People essays

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Gentrification, also known as Chelseafication, is defined as the upgrading of older properties to higher-income housing and where dwellings are modernised which causes it to have a higher value. Gentrification has both positive and negative impacts on the current and future inhabitants of a suburbs. This ranges from social to economic impact. Positive impact of gentrification Economically, as wealthier people move into a previously poor neighborhood, the median area income increases. This increases cash flows for local businesses and makes...
2 Pages 748 Words
Artists are inherently part of the cycle of gentrification due to the rise of the creative environment. With this comes an influx of infrastructure, exploitation of local accommodations and the continuous appearance of a wealthier class. Artists add vibrancy to a formerly drab and seemingly unwelcoming place of residence, inciting interest from business venturers and other artists seeking out freedom and lower prices. Artists have been a given a stereotype of being more forward thinking than the average population in...
2 Pages 928 Words
Introduction Humans do not live in a vacuum but in a damaged environment that impacts individuals’ health every second of their existence. People cannot avoid air as they must breathe, water as they must drink, or land as they must eat what is grown in it. When polluted substances from the environment come to a human’s organism, they affect its health system causing various illnesses, diseases, and development abnormalities. Environmental pollution varies in forms but influences all people leading to...
2 Pages 794 Words
Democracy, according to Abraham Lincoln former American President is a government of the people by the people and for the people. In other words “Democracy is a system of government in which all the people of a state or polity are involved in decision making”. Most theories of democracy are based on the principle of “government by the people”. This implies that people participate in the making of crucial decisions that influence their lives and determine the societal environment. Bühlmann...
5 Pages 2071 Words
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