Personal Life essays

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6 Pages 2725 Words
Leisure activities change as people grow. As children, they often have more time for leisure activities due to the fact that they have more time on their hands. Adults and teenagers, are given more responsibilities and are left with less time on their hands. Adults and teens either have jobs or are in school which is why they are so...
1 Page 535 Words
How Forex Trading Changed My Life The forex market has the easiest access condition. If you have a computer and a stable internet connection, you can easily enter into the forex world. But, to be a successful trader you need to gain some quality. And these qualities can change your life like they changed mine. I Got a Chance to...
4 Pages 1872 Words
My aunt is a social worker and a fundamental part of her job is ethical awareness. As we know social workers are supposed to maintain confidentiality regarding intimate details about clients who use their services, but there are exceptions to these guidelines especially when it poses a threat to society or themselves. Another important factor social workers need to acknowledge...
3 Pages 1363 Words
Throughout my life, I’ve struggled with allergies and intolerances, and I always will, but over the years I’ve learned how to deal with them. Allergies are when you go into anaphylaxis shock causing breathing difficulties and swelling of the face. Intolerances cause sickness and diarrhea. May 15th, 2003. From the day I was born, we didn’t know about any allergies...
2 Pages 886 Words
On Saturday afternoon April 21, 2018, it was a day when it became the best day of my life which I have dreamed of since I was 10 years old. All birthdays are special but this birthday was really special because I got to see all my family together and the people that love me the most there. This unforgettable...
6 Pages 2953 Words
In the text ‘On the Advantages and Disadvantages of History for Life’, found in Untimely Meditations, Nietzsche discusses why history should serve life. However, to understand what he means by this and for the purpose of this essay, history, and life would need to be defined. According to Nietzsche, history is “the passions and loves of former centuries”, and it...
1 Page 549 Words
The Not My Son campaign continues into its third year to promote anti-crime awareness among young African-American males, ages 12 to 24, and their families in the south St. Petersburg area during the summer. In late 2015, an occurrence of multiple violent crimes took the lives of seven young men in less than two months. Rev. Kenny Irby, director of...
1 Page 560 Words
As a Christian it plays an important role in my life grateful am I how it changed my life. Back then when I was a child my family is living in immorality saying bad words then and now, unable to talk to their child calmly and like a follower of Satan. Before our family is too cramped and it pains...
1 Page 463 Words
Indeed, lessons we learn from the obstacles and challenges we face in day-to-day life play an important role in achieving success in the future. I personally can attest to this since I myself have been lucky to learn valuable lessons from some of the challenges that I come across. One which I think is very significant and has even contributed...
1 Page 408 Words
Education is the essence of progress in society. It is very useful for every individual of all ages, and it has no limit. When I’m thinking about education, “What could it be the world like without education?” Maybe no tremendous growth of technology, no scientists which can do investigations, trials, and experiments, no astronauts who can launch satellites and maintain...
1 Page 581 Words
On March 17, 2018, Facebook was exposed for leaking user information and will be sued and face a $2 trillion fine. Cambridge Analytica, a company that serves for the Trump campaign, reportedly obtained private information from nearly half a million users through a psychological test app released on Facebook. Through the analysis of this information, the campaign news was pushed...
2 Pages 987 Words
Is there a proper way to outline oneself? How can any individual who is constantly altering be described for any period? These questions have been the first to come into my mind when the task was proposed. I tried defining myself then and I determined that besides the potential to tune out the world, there is no way to have...
5 Pages 1487 Words
Intro Ambition drives individuals towards achieving their dreams and goals. It's a powerful force, fueling progress and inspiring personal and societal advancements. In the context of the United States, a nation built on the principles of freedom, opportunity, and the pursuit of happiness, ambition takes on a unique significance. This essay delves into the multifaceted nature of ambition, exploring its...
5 Pages 2115 Words
I am Dayang Nor Atika binti Johari@Juhri, a first-year student currently doing my second semester in International Studies. One of the courses that I take this semester is Political Science. In Dr. Mpawenimana Abdallah’s Political Science class, I learned a fair amount of material. In his class, we discussed basic political concepts together with their examples and we analyzed past...
1 Page 465 Words
An important event in my life was when I moved back to my farm in a new house. Before this event, I lived at the farm until our house burned down when I was somewhere around five. In between my house burning down and moving back to the farm in the new house that was built, I lived with my...
4 Pages 1938 Words
Reflective report : The process leading to my choosing the placement I wanted to work on was very simple and easy. I originally was very excited to work on the client brief for the organization Dancing Cubs Ltd- a mobile play hire company that specializes in bringing children’s soft play equipment to parties and events in London- based on the...
2 Pages 742 Words
In this era, cigarette becomes as one of the necessities in human life that must be fulfilled. Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance (SEATCA) reported that Indonesia is the country with the most smokers in ASEAN which is 65.19 million people in 2016 (Widowati, 2019). The government does many things such as raising the price and changing warnings on cigarette packaging...
1 Page 703 Words
When people talk about their life, what do you think about? Do you ever think about how fortunate you are? Why do your parents teach you certain life lessons? Well, every family teaches their children different lessons, and it is called the laws of life. It’s the way someone chooses to live their life. They have values that they use...
1 Page 655 Words
The world is full of re-used greetings and recycled grins, like secondhand birthday cards with the names scribbled out. We are obsessed with perfection because we want what we can’t have and aim for what we can’t achieve. People worship morality, while the saints look down and curse our names. Atheists drown their sorrows in holy water and flick bible...
1 Page 592 Words
Bullying is one of the stages in life that most children will sadly go through. Every school should raise money for bullying awareness in schools and develop awareness programs that can help prevent children from the mental, emotional, and physical effects of bullying. Bullying affected so many children's lives some people believe that bullying is a good thing and is...
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