4 Pages 1924 Words
“That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” said Neil Armstrong. There is still uncertainty prevailing around the ‘supposed’ moon landing in 1969. The moon landing took place when Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins made history as the first humans to land on another celestial body on July 20, 1969. It marks a substantial leap...
5 Pages 2248 Words
On July 20, 1969, Man took their first steps on the moon. This was an enormous triumph for NASA, but also the United States as a whole. It is a day in history that paved the way for many future space missions and discoveries, and it is one that will most definitely not be forgotten. In my essay, I will...
1 Page 487 Words
My hero of all times and one who inspire me to set my aim to become an astronaut was “Neil Armstrong”. First man to the Moon. He said that “Pilots do not take any special joy in walking but Pilots like flying”. I love to go to Space and live in ISS for six months. Astronauts live a difficult life...
2 Pages 931 Words
Apollo Eleven was the historic space flight that landed the first humans on the moon. Americans Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin touched down on the lunar at surface on July twentieth 1969 at 20:18 Universal Coordinated Time or UTC. Armstrong became the first man to step onto the moon’s dusty surface six hours later on July 21 at 2:56 UTC....
1 Page 672 Words
The words of Neil Armstrong echoed around the world when he took those first steps off Apollo 11, and onto the surface of the moon, untouched by man, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” This quote amplifies the exact reason for space exploration, as it shows our ever growing desire to push the bounds of...
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