Panda essays

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3 Pages 1450 Words
1. Introduction After spending 30 years on the “endangered” list, China’s wild pandas have risen in numbers. Due to a population rise, panda nature reserves have grown from 40 to 67 since last surveyed. Traditional methods such as supporting the construction of roads and railroads, mining, deforestation, and poaching have steadied to a decline, resulting in an increase in the...
3 Pages 1287 Words
Current estimates on the number of species present on Earth vary widely but a census conducted by Hawaii University concluded that this number stands at 8.7 million species. Of this number, 1.3 million have been entered into a database so far. This diversity is fundamental for ecosystem stability and ultimately essential if we are to support our continued existence on...
1 Page 595 Words
I think the world should use animals. If the world does not use animals, and the animals are all free-range and live in the wild, this will be a lot of animals in an endangered state. Because, as people's lives continue to improve, their dependence on nature is getting heavier and heavier, and the pure wild space on the earth...
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